We at Yokogawa are committed to developing sustainable solutions for the environment, society, and our customers.
Our Turbidity, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, pH and Conductivity measurement technology are used all over the world and supplying safety water to people everyday.
Yokogawa total waster management system provides SMART and comprehensive solution for water treatment plant. Thanks to it's flexibility and digital technology, you can optimize CAPEX/OPEX and contribute to sustainable future.
For more details : Turbidity/Chlorine SMART Sensor
Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensors DO71/DO72
It is a fluorescent dissolved oxygen sensor that is easy to clean and stable for long term measurement. Sensor replacement is easy on site and reduces maintenance costs. It is possible to measure oxygen in a wide range including low concentration measurement.
Suitable for use in water treatment plants such as sewage treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants under severe measurement conditions.
Can be used in combination with FLXA402 liquid analyzer by digital communication. -
Turbidity/Chlorine SMART Sensor Platform
SENCOM 4.0 technology platform gives you more insight with reliable measurement by digital communication. This has been extended to Turbidity and Chorine measurement technologies.
FC800D 是一种无试剂型余氯分析仪,可连接到 FLXA402T,连续测量游离氯, 适用于饮用水中游离氯的控制和监测。
FLXA402T 是用于浊度和余氯检测的下一代分析仪,FLXA402T 可以连接多达两个浊度、氯、pH 和电导率传感器。