Yokogawa is represented with a booth at the english speaking Process Safety Congress in the Netherlands. Through the years personal safety obtained a lot of attention. The disaster in 2005 at the Texas City Refinery learned that for avoiding this type of catastrophic incidents, another approach is necessary: Process Safety! That is the management of processes with hazardous chemicals.
The aim of this Congress is to strengthen the process safety culture by networking and by sharing knowledge. During the year the individual companies are strongly internally focussed, while learning together speeds-up the process. To do so, world class speakers and interesting topics are selected to share experience and learnings. Further a network forum supports the knowledge exchange at individual level. The Process Safety Congress is aimed at the technical safety specialists, managers and inspectors that are related to companies that are dealing with hazardous chemical processes.
Key note speakers
- Senior consultant Mike Johnson of DNV-GL on 'The Buncefield & Jaipur Cloud explosions’
- Oil and Gas expert Victor Roggeveen on 'The influence of leader behavior on safety performance’
- VP Pol Hoorelbeke of TotalEnergies about 'the energy transition & Process Safety'.
For whom?
Technical safety specialists and managers of companies that deal with hazardous chemical processes.