Steve? Where is Steve? Steve is currently at the analyzer shelter belonging to plant 3, which is temperamental again. It’s the third time already this month. The shelter is over 20 years old and should have been replaced long ago.
On the other hand, the plant itself is due to be replaced five years from now, so there won’t be any more investments in new analytics for the time being. Luckily, Steve is an expert and has always sorted it out somehow or otherwise. In two years, though, Steve will be retiring. What will we do when he’s gone?
Someone will have to apply themselves to that shelter more fully – and see if it might be an option, after all, to keep it going for another few years without having to scrap the whole thing. The gas chromatograph (GC) is actually in quite good shape. Let’s face it: you don’t buy a new car just because the tires have worn down. It can’t be that complicated!
Check out our new and free webinar “GC AI” here:
Couldn’t we get one of the analyzer system integrators to apply themselves? Unfortunately, they’re all interested in those big, fat, greenfield projects. They’re probably not interested in making one small part of a brownfield plant fit again.
Is that the case? Does that situation sound familiar to you?
One-stop shop
Yokogawa has been doing ASI — Analyzer System Integration — for over 50 years. Until recently, ASI was on show at a trade fair called ACHEMA. The message is “one-stop shop” — everything from one supplier. Yokogawa has proven its ability to handle large-scale greenfield projects with, say, 75 gas chromatographs in 15 analyzer shelters time and time again. Those are flagship projects, of course.
When less is more
Yet, regardless of how great ASI is for greenfield projects, it won’t help Steve solve his problem. He’s not out to build a new refinery. What Steve needs instead for his brownfield plant is a customized solution. In other words, he’d be very happy to settle for less than the full month.
The analytical solution no longer works as it should, even though the GCs are still in fairly good condition. On the other hand, the sample conditioning system looks certain to give up the ghost sometime soon – it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep it alive. Moreover, some requirements have changed over the years for operational reasons. A completely new plant would be a waste. That’s why an upgrade is the most sensible and economical answer, preferably with training for the plant’s maintenance technicians.
Steve could imagine a scenario like this: a colleague from Yokogawa drops by, looks at the shelter, and makes suggestions – a bit of engineering by an expert, a system foundation nearby, as well as installation, commissioning support, and briefing where necessary. Operation and maintenance are routine, and there are unlikely surprises in those areas. On the other hand, the supplier will likely make repair visits at short notice and should ideally be nearby. ASI light, as it were.
Support with services
Can we arouse your interest with another scenario? Perhaps you’ll recognize this one.
The analytical solution has been around for a long time, but it’s no longer easy with your resources. Moreover, the person who built the plant is not sitting just over the road controlling repair and maintenance assignments with his remote. And, because of the plant’s age, it’s a safe bet that those assignments will be necessary more often. Regrettably, the investment in a replacement plant will probably not materialize for a while yet, pending strategic decisions by the company management (it’s the same everywhere today). However, the customer is keen to take advantage of maintenance and troubleshooting by the local Yokogawa branch office.
Pocket-sized ASI
Incidentally, the smallest project that Yokogawa has ever handled is this:
Can you see the blue CD on the left to give you an idea of the scale?
This is a utility panel for a laser spectrometer. The project management comprised a single page in Excel and a small amount of text. The panel was manufactured by a nearby Yokogawa partner (near to the customer and Yokogawa, that is), and then shipped to the client. It makes a good testimonial for a project that was realized comparatively easily.
Feel free to contact us if your solution is getting old and causing you headaches—or if you’re searching for a very specific spectrum of services.
Check out our new and free webinar “GC AI” here:
(This is an updated article from 2018)