Event Mr 20 - 24 2023 Albgut Altes Lager Hauptstraße 318TIM2023 (Trends in Microscopy 2023)
“Trends in Microscopy” (TiM), the biennial conference of GerBI-GMB, alias GerBI-GMB Spring School, is an intense microscopy training camp offering hands-on workshops and scientific talks from distinguished guest speakers. The program also covers fundamentals of optics and practical sessions on image analysis.
Webinar Mr 28, 2023 4:00 Improving genome editing pipeline efficiencies with nanopipette delivery
Discover how to generate genome-edited clonal cell populations in as little as ~3 weeks using nanopipette injection.
Messe Mai 9 - 11 2023 Deutsche Messe AG, Messegelände, 30521 HannoverLabvolution
As the European trade fair for innovative laboratory equipment and the optimization of laboratory workflows, LABVOLUTION presents an incomparable variety of topics. The focus of LABVOLUTION is particularly on the topics of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and sustainability. In addition to the interdisciplinary exhibition area, the concept of LABVOLUTION convinces with attractive formats for knowledge transfer, exchange of experience, and networking.
Messe Mai 23 - 25 2023 Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GermanyThe Battery Show Europe
The Battery Show Europe & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo conference delivers insight into key business and technical challenges, tackling relevant issues like next-generation battery development that can reduce manufacturing costs and OEM technology strategies for battery design.
Konferenz Mai 24 - 25 2023 Brussels, BelgiumSLAS Europe 2023 Conference & Exhibition
Get a CQ1 Live demonstration at SLAS Europe! Visit our Life Science booth 526 from May 24-25 in Brussels, Belgium!
Messe Jun 21, 2023 Hamburg (Germany)MSR Messe Hamburg
MEORGA organizes technologically oriented trade fairs with accompanying specialist presentations for products in the field of measurement technology, control technology, process control systems and automation technology.
Event Jun 26 - 30 2023 Berlin (Germany)MPS World Summit in Berlin
The MPS World Summit, with the support of more than forty organizations, invites you to join us at the second Microphysiological Systems World Summit in Berlin.
Messe Sep 13, 2023 Friedrich-Ebert-HalleMSR Messe Ludwigshafen 2023
MEORGA veranstaltet technologisch orientierte Fachmessen mit begleitenden Fachpräsentationen für Produkte aus den Bereichen Messtechnik, Steuerungstechnik, Prozessleitsysteme und Automatisierungstechnik.
Event Sep 26 - 28 2023 Messe BaselIlmac 2023 Messe Basel
Inspirierend für die Zukunft der Chemie und der Life Sciences.
Ilmac-Highlights wie die science-driven Conference, die Start-up Area, die Pharma Logistics Days oder Sonderschauen zum Thema Fachkräftemangel (Job Connect) und das Labor der Zukunft & Green Lab präsentieren wichtige Branchenthemen in Basel in konzentrierter Form. -
Event Sep 27 - 28 2023 Kongress und Messe BremenHydrogen Technology Conference & Expo 2023
Technologien und Lösungen für eine kohlenstoffarme Wasserstoffzukunft
Die weltweit größte Zuliefermesse für Wasserstofftechnologien, Materialien, Komponenten und technische Lösungen.
Konferenz Okt 18 - 19 2023 LiverpoolDrug Discovery 2023
Are you eager to delve into the cutting-edge world of drug discovery? Explore groundbreaking technologies shaping the future of life sciences? Look no further than the Yokogawa Life Science booth at the ELRIG Drug Discovery Event, taking place at ACC Liverpool on October 18th and 19th!
Konferenz Nov 14 - 16 2023 Nürnberg MesseSPS Nürnberg - Smart Production Solutions: Bringing Automation to Life
Praxisnah. Zukunftsweisend. Persönlich.
Konferenz Nov 21 - 22 2023 StevenageHigh Content Imaging and Flow Cytometry in Drug Discovery 2023
Meet our Life Science Team at the High Content Imaging and Flow Cytometry in Drug Discovery 2023 in Stevenage, UK!
Konferenz Nov 27 - 29 2023 Hochschule NiederrheinAK PAT Kolloquium 2023
Was gibt es Neues in der PAT? Auf unserem 18. AK PAT-Kolloquium wollen wir gemeinsam herausfinden, wie PAT uns hilft, die angestrebte Produktqualität zu erreichen.