Präzise pH- und Redoxmessungen vom Analysegerät zu erhalten und diese Daten korrekt zu interpretieren ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um die Produktqualität zu gewährleisten und die Sensor-Lebensdauer korrekt zu prognostizieren.
Die pH- und ORP-Messlösungen von Yokogawa umfassen 2-Leiter- und 4-Leiter-Analysatoren mit einer Online-Sensordiagnose in Echtzeit für zuverlässige Ergebnisse. Unsere pH- und ORP-Analysegeräte nutzen neueste Sensortechnologie für die vorausschauende Instandhaltung. Geringerer Zeit- und Materialaufwand für die Wartung und den Austausch der Sensoren optimiert so die Betriebskosten.
FLXA202/21 | PH450 | |
Bereichsklassifizierung | Allgemeine Anwendung Klasse I, Div I Klasse I, Div II |
Allgemeine Anwendung Klasse I, Div II |
Spannungsversorgung | 24VDC schleifengespeist (2-Leiter) |
110VAC, 24VDC (4-Leiter) |
Kommunikation | 4-20mA, HART, FF und PA* | 4–20 mA, HART |
Kontakte und Relais | Keine | 4 SPDT-Relais |
*FF (FOUNDATION-Fieldbus) und PA (Profibus)-Kommunikation nur verfügbar im FLXA21
Mehrkanal-4-Leiter-Analysator FLXA402
Die Analysatoren der FLEXA™-Serie sind modular gestaltete Analysegeräte für kontinuierliche Online-Messungen in industriellen Anlagen. Sie ermöglichen Messungen mit einem oder mehreren Sensoren.
2-Leiter-Messumformer/-Analysator FLXA202
Die Analysatoren der FLEXA™ Serie werden für kontinuierliche Online-Messungen in industriellen Anlagen verwendet. Mit der Option für die Ein- oder Zwei-Sensor-Messung sind sie die flexibelsten 2-Leiter-Analysegeräte auf dem Markt.
2-Leiter-Analysator FLXA202/21
Die Analysatoren der FLEXA-Serie werden für kontinuierliche Online-Messungen in industriellen Anlagen verwendet. Mit der Option für die Ein- oder Zwei-Sensor-Messung sind sie die flexibelsten 2-Leiter-Analysegeräte auf dem Markt.
FC20 Reinigungssysteme
Für industrielle Anwendungen und insbesondere für automatische Prozessmessungen ist es von größter Bedeutung, dass der empfindliche Teil der Glaselektrode und die Membran der Referenzelektrode sauber gehalten werden.
Verlängerungs-Anschlussbox BA10/WTB10
Bei größeren Entfernungen zwischen der Messstelle und dem Analysator, insbesondere wenn die Entfernung die Länge der Standard-Elektrodenkabel überschreitet, bietet dieses Anschlusszubehör eine zweckmäßige Möglichkeit zum Anschluss der Sensorkabel an das Messinstrument.
Portable pH Meter PH91, Portable pH/ORP Meter PH92
Tough, easy-to-use handheld pH/ORP meter that can be carried anywhere.
It can measure pH and ORP stably and accurately.
As your daily measurement partner. -
Handmessgerät PH71/PH72
Das Messgerät PH71/PH72 für pH und/oder ORP (Redox) ist kompakt, benutzerfreundlich, wasserdicht und ideal für den Feldeinsatz. Mit „One-Touch-Kalibrierung“ und Temperaturkompensation. Intelligente pH-Messgeräte in Laborqualität – preiswert, im tragbaren Taschenformat
Flüssigkeitsanalysator FLXA402T für Trübungs- und Chlormessungen
Der FLXA402T ist ein Analysator der nächsten Generation, das mit einem Trübungsdetektor und Chlorsensor verbunden werden kann. An den FLXA402T können bis zu zwei Sensoren für Trübung, Chlorgehalt, pH-Wert und Leitfähigkeit angeschlossen werden, wobei auch eine digitale Kommunikation möglich ist.
Der "Product Finder" ist ein Web-Tool, das es Ihnen ermöglicht Produkte hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendung, Messbedingungen und erforderlichen Spezifikationen zu filtern.
Optimierung und Eliminierung unerwarteter Vor-Ort-Wartung, Kalibrierung und Systemkonfiguration durch Einsatz der integrierten Echtzeitdiagnose und Funktionen für die vorausschauende Wartung der pH- und ORP-Analysegeräte von Yokogawa.
Rein- und Reinstwasser
Reinwasser weist eine sehr geringe Leitfähigkeit und somit einen hohen Widerstand auf, da alle leitenden Inhaltsstoffe entfernt wurden. In Kombination mit Verschmutzungsanfälligkeit und Temperaturempfindlichkeit machen Lösungen mit geringer Leitfähigkeit genaue pH-Messungen sehr schwierig. Reinwasser und Reinstwasser wird in verschiedenen industriellen Prozessen verwendet, etwa in den Bereichen Halbleiter, Strom, Wasserwirtschaft und Pharmaindustrie.
Mit einem traditionellen pH-Analysator genaue und verlässliche Messwerte zu erzielen ist eine Herausforderung, aber mit der richtigen Ausrüstung lassen sich stabile und präzise Reinwasser-pH-Messungen erreichen.
Wasser und Abwasser
Die Wasserqualität ist in allen Bereichen der industriellen Prozessautomatisierung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Anwendungen wie Aquakulturen und die Aufbereitung von chromhaltigem Abwasser sind auf präzise pH- und ORP-Messungen angewiesen, um sichere pH-Werte oder eine ordentliche Kontrolle der Chromat-Reduzierung zu gewährleisten.
4-Leiter- und 2-Leiter-pH-Analysatoren von Yokogawa mit geeigneter Eintaucharmatur und entsprechenden Sensoren sind ideal zum Messen dieser wichtigen pH- und ORP-Werte.
Zellstoff und Papier
Die anspruchsvollen Anwendungen und schwierigen Prozessbedingungen in Zellstofffabriken stellen große Anforderungen an präzise, reproduzierbare und zuverlässige Flüssigkeitsanalysatoren. Für die Aufbereitung von Abwasser aus Zellstoff- und Papierfabriken müssen korrekte pH-Werte aufrechterhalten werden, die sich durch einen pH-Analysator kontrollieren lassen.
pH- und ORP-Analysatoren von Yokogawa verfügen über Echtzeit-Sensordiagnose und Funktionen für die vorausschauende Wartung zur kontinuierlichen und stabilen Messung von pH-Werten, machen häufige manuelle Reinigungen überflüssig und ermöglichen einen effizienten Einsatz von Flockungsmitteln.
In der chemischen Industrie steht jede Flüssigkeitsanalysemessung vor mehrfachen Herausforderungen wie chemisch aggressive Substanzen, Wartung, Sicherheit, Konsistenz und Zuverlässigkeit. In Rauchgasentschwefelungsanlagen, die Magnesiumhydroxid-Schlamm (Mg(OH)2) verwenden, wird der Verbrauch des Entschwefelungsmittels (Mg(OH)2) mit Online-pH-Analysatoren gesteuert.
Die pH-Messlösungen von Yokogawa sorgen für stabile kontinuierliche pH-Messungen über lange Zeiträume, reduzieren die Betriebskosten und machen eine manuelle Reinigung überflüssig.
One of the primary applications for high purity water is for boiler feed water. The measurement of pure water pH can be one of the quickest indicators of process contamination in the production or distribution of pure water. Effective chemical treatment of the feed water is vital in maintaining the useful operating life and minimizing maintenance costs of the boiler.
Industry:Power, Pharmaceutical, Common
The proliferation of microorganisms and the resultant formation of slime is a problem which commonly occurs in aqueous systems. Problematic slime producing microbes may include bacteria, fungi and/or algae. Slime deposits typically occur in many industrial aqueous systems including cooling water systems, pulp and paper mill systems, petroleum operations, clay and pigment slurries, recreational water systems, air washer systems, decorative fountains, food, beverage, and industrial process pasteurizers, sweetwater systems, gas scrubber systems, latex systems, industrial lubricants, cutting fluids, etc.
Industry:Refining, Food and beverage, Power, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Chemical
There are a number of suppliers of oil and fat products used for edible purposes. These products include, but are not limited to olive oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, lard, shortening, butter, and margarine. The raw materials for these products include animal by-products, fleshy fruits (palm and olive), and oilseeds.
Industry:Food and Beverage
Control of sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration at a salt dissolver where solid salt is dissolved in water, is highly important because of the electrolysis efficiency. A conventional way of measuring the concentration of supersaturated NaCl solution had been performed by using non-contact type sensors (e.g., γ-ray density meter) since NaCl, impurities, and precipitates are in the solution.
In the manufacturing process of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food & Beverage industries, the cleaning and sterilization of tanks and piping are done with various cleaning solutions, fresh or hot water and steam after manufacturing products. Clean-In-Place (CIP) is the system designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting.
Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.
The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.
Cyanide-bearing wastewater from mining and electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants is toxic and must be treated by oxidation with chlorine or chloride to bring the cyanide concentration within regulatory limits.
Industry:Electrical and Electronics
The treatment of wastewater from pulp and paper plants is a serious environmental concern. Yokogawa's submersion holder with an ultrasonic+air-jet cleaner (customized product) can reduce the manual cleaning frequency to just once every one or two months.
Industry:Pulp & Paper
Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. Problems at the wet end (stock preparation) can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.
Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant. Removal of these components is done by sending the sour water from the process to a stripping tower where heat, in the form of steam, is applied.
Power plant boiler houses designed to burn coal or high sulfur oil are required by Federal and State pollution regulations to "scrub" (remove) sulfur dioxide from flue gasses to meet emission limits. SO2 in flue gasses is known to be harmful to the environment, as it is one contributor to the formation of acid rain. pH control is critical for the proper functioning of the scrubber system.
For control of batch neutralization, a pH measurement coupled with a timer-controlled chemical feed scheme provides very satisfactory results.
This system can be adapted for either acid waste or alkaline waste neutralization.
Wet scrubbers are used in utilities, paper mills, and chemical plants to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other pollutants from gas streams. Undesirable pollutants are removed by contacting the gases with an aqueous solution or slurry containing a sorbent. The most common sorbents are lime, Ca(OH)2, and limestone, CaCO3.
Wastes have been considered to be a serious worldwide environmental problem in recent years. Because of increasing pollution, these wastes should be treated. However, industrial wastes can contain a number of valuable organic components. Recovery of these components is important economically. Using conventional distillation techniques, the separation of acetic acid and water is both impractical and uneconomical, because it often requires large number of trays and a high reflux ratio. In practice special techniques are used depending on the concentration of acetic acid.
In flue gas desulfurization systems that use magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) slurry, the consumption of the desulfurization agent (Mg(OH)2) is controlled by using online pH analyzers. A great concern in the pH measurement is heavy staining of the pH electrodes by the Mg(OH)2 slurry. To ensure accurate measurement, frequent cleaning of the electrodes with an acid is required, adding to both maintenance workload and cost.
Industry:Chemical, Power
In stable dispersion of fine particles is the pre-requisite for the selective flocculation technique involving separation of ultra-fine valuable particles from the gangue. Among mineral processing techniques selective flocculation technique is known to have outstanding potential of capturing the particles of particular mineral in slurry of mixed mineral system by selective adsorption of water soluble polymers known as flocculants.
Brewery is facility to produce beer. Breweries process is the manufacturing process of beer, which is a fermented beverage with low alcohol content made from various types of grain. Wheat, maize and other grains can be used for this. Brewing process starts from malted barley that is to form a mash by milling and mixing with hot water. The malt starches are converted to sugars during this process. This sugar rich water is then strained through the bottom of the mash and will be called as "wort". Then the wort will be brought to boil by bringing to the brew kettle. For bitterness or aroma hops are to be added at different times during the boil. Then the wort is cooled and aerated. And brewers yeast is added for fermentation. From the sweet wort the yeast produces carbon dioxide, alcohol and other byproducts. The GREEN BEER undergoes maturation after fermentation. Filtaration and carbonation are the last steps. Finally the beer will be stay in holding tank until it is bottled or kegged.
After extraction from sugar cane or sugar beets, juice must be purified to remove the many other organics and minerals that accompany it. The processing to accomplish this is heavily dependent on reliable pH measurement and control as illustrated.
Wastewater from electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants contains toxic forms of hexavalent chromium such as chromate and dichromate. The hexavalent chromium in this wastewater must be reduced before the water can be discharged. This requires a two-step process: hexavalent chromium (CR6) is reduced to trivalent chromium (CR3); and CR3 is precipitated as chromium hydroxide.
Industry:Electrical and Electronics
Fish perform all their bodily functions in water. Because fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed and grow, excrete wastes, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce, understanding the physical and chemical qualities of water is critical to successful aquaculture. To a great extent water determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.
To facilitate the accurate measurement of pH, and its presentation as a scale, a range of "standard liquids" or "buffer solutions" are used. These liquids, whose constituents are accurately defined, have known stable values. Although in the preceding text the relationship to hydrogen ions has been made, research has shown, that the activity of hydroxonium ions (H30+) is more relevant.
- FLXA202 2-Leiter Analysator (DE) (1.3 MB)
- FLXA202 2-Wire Liquid Analyzer (1.6 MB)
- FLXA21 2-Leiter Flüssigkeitsanalysator (1.6 MB)
- FLXA21 2-Wire Liquid Analyzer (1.3 MB)
- pH-Kalibrier-Service
- Portable pH Meter, pH/ORP Meter, Conductivity Meter (4.7 MB)
- Analysatoren mit Tastbildschirm
- FLXA402 4-Wire Liquid Analyzer, SA11 SENCOM Smart Adapter (2.9 MB)
- Electrolyzer Solution Instruments and Solution for Ion-Membrane Electrolyzer Plant Application (3.4 MB)
- PH71/PH72/SC72 Personal pH, pH/ORP, Conductivity Meters (1.8 MB)
- Yokogawa in the water industry (17.1 MB)
- Model PH202SJ [Style: S2] 2-wire pH/ORP Transmitter (293 KB)
- Discontinued: PH71Personal pH Meter Quick Manual (455 KB)
- Discontinued: PH72 Personal pH/ORP Meter Quick Manual (496 KB)
- PH201G Distributor (1.1 MB)
- PUS400G Ultrasonic Oscillator (1.3 MB)
- Model WU11 Interconnection/Extension Cable for SENCOMR Products (317 KB)
- PH8TBG, PH8TBS, OR8TBG, WTB10 Protection of Environment (Use in China) (183 KB)
- FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer (1.7 MB)
- FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer (1.1 MB)
- pH and ORP Sensors (1.6 MB)
- Sensor Holders (3.2 MB)
- PH4/OR4 Sensor Series pH and ORP Sensors (707 KB)
- FLXA402 4-Wire Converter (1.5 MB)
- ST401G Sampling System (5.1 MB)
Technische Dokumentationen
- FLXA202/FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer HART Communication (1.8 MB)
- pH/ORP Analyzer Selection Guide (726 KB)
- FLEXA/EXA PH Series Process pH Meters Basic and Products (1.2 MB)
- Cation Differential Quick Start Guide (1.4 MB)
- FLXA21 Coating Procedure (235 KB)
- Process Liquid Analyzer Sensor Wiring Guide
- Back to the phuture - pH and ORP Learning Handbook (5.3 MB)
- K9020XA / Powder for buffer solution (pH4) (280 KB)
- K9020XB / Powder for buffer solution (pH7) (281 KB)
- K1520BK - Sodium buffer solution pH 9.00 (+/-0.02) natural (240 KB)
- K1520BG - Buffer solution NA pH 2.00 (+/-0.02) natural (254 KB)
- K1520BH - Sodium buffer solution pH4.00(+/-0.02) naturel (243 KB)
- K1520BJ - Buffer solution NA pH 7.00 (+/-0.02) natural (219 KB)
- K1520BE - Standard buffer pH 9.18 kit, yellow (233 KB)
- K1520BD - Buffer solution pH 6.87 kit, orange/yellow (231 KB)
- K1520BC - Buffer solution pH 4.01 kit, red/pink 3 x 500 ml (220 KB)
- K9020XC / Powder for ph9 standard solution (251 KB)
- K9084KH, K9084LN / pH9 standard solution (189 KB)
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