The available types are as follows.
- Alarm Notification Mail
- Power Failure Notification Mail
- Memory Full Notification Mail
- System Error Notification Mail
- Periodic Notification Mail
- Report Notification Mail (for the math function (/MT option))
- User Lockout Notification Mail (for the advanced security function (/AS option))
For details, see section 1.17, “Configuring the Ethernet Communication Function” in the user's manual (IM 04L51B01-01EN).
SMARTDAC + TM GP10 / GP20是一款无纸记录仪,提供直观、以人为本的设计,基于Web的功能和可扩展的体系结构。
SMARTDAC+TM GX10/GX20 是一款多点触屏式记录仪,提供直观、以人为本的设计,支持Web功能,具有可扩展的体系结构。