Dates: Nov 15 - 18, 2021
Location: Hotel Melia Castilla, Madrid, Spain

We are glad to participate in ERTC, the largest gathering of refining and petrochemical leadership within Europe, together with our colleagues from KBC and RAP. Visit our stand (look for number 15) and listen to the keynote session, 'Savings through safety and the integrated worker' on day 3.

Keynote session: Savings through safety and the integrated worker

17 November 2021, 14:35, Stream C
Mark Breese, Yokogawa RAP

  • Promoting reduced risk of a safety or environmental incident
  • A more efficient workplace
  • The digitally integrated worker is the next step beyond industry 4.0

Find out more and register at the ERTC website or check the agenda.

ERTC is Europe’s largest meeting place for the world’s downstream leaders, bringing together refineries and technology providers to address the short-, medium- and long-term issues affecting the industry. Hot topics for 2021 include the recovery from a volatile 2020 and shaping refining’s role in Europe’s long-term sustainable, decarbonised energy system.
