Establish real-time protection in OT against cyber threats (Dutch)

Dates: Oct 12, 2021
Location: FHI Cyber Security event

A practical setup for IEC 62443

Internationally, IEC 62443 is the most widely used security standard for Industrial Automation and Control Systems. But how do you translate this standard to a practical implementation, and reach the required cyber security level good - better - best? In other words: how do you get from a paper document to a practical setup in Operational Technology (OT)?

Mark Hellinghuizer is the inspiring speaker on behalf of Yokogawa about OT cyber security with more than 15 years of practical experience in OT security. He will tell you during this Dutch FHI event on Tuesday October 12 how to protect your plant on different levels by developing, implementing, and maintaining cyber-proof activities using a risk-based approach.

Interested? Register now for this free event in the Netherlands where Yokogawa will give one of the presentations.

FHI Industrial Cyber Security event

When is your company sufficiently 'cyber secure'? Where are the challenges in the essential cooperation between your IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology) department? How do you take advantage of digital innovations while keeping a grip on your information security?

The Industrial Cyber Security event organised by FHI and co-sponsored by Yokogawa will take place on Tuesday 12 October 2021. During the day we inform you about the challenges and opportunities in the field of Cyber Security in the industry.

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