横河电机的OpreX信息管理系统(Informatics Manager)是一种信息集成解决方案。它可在技能和日程安排方面优化人力和物力资源管理,优于传统的电子实验室笔记本。
FlowCam 颗粒流式成像分析系统
单细胞分析解决方案 Single Cellome™
我们正在开发单细胞和活细胞的细胞处理技术。SU10 提供选择性、破坏性很小的自动化纳米点传送。SS2000 基于共聚焦显微镜技术提供自动亚细胞取样。
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Visualizing the cell behavioral basis of epithelial morphogenesis and epithelial cancer progression
Faster, Deeper, and Clearer -in vivo molecular imaging technology-
Discovering the Basic Principles of Life through the Live Imaging of C. elegans
Closing in on Neuronal Circuit Dynamics through High-speed, fMCI.
New Era in Manmmalian Genetics Research: To utilize the same embryo after long-time 3D observation!
Getting Closer to “Plant Cell World”with High-speed Live Imaging and Image Information Processing.
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy for Quantitative Imaging and Multi-Point Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy.
On-site manipulation of protein activities: Understanding intricate cell signaling pathways.
Use of the spinning disk confocal at the Harvard Medical School microscopy core.
The CV8000 nuclear translocation analysis software enables the analysis of changes in the localization of signal molecules that transfer between cytoplasm and nuclei, such as proteins. The following is an example of the translocation analysis of NFκB, a transcription factor.
Comparison between CSU and conventional LSM in 4D movies.
To investigate interactive dynamics of the intracellular structures and organelles in the stomatal movement through live imaging technique, a CSU system was used to capture 3-dimensional images (XYZN) and time-laps images (XYT) of guard cells.
Cell stage categorized using FucciTime lapse imaging of Fucci-added Hela cells was conducted over 48 hrs at 1 hr intervals. Gating was performed based on the mean intensities of 488 nm and 561 nm for each cell. They were categorized into four stages, and the cell count for each was calculated.
CV1000 clears the hurdle in Live Cell Imaging
All-in-one Live cell imaging solution
The CQ1 confocal image acquisition mechanism with the distinctive CSU® unit has a function to sequentially acquire fine cell images along the Z-axis and capture information from the entire thickness of
cells which include heterogenic populations of various cell cycle stages. In addition, saved digital images can be useful for precise observation and analysis of spatial distribution of intracellular molecules.
The CQ1 capability to seamlessly analyze images and obtain data for things such as cell population statistics to individual cell morphology will provide benefits for both basic research and drug discovery
targetingM-cell cycle phase.
- Colony Formation
- Scratch Wound
- Cytotoxicity
- Neurite Outgrowth
- Co-culture Analysis
- Cell Tracking
Faster, Brighter, and More Versatile Confocal Scanner Unit
Welcome to The New World of High Content Analysis
High-throughput Cytological Discovery System
Cell clusters are directly measured with high-throughput 3D imaging Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer
Wide and Clear
Confocal Scanner Unit
List of Selected Publications : CSU-W1
List of Selected Publications : CQ1
List of Selected Publications : CSU-X1
List of Selected Publications : CV8000, CV7000, CV6000
This "Tutorial" provides overview of this software, from installation through data analysis.
In this tutorial, a method for analyzing ramified structure, using CellPathfinder, for the analysis of the vascular endothelial cell angiogenesis function will be explained.
In this tutorial, a method for analyzing ramified structure, using CellPathfinder, for the analysis of the vascular endothelial cell angiogenesis function will be explained.
In this tutorial, spheroid diameter and cell (nuclei) count within the spheroid will be analyzed.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform time-lapse analysis of objects with little movement using CellPathfinder, through calcium imaging of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
In this tutorial, we will identify the cell cycles G1-phase, G2/M-phase, etc. using the intranuclear DNA content.
In this tutorial, image analysis of collapsing stress fibers will be performed, and concentration-dependence curves will be drawn for quantitative evaluation.
In this tutorial, we will observe the change in number and length of neurites due to nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation in PC12 cells.
In this tutorial, intranuclear and intracytoplasmic NFκB will be measured and their ratios calculated, and a dose-response curve will be created.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform cell tracking with CellPathfinder through the analysis of test images.
In this tutorial, using images of zebrafish whose blood vessels are labeled with EGFP, tiling of the images and recognition of blood vessels within an arbitrary region will be explained.
The Yokogawa business vision states that the company endeavors to achieve Net-zero emissions, ensure the Well-being of all, and make a transition to a Circular Economy by 2050.
YOKOGAWA will contribute to technology evolution particularly in measurement and analytical tools to help build a world where researchers will increasingly focus on insightful interpretation of data, and advancing Life Science to benefit humanity.
YOKOGAWA aspires to establish Smart GMP manufacturing facilities that provide consistent quality and supply while eliminating industrial waste, enhancing productivity and always using high-quality component parts and materials.
YOKOGAWA creates autonomous operations with high-efficiency automation and optimization that allows growth with minimal deployment of manpower.
新闻 2020年12月3日 横河与InSphero签订合作协议
- 通过使用HCA和三维培养模型支持药物研发 -
新闻 2021年12月1日 横河电机开发出用于亚细胞采样的单细胞系统SS2000
- 一种单细胞分析解决方案,通过自动收集特定细胞和细胞内成分,提高药物研发的效率 -
新闻 2023年6月22日 横河电机将发布OpreX Informatics Manager,实现云端实验数据和研究资源的集成管理
新闻 2024年1月31日 横河电机推出CellVoyager高内涵分析系统CQ3000
- 提高药物发现和再生医学研发的效率,促进新药的快速商业化 -
简讯 2024年4月26日 横河电机助力单细胞脂质组学领域的革新