Expectations for adoption of autonomous operations, by industry0%20%40%60%80%100%10%30%50%70%90%11%89%8%92%12%88%9%91%17%83%11%89%16%84%4%96%TotalChemicals andpetrochemicalOli & GasupstreamOli & Gasmid-streamLife science(Pharmaceuticalsand Biopharma)PowergenerationPowergeneration-renewablesReningYesNoThis global survey also found that a vast majority of companies across a broad array of process industries expect to achieve autonomous operations.The implementation of smart manufacturing involves more than just introducing new technologies as they become available; one must have clear priorities based on an analysis of the status quo and expected outcomes, and a coherent vision for the future. It is anticipated that the deployment of AI and cognitive systems will enable adaptive, self-optimizing processes that will lead to the realization of autonomous production systems.As an overall trend, digital transformation investments focus around production in an enterprise.6 A Digital Transformation Leaders' Guide to Industrial Autonomy
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