Yokogawa has appointed Ulrich Pichler (50) as the new Managing Director of the German headquarters. In this role, from June 1, 2021, he will be responsible for the industrial automation business units at the main location in Ratingen, test and measurement technology in Herrsching and the two customer centric offices in Germany.
Ulrich Pichler (Dipl.-Ing.) Has been with the company since 1999 and has been a member of the management team at Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH since 2013. On June 1, he will take over the duties of Dr. Andreas Helget, who as President of Yokogawa Europe B.V. based in Amersfoort, NL, has been running the business in Europe since April 1st.
Ulrich Pichler studied mechanical engineering at the University of Duisburg before starting his professional career as a project engineer at Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH in 1999. As a lead engineer, he was initially responsible for projects in Germany and then in Australia. Further positions in the company as a project manager and finally as head of project management and deputy head of IA Delivery & Services followed. At the same time, Pichler expanded his academic career with an Executive Master of Business Administration in St. Gallen and Aachen. Ulrich Pichler has been a member of the management board and operations manager since 2013, and has also headed the Life Innovation Business Yokogawa Europe since 2019. In this position, Pichler is responsible for the development of solutions in the field of microscopy and life science, which support applications in basic research as well as in drug research. From June 1, 2021, Ulrich Pichler will head Yokogawa's business in Germany as Managing Director.
I am very much looking forward to my new role and I am proud to be able to count on a highly motivated team. Together we will successfully shape the future of the company. Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH is excellently positioned and has promising growth potential, especially in the life science sector. Continuing your successful strategic course will succeed if we understand our most important goals as a holistic task in the future: close, partnership-based cooperation with our customers, mutual added value with customers and the development of high-quality, sustainable solutions. (Ulrich Pichler, Managing Director Yokogawa Germany)
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About Yokogawa
Yokogawa unterhält ein weltweites Netzwerk von 114 Unternehmen an Standorten in 62 Ländern. Das Unternehmen hat sich seit seiner Gründung 1915 auf zukunftsweisende Forschung und innovative Produkte spezialisiert. Industriel-le Automatisierung, Test- und Messausrüstung sowie innovative Produkte wie z.B. für die Gesundheits- und Luftfahrt-technologie sind die Hauptgeschäftsfelder von Yokogawa. Mit dem Geschäftsbereich Life Innovation möchte das Unternehmen die Produktivität entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Pharma- und Lebensmittelindustrie deutlich verbessern. Die wichtigsten Zielmärkte der industriellen Automatisierung sind die chemische und pharmazeu-tische Industrie, die Öl- und Gasindustrie, die Energieindustrie, die Eisen- und Stahlindustrie, die Zellstoff- und Papier-industrie sowie die Lebensmittelindustrie.
Around 200 employees of the European Yokogawa organization are employed at various production and sales locations in Germany and at the headquarters of Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH in Ratingen; Around 80 automation, electrical and process engineers work at Yokogawa Germany on the conception, planning and implementation of automation solutions.
Yokogawa Europe B.V. was founded in 1982. Since its inception, the European headquarters have been in the Netherlands in Amersfoort. The European network consists of sales, service and engineering organizations in a large number of countries.
You can find more information about Yokogawa at http://www.yokogawa.com/de/.
Press contact: Chantal Guerrero, Tel .: 02102-4983-134, chantal.guerrero@de.yokogawa.com
Yokogawa Germany GmbH, Broichhofstr. 7-11, D-40880 Ratingen