For a company, successful digital transformation means continuously exploring the possibilities of smart technologies in order to efficiently master specific use cases. The more comprehensively companies understand the process of digital transformation in industrial services and the more reflectively they help to shape it with the involvement of people, processes and technologies, the more they will benefit from it in the future. The keys to this include safety, cybersecurity, and the ability to see what matters at a glance.
Are you curious and would like to get an insight into OpreXTM Managed Service?
Then register now for our next webinar on "Seeing the Bottom Line with OpreXTMm Managed Service - Smart Move for Reliability-Oriented Digital Industrial Services".
In this 45-minute webinar you will learn:
- How to make the transition to a reliability-centric digital industrial service a success
- How your organization becomes a "Data Driven and Data Powered Enterprise", how to gain sovereignty over your data and see real-time operational states
- How to break down the data silos in your organization and provide a single source of truth
- How to ensure resilience through continuous risk management How to connect your on-premise landscape to the cloud.
Be there!
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Register now!
Don't have time to attend live? No problem! Register anyway and receive materials and a link to the webinar recording!
Our experts:
Fatma Evren
Industry Marketing Communication Manager Services
Ashok Sadasivam
Cybersecurity Consultant Industrial Automation Services
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