Towards Green House Gas Reduction

In plants, the potential for significant steam loss exists due to the failure of steam traps.
The industrial IoT wireless solution, Sushi Sensor, supports energy monitoring by visualizing the condition of steam traps.



Zugehörige Produkte & Lösungen

  • Wireless Steam Trap Monitoring Device

    This product acts as a battery-powered wireless steam trap monitoring device, and it is suitable for Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications. Wireless Steam Trap Monitoring Device detects the condition of a steam trap by its acoustic sensor and temperature sensor.

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  • A Wireless IIoT Solution Sushi Sensor

    Sushi Sensor is a wireless solution for Industrial IoT (IIoT). It has excellent environmental resistance, and adapts LoRaWAN®, a wide area wireless communication method that realizes power saving and long-distance communication.

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