CV1000 Applications

Application : CV1000

Early stage embryo

Early stage mouse embryo

Early stage mouse embryo

Long-term, 4D timelapse imaging

Following the injection of mouse embryos with mRNA, nearly 25,000 multicolor and multilayer confocal images of the embryos were acquired over 60 hour period as they developed to the blastocysts stage.Thereafter, they were transferred to a recipient mouse that gave birth to healthy pups, each of which developed normally and had full reproductive capability.This is firm evidence that long-term, multi-dimensional confocal imaging with CV1000 causes no harm to a delicate specimen such as an early stage embryo.

Data:  Kazuo Yamagata, PhD, Wakayama Lab. (Laboratory for Genomic Reprogramming), Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN

Long-term, 4D timelapse imaging

Green:  Spindle
Red:  Nucleus(H2B-mRFP1)

Imaging condition
Total time 60hours(2.5days)
Interval 15min
Z-sections/stack 51sections(2um apart)
Imaging positions 6fields(72embryos)
Excitation 488nm, 561nm
Objective lens 20X oil

Early stage chicken embryo

Early stage chicken embryo

Time lapse imaging of chicken embryo

Data:  Yukiko Nakaya, Ph.D., Laboratory for Early Embryogenesis , Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN

Time lapse imaging of chicken embryo

Left:  Whole embryo
Center:  Image of lateral epiblast cells from the apical side
Right:  Magnified view of image (The boxed region shown in center image

Time lapse imaging of chicken embryo

Green:  Microtubule(EB1-EBFP)

Imaging condition
Total time 1min
Interval 2sec
Z-sections/stack 11sections(1um apart)
Imaging positions 1field
Excitation 488nm
Objective lens 100X oil

Early stage human embryo

Early stage human embryo

Mikiko Tokoro, Ph.D., Noritaka Fukunaga, Ph.D. and Yoshimasa Asada, M.D., Ph.D. at Asada Institute for Reproductive Medicine won an ART award in video section at the ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) held in Boston on Oct 12-17th, 2013.

Brain slice

The cerebral cortex of chicken

The cerebral cortex of chicken

Interkinetic nuclear movement in the cerebral cortex of chicken

Interkinetic nuclear movement in the Cerebral cortex of chicken was observed for about 20 hours. Thanks to the real confocality and high-precision auto stage of the CV1000, it is possible to observe biological reactions in even thick specimen like tissue sections at a wide area with high resolution.

Data:  Yuji Watanabe, PhD, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University

Interkinetic nuclear movement in the cerebral cortex of chicken

Neuron:  Green(GFP)
Nucleus:  Red(mCherry)

Imaging condition
Total time 20hours
Interval 10min
Z-sections/stack 25sections(2um/apart)
Imaging positions 1field
Excitation wave length 488nm, 561nm
Objective lens 20xDry

Brain slice of mouse

Brain slice of mouse

Time-lapse imaging of neural progenitor cells during cortical development

Tangential time-lapse monitoring of all cell-cell borders, about 5 µm from the apical surface, in a cortical wall prepared from E13 Lyn-Venus transgenic mouse
Data:   Mayumi Okamoto, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine

Brain slice of mouse

Green:  Membrain(Lyn-GFP
Red:  Nucleus(H2B-RFP)
White arrow:  Neural progenitor cell, Yellow arrow, Blue arrow: Daughter cell

Imaging condition
Interval 5min
Z-sections/stack 30sections(1.2um/apart)
Imaging positions 20fields
Excitation wave 488nm, 561nm
Objective lens 40xDry 

Okamoto, M., Namba, T., Shinoda, T., Kondo, T., Watanabe, T., Inoue, Y., Takeuchi, K., Enomoto, Y., Ota, K., Oda, K., Wada, Y., Sagou, K., Saito, K., Sakakibara, A., Kawaguchi, A., Nakajima, K., Adachi, T., Fujimori, T., Ueda, M. Hayashi, S., Kaibuchi, K., Miyata, T.
TAG-1–assisted progenitor elongation streamlines nuclear migration to optimize subapical crowding. Nat. Neurosci., 16: 1556-1566 (2013) DOI: 10.1038/nn.3525



Time lapse imaging of Fucci

Healthy cell division of HeLa cells expressing Fucci was recorded for nearly 7 days.
By using incubator attachment, cells grew and divided as normally as being cultured in a CO2 incubator.

Time lapse imaging of Fucci

Green, Red:  Nucleus(Fucci)

Imaging condition
Total time 159hours
Interval 20min
Z-sections/stack 5sections(2.5um/apart)
Imaging positions 45fields(5areas:3x3fields)
Excitation wave length 488nm, 561nm
Objective lens 20xDry

Primordial germ cells

Wide-area imaging of primordial germ cells

Wide-area imaging of primordial germ cells

The process to form colonies of EG cells(a kind of iPS cell)from primordial germ cells expressing GFP of 12.5 days embryo of TG mouse was imaged for a long-time at the whole area of a culture dish(625fields).
As a result of 5 days imaging, colonies of EG cells were formed as frequently as was formed when the cells were cultured in a CO2 incubator. With he CV1000, you can record whole area quite at ease when you don't know where to find the target, and can discover what happened from the acquired data.

Data:  Yasuhisa Matsui, PhD, Cell Resource Center, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University.

Wide-area imaging of primordial germ cells

Green:  Membrane(EGFP)

Imaging condition
Total time 120hours(5days)
Interval 30min
Z-sections/stack k3sections(2um apart)
Imaging positions 625fields(the whole area of a culture dish)
Excitation 488nm
Objective lens 10X dry

Cancer cell

Cancer cell

Imaging of 29F cells transfected with eGFP by using NeoFection

Floating 293F cells were transfected with eGFP by using NeoFection, a transfection accelerating agent made by ASTEC.The cells were shake-cultured over night. As a result of time lapse imaging, active movement of cells expressing eGFP inside the floating cell clusters, and structural changes in the cell wall such as ruffing were clearly observed.


Imaging of 29F cells transfected with eGFP by using NeoFection

Green:  Membrane(EGFP)

Imaging condition
Total time 20hours
Interval 10min
Z-sections/stack 101sections(0.3um apart) 
Imaging positions 25fields
Excitation 488nm
Objective lens 60X oil




White blood cells that patrol in zebrafish

White blood cell movement in zebra fish tail was continuously recorded. By rapidly capturing Z-slice images, 3D Movement of live specimen can be tracked in multi-color and with high resolution.

Data:  Dr.Philipp Niethammer(Harvard medical school Mitchison Lab)

White blood cells that patrol in zebrafish

488nm Nucleus:  EGFP
561nm Cytoplasm:  mKate2

Imaging condition
Total time 3hours
Interval 1min
Z-sections/stack 20sections(3.2um/apart)
Imaging positions 1field
Excitation wave 488nm、561nm
Objective lens 20xOil



Arabidopsis thaliana

Arabidopsis thaliana

High-speed multi-field imaging

Changes in the shape of a vacuolar membrane during the germination process were continuously recorded. High-speed and multi-point time lapse imaging with the CV1000 allows accurate and high-resolution tracking of rapid changes in living organisms, something that has proven quite difficult with conventional imaging systems. By selecting the appropriate filter and pinhole size, thick samples and auto fluorescent plant cells can be clearly observed with the CV1000.

Data:  Chieko Saito, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Molecular Membrane Biology Laboratory, Advanced Science Institute, RIKEN
(Present post : Network of Centers of Carbon Dioxide Resource Studies in Plants (NC-CARP), Laboratory of Cellular Biochemistry, Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)

High-speed multi-field imaging

Green:  Vacuolar Membrane

Imaging condition
Total time 14hours
Interval 1min
Z-sections/stack 11sections(1um apart)
Imaging positions 6fields
Excitation 488nm
Objective lens 60X oil

25um 50um

Images with the same condition except for the pinhole size. Left:  25m, Right:  50um

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