Související produkty a řešení
Hot-Tap Holder PR10
On-line measurements often present extra challenges, especially when routine maintenance is required. The PR10 is ideally suitable for applications where the sensors must be removed without interrupting or shutting down the process. Without any special tools the PR10 can be retracted safely from the process at pressures up to 5 bar (72 psi). Using the PR10 allows us to place any dissolved oxygen sensor that has a PG13.5 connenction into a retractable assembly.
Conductivity Analyzers
Conductivity meters, analyzers and transmitters are used for continuous process measurement and monitoring of conductivity, resistivity, WIFI, demineralizer water, RO water, percent concentration, boiler blowdown and TDS.
Conductivity Sensors
Conductivity sensors and electrodes are used to measure process conductivity, resistivity, WIFI, demineralizer water, RO water, percent concentration, boiler blowdown and TDS. Various installation options including retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. Proper electrode/sensor selection is critical for optimal measurement results.
Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) meters, analyzers and transmitters are used for continuous process measurement and monitoring of milligrams per liter (mg/l),parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb), or % saturation.
Dissolved Oxygen Sensors
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) electrodes and sensors are the sensing portions of a DO measurement. There are three common technologies for dissolved oxygen measurements: polographic, galvanic and optical. Various installation options including floating ball, retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion.
Liquid Analyzers
Liquid analyzers are used for monitoring process chemistry including water quality, providing process optimization and control.
pH and ORP Analyzers
pH and ORP meters, analyzers and transmitters are used for continuous process monitoring of pH and ORP to ensure water/product quality, monitor effluent discharge, batch neutralization, pulp stock, scrubbers, cooling towers, chemical, water/wastewater treatment and many other applications.
pH and ORP Sensors
pH electrodes and sensors are the sensing portions of a pH measurement. Various installation options including retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. Proper pH electrode/sensor selection is critical for optimal measurement results.