
高性能温度变送器YTA510接收热电偶、RTD、欧姆或DC mV输入信号。该变送器通过无线信号传输过程变量以及设定参数。该变送器采用内置电池,由于无需硬接线,因此可降低安装成本。该通信基于ISA100.11a协议规格。天线可拆卸式机型可通过延长电缆使用高增益天线*1。超低耗电设计为无线运行提供更长的电池寿命。




无线规格 通信协议 ISA100.11a / IEEE802.15.4
通信速率 250 kbps
频率 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz license free ISM band
无线电安全性 AES 128 位 加密
RF变送器功率 至大11.6 dBm (固定)
天线 +2 dBi全向型
性能规格 多传感器输入 单输入:放大器外壳代码 7
双输入: 放大器外壳代码8或9
RTD:Pt100 & Pt200 & Pt500 (IEC) 和欧姆
热电偶 (T/C):B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T(IEC) 和 DC m volts (-10 to 110 mV)
输入类型可选: 热电偶, 2线制,3线制, 4线制RTDs, 欧姆和DC mV。
A/D精度 Pt100: ±0.3°C
Type k: ±1°C
CJC精度 (只T/C) ±0.5°C
更新周期 1 秒 ~ 60 分可选
电池寿命 Typi在以下条件下2,更新时间为10秒时典型电池寿命为10年;更新时间为5秒时典型电池寿命为8年。
设备类型: IO模式
LCD显示: 关闭
物理规格 天线 +2 dBi 全向单极型
重量 2.8kg(不含电池组和安装支架)
外壳防护等级 IP66/IP67, NEMA4X
电源 锂亚硫酰氯电池 (尺寸 D×2)
电池更换 包括 zone 0
认证 防爆型 ATEX, FM, CSA, IECEx 本安认证
EMC一致性标准 EN61326-1 A级, 表2 (用于工业区), EN61326-2-3
R&TTE 一致性标准 ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 301 489-1,
ETSI EN 301 489-17, EN61010-1, EN61010-2-030, EN62311
无线产品符合的标准 • FCC 认证
• IC 认证
安全要求标准 EN61010-1, EN61010-2-030
其它 环境温度 -40 to 85°C
  1. 符合各国的无线法律法规。
  2. 振动等环境条件会影响电池寿命。



Eliminating the wire using wireless transmitter is the perfect solution for rotating equipment. It establishes data collection between the transmitter and the gateway by reliable communication even though the dryer was rotating.


ISA100 wireless temperature and pressure transmitters with orifice plates allow:

  • No cabling installations or maintenance.
  • Small amount of hardware and simple equipment implementation means minimizing potential vandalism.

Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.

  • Temperature is monitored to maintain consistency of the viscous fiber entering the drum.
  • Existing system requires manual temperature readings.
  • Wired temperature measurement is not available because the tank is rotating.

ISA100 Wireless Monitoring  

  • Gateway x1, Temperature Transmitter (YTA) x3, Pressure Transmitter (EJX) x1, Repeater x1

Gateway is installed at control room and 3m height extended antenna is set.



  • The distance is not so long, but there are many pipes and tanks ("Pipe Jungle") in the field.
  • Had to avoid the obstacles and take care multi path condition.  


Repeater is installed on high place between control room and monitor position. The extend cable is used for antenna of Gateway.

  • Temperature Transmitter (YTA) x1, Pressure Transmitter (EJX) x2

Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance translates to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.

  • Temperature Transmitter (YTA) and Pressure Transmitter (EJX) are installed at each monitoring point.
  • Repeater is installed on high position.

ISA100 wireless temperature and pressure transmitters.


ISA100 Wireless Temperature and Pressure Transmitters

  • Gateway x1, Temperature Transmitter (YTA) x1, Pressure Transmitter (EJX) x1

High quality wireless communication confirmed

  • Packet Error Rate (PER) is 0 to 2.5%/ 5 days
  • Wireless temperature measurement
    Gateway x1, transmitter (YTA) x1, repeater x2 (The 2 repeaters are for redundancy)
  • Extended antenna to circumvent obstacles and improve the radio path for stable measurement (communication was unstable when the height of the antenna was low).
  • Manual temperature reading requires walking about 130 m and climbing up and down elevated sections of the dryer stages.
  • Multiple temperature measurement points along the various stages of the dryer require many cables to the control room.
  • Very high humidity.
  • Wireless temperature measurement 
    gateway x1, transmitter (YTA) x1
    repeater x1: between gateway and YTA.
  • High quality wireless communication was confirmed.
    With repeater at center: The packet error rate was 0%.

Delayed Coker is a type of coker who's process consists of heating residual oil feed to its thermal cracking temperature in a furnace. The most important variable in industrial furnace control is temperature. Temperature is measured throughout the furnace in different zones and temperature effects the materials being manufactured and therefore must be precisely monitored to prevent deviations in quality of the final product.


Blending plays a key role in industries such as food, healthcare and chemicals etc. Temperature and vacuum measurements are very important in minimizing the moisture content to ensure the quality of the final product. Strictly maintaining them throughout the process ensures the final product yield.


Geothermal power plants create electricity from geothermal energy. These power plants are similar to other steam turbine station; however their heat source is that of the earth's core. The created steam is used to turn the turbine for the production of electricity. Technologies include Dry steam, Flash steam and Binary cycle power stations with Binary cycle being the most common geothermal plant in current production. In the process of geothermal power generation the facility needs to monitor various processes, as in this case steam line pressure sits in remote from control room's location.


A horizontal rotary miller used to grind the limestone rocks with metallic balls as grinding stones. This is used as the raw ingredient to produce cement powder. The temperature needs to be monitored in order to control the process and the quality of the final product. The user was using an induction temperature measurement based on a rail system that was very fragile and therefore unreliable.


Direct Reduction Iron (DRI) is one of the processes to reduce oxygen from iron oxide pellets for steel plant. More than 90% of DRI processes use heated LNG as process gas where PID control for temperature or interlock control is of vital importance.


One important risk to manage with regard to coal stacks is preventing fires due to spontaneous combustion.


In recent years, more field wireless devices have been used in hazardous areas. Meanwhile, in plants that are usually recognized as hazardous areas, there are numerous metallic tanks and pipes that easily shield or reflect radio waves, as discussed later, thus resulting in a poor environment for wireless communication.


The innovation of wireless technology increases the use of wireless communication in the industry. The introduction of wireless communication to plants, however, requires strict features such as robustness, real-time responsiveness, and low power consumption. This has restricted the use of wireless communication to limited applications such as data logging and device status monitoring that does not require strict real-time responsiveness and data arrival reliability in communication.




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