GC1000 Mark II
Notificar: Este producto fue descontinuado en el Apr 27, 2015.

Yokogawa has developed and manufactured Gas Chromatographs for worldwide sales since the mid 1980's. As Japan's leading manufacturer of process gas chromatographs, Yokogawa has always offered its customers the most advanced gas chromatograph technology available. Yokogawa has emphasized for decades the reliability and flexibility of our GC product series in performing real-time process analysis.

The GC1000 MarkII is capable of meeting all of our customers process requirements. It is used successfully in a variety of applications from hydrocarbon processing to refining, to the manufacturing of fine chemicals. The GC1000 MarkII can be installed either directly online or nearby in a process analyzer systems house. Measurementation a division of Yokogawa Corporation of America, designs and fabricates process analyzer systems, including sample systems, racks, panels and air-conditioned analyzer houses to fit our customer specific needs.

Most process analyzers are operated by personnel from the front of the analyzer. However, the GC1000 Mark II incorporates an analyzer bus system, that allows maintenance and operation of the analyzers from a remote location. A personal computer can be used as a terminal for operating the analyzers, enabling maintenance personnel to operate the gas chromatograph using a comprehensive computer screen interface.

The GC1000 MarkII has the global knowledge and support of the Yokogawa Team to ensure our customers the highest level of performance and reliability.

  • Capability to analyze PIONA and distillation points
  • Capability of analyzing high boiling point liquid samples
  • Capability of analyzing samples in a very wide range of boiling points
  • Easy operation via user friendly interface
  • Enhanced maintenance using PC operation
  • Achievement High sensitivity TCD detector
  • Expectation of the effective result by EPC
  • Low Maintenance

Examples of industry applications The GC1000 can be used for monitoring and quality control in the following industries and applications:

  • Petrochemistry:Ethylene, Poly-propylene, Polyethylene,BTX, Butadiene, Vinyl chloride, Styrene, Alcohol, Aldehyde, Ester, and Vinyl acetate
  • Petroleum refinery: Distillation point analysis, PNA/PINA analysis, FCC, Sulfurrecovery
  • Chemistry: Silicone, Chlorides, Fluorine compounds, Formalin, methanol, Ureas, Ammonia, Phenol
  • Electric power/gas: Fuel gas, Exhaust gases, Coal gasification/liquefaction, Fuel cell
  • Iron and steel: Blast furnace, Coke oven
  • Chemicals: Chemicals, Agricultural Chemicals
  • Environmental monitoring: Air pollution observation, Plant/Work environmental analyses


Descripción General:
  • OTS for familialization of liquefaction processes and operator training.
  • Yokogawa's integrated solutions contribute to safe and steady production at gas liquefaction plant in Norway.
Descripción General:
  • Fast online gas chromatograph (GC) analysis for LPG distillation.
  • The analytical upgrade project with Yokogawa's process GCs was complete success.
Descripción General:

High volumes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), typified by trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene, have long been used in various industrial fields for their high degrees of industrial usefulness. On the other hand, there is a growing awareness of environment preservation today, and of the fact that we face serious environmental pollution due to such harmful VOCs.

Reporte Técnico de Yokogawa
Descripción General:

In recent years, shale gas extraction technology has made rapid progress, inducing a shale gas revolution mainly in the USA. Thus, the need for analysis of hydrocarbon gases, including natural gas, is expected to grow rapidly. Traditionally gas chromatography has been used for the analysis of hydrocarbon gases; it can accurately measure the concentration of each hydrocarbon component in a sample of natural gas.

Descripción General:

Loek van Eijck, Yokogawa, The Netherlands, questions whether rapid analysis of gases and liquids can be better achieved through use of a gas chromatograph or near infrared analyser. Conventionally, the liquid and gas components such as those broken down by naphtha crackers have been measured by a process gas chromatograph (PGC), with the subsequent measurement values then being used for control purposes.


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