Droits des hommes et des femmes, droit du travail

Human Rights

Yokogawa has explicitly defined respect for human rights as part of the group's overall goals, in its Philosophy, Standards of Business Conduct, and Group Management Standards. The company has also set up compliance hotlines for everyone working at Yokogawa as a way to avoid human-rights violations before they happen.

Yokogawa Group Management Standards

The Yokogawa Group Management Standards, which states in writing the basic policies required of group management, applies to every branch of the Yokogawa group. It gives clear rules and guidelines relating to human rights, obedience to the law, workplace safety, hygiene, etc.

The Yokogawa Group Compliance Guidelines make the following statement regarding human rights.

03 Respect for basic human rights

The Yokogawa Group always respects the basic human rights and personal dignity of every person with whom we are involved.

27 Equal Opportunity

Thanks to our fair and impartial personnel system operating under the basic policy of the Yokogawa Group, each employee is afforded equal opportunities in hiring, placement, promotion, pay rises, training, etc. An employee in a position of management or leadership must have a basic knowledge of the labor laws of the country in question, and must have a thorough knowledge of labor contracts and work regulations. It is important that he or she work on the basis of this knowledge to maintain a workplace free of unfair discrimination, engaging in ample communication with his or her subordinates and ensuring that day-to-day personnel management goes smoothly.

28 Prohibition of forced labor/child labor

Forced labor in any form whatsoever is not to be allowed; nor is any person to be made to work against their will; nor is it acceptable for children below the minimum working age of each country to be employed.
Care must be taken to ensure that we do not support inhumane conduct even indirectly, for example through the actions of business partners.

29 Ensuring health and safety

In addition to observing the laws relating to occupational safety and health, we have established our own independent standards and are striving to improve safety and health. We are working on a program of improvements to ensure the safety of every employee working for the Yokogawa Group, promote better health, and create a pleasant working environment. Each and every employee must act to cooperate with the safety and health measures that have been decided upon.

30 Prohibition of harassment

No form of harassment whatsoever is acceptable, whether it be sexual harassment, stalking, or power harassment. We respect each other as individual human beings, and have built up a corporate atmosphere in which harassment is not accepted.


Yokogawa's corporate philosophy defines "contributing to society" as a corporate mission, and calls for its employees to be good citizens.

Based on this philosophy, Yokogawa uses measurement, control and information as tools to contribute to social infrastructures that support people's daily living such as energy, communications, waterworks, etc, and to contribute to industry infrastructures, to make them run more efficiently and to help people work more safely. This philosophy is practiced by every employee and in all of the countries where Yokogawa operates, its employees have been willing volunteers, helping out when natural disasters occur.

Standards of Business Conduct

One of the five pillars in our Standards of Business Conduct explicitly states that the company will uphold respect for human rights and respect the dignity of all. Some of the particular courses of action that follow from this are preventing harassment, discrimination, privacy intrusions and maintaining an overall healthy workplace.

UN Global Compact

Yokogawa has declared its support for the UN Global Compact. The company respects the human-rights guidelines proclaimed in the Global Compact, and upholds international human-rights standards.

ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is an international standard for an organization's social responsibility which the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published in November 2010. It provides seven core subjects, such as Organizational Governance, Human Rights, Labor Practices or The Environment.
Yokogawa respects the ISO 26000 guidance in our CSR actions as a global company and pay attention to the human rights in our all business conduct.

Initiatives on Human Rights

Yokogawa Engineering Asia (Singapore)

Yokogawa Engineering Asia (YEA) has signed the employer's pledge for the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP). YEA strives to eliminate discrimination in employment and endeavors to maintain fair employment practices, such as hiring and providing appropriate terms and conditions of employment based on individuals' skills and experiences regardless of their age, race, sex, religion and family status, and offering equal training opportunities.

Yokogawa South Africa (South Africa)

South Africa has adopted Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) as a program to put racial equality into practice, thus encouraging the employment of blacks and other historically disadvantaged South Africans (HDSAs). Yokogawa South Africa (YMA-SA) is compliant in this regard and has striven to promote the employment of blacks and other peoples of color. Yokogawa South Africa (YMA-SA) has received a Level 4 certification in the new code of BEE executed in May 2015.

Attention to human rights in the supply chain

Following its Group Management Standards, Yokogawa upholds their philosophy for human rights throughout its supply chain. The Supply Chain CSR Guidelines include guidelines prohibiting forced labor, inhumane treatment and infringements of human rights, child labor, and discrimination, while ensuring appropriate wages, regulated working hours, and the right to freedom of association, and vendors are asked to follow these guidelines.
