Autonomous robot surveillance: How can we make operators’ lives better?

Frequent and thorough monitoring takes up valuable time from operators and management. Robotics is the right way to improve efficiency. ATEX/IECEx Zone 1 certified robots will be the new benchmark for inspection and monitoring of hazardous areas.

Limit monotonous tasks

Considering the strict rules and regulations that the industry must conform to, frequent and thorough surveillance takes up valuable time from operators and management. The daily surveillance rounds are mandatory and necessary, that does not make them inspiring or motivating. Surveillance is no different than any other monotonous task, it is tedious. This can lead to lack of interest with the operators, which may lead to good employees leaving the company. Outflow of talent is a problem for companies. Especially if these good employees quit unexpectedly and suddenly leave the company with a shortage of capable personnel. Staff turnover leads to costs and training time. For example, it takes an employee six months to become fully functional. Limiting monotonous tasks could be a solution to this challenge.

Limit the time and energy operators spend on surveillance

Robotics is the way to go when improving efficiency. ATEX/IECEx Zone 1 certified robots will be the new benchmark for inspecting and surveying potentially explosive facilities. They are equipped with a range of sensors and cameras that use a wireless network to communicate with an operator located in a safe control room. Robots can manoeuvre in tight spaces, read the gauges, collect data and return to their docking station. They can survey the same route daily without failure, not minding the lack of variety in tasks. The operator can survey the plant through the lens of a robot, reducing time and improving safety.

Increase consistent information

What if you could inspect the same route, at the same time, from exactly the same viewpoint? You could compare the observations; you could detect progressions and trends. Consistent information is the basis of comparison and statistics, statistics lead to informed decisions to enhance development and efficiency.  How to ensure that the surveillance and inspections are identical; let a robot perform autonomous routes  with predefined tasks. It allows the operator to concentrate fully on the findings.

Increase personal development through knowledge

How do managers recognize the signals of a dissatisfied employee? And how can they prevent an early departure? Limiting monotonous tasks could be a solution to this challenge, but not the only solution. Providing challenges and training to operators will ensure their loyalty. And what better knowledge than cutting edge technology? Letting operators join the robotics evolution will not only increase the knowledge level at the organisation, but surely will increase their enthusiasm and commitment.

Robotics is on the up and up, its star is rising and there is no escaping its development. How do you improve the operators’ life?  Do you think autonomous inspections are a part of the solution?

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