- 操作效率改善软件包:Exapilot
- 事件分析软件包:Exaplog
- 工厂信息管理系统:Exaquantum
- 工厂资源管理器:PRM
- SCADA:Fast/Tools
- PLC和RTU:Stardom、FA-M3
- SIS:ProSafe-RS
- 无纸记录仪:GX10/GX20、GP10/GP20、DL850E/DL850EV、XL120
- 数据采集设备:SMARTDAC+ GX/GP系列、Daqstation系列
- 温控器:UT系列温控器
- 数字指示控制器:UP系列程序控制器、带报警的UM系列数字指示器
- 单回路控制器:YS1000系列、YS80系列
- 太阳能跟踪控制器:HXS10-SolStation
- 现场无线多功能模块:FN510
- 现场无线多协议模块:FN310
- 无线差压/压力变送器:EJX B系列
- 无线温度变送器:YTA510
- 多点输入温度变送器:YTMX580
- 无纸记录仪无线型:GX20W
- 现场无线管理站:YFGW410
- 现场无线接入点:YFGW510
- 现场无线媒体转换器:YFGW610
- 现场无线集成网关:YFGW710
- 通用设备管理工具:FieldMate
- 压力:EJX、EJA系列
- 电磁流量计:ADMAG系列
- 涡街流量计:数字YEWFLO系列
- 科里奥利质量流量计:ROTAMASS 3系列
- 超声波流量计:US300PM、US300FM
- 温度:YTA系列
- 液位变送器:EJX、EJA系列
- 雷达液位计:PULS60Y系列
- 导波雷达液位计:FLEX80Y系列
- 超声波液位计:SON60Y系列
- pH/ORP分析仪:PH450G、FLXA202、FLXA21、PH202、SENCOM系列
- 电导率分析仪:SC450G、DC402G、FLXA202、FLXA21、SC202、ISC450G、ISC202
- 浊度分析仪:TB750G、TB400G
- 溶解氧分析仪:DO402G、FLXA202、FLXA21、DO202
- 氯分析仪:FC400G、FC500G、RC400G
- MLSS分析仪:SS400
- 液体密度分析仪:DM8
You can measure and monitor integral flow (total and excess flow). You can also calculate the flow integral and excess usage with computation functions, and generate reports with the Report function. With the Excel template function, you can create templates in a desired report format for creating reports automatically.
The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.
What is screen differential control? This is a control application commonly found at utility plants located on rivers, lakes and other large bodies of water and at industrial facilities where a large amount of cooling water is used. Screen differential control and monitoring is needed to prevent damage to rotating screens caused by excessive pressure being applied by debris collecting on the screens.
Fish perform all their bodily functions in water. Because fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed and grow, excrete wastes, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce, understanding the physical and chemical qualities of water is critical to successful aquaculture. To a great extent water determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.
Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant. Removal of these components is done by sending the sour water from the process to a stripping tower where heat, in the form of steam, is applied.
The proliferation of microorganisms and the resultant formation of slime is a problem which commonly occurs in aqueous systems. Problematic slime producing microbes may include bacteria, fungi and/or algae. Slime deposits typically occur in many industrial aqueous systems including cooling water systems, pulp and paper mill systems, petroleum operations, clay and pigment slurries, recreational water systems, air washer systems, decorative fountains, food, beverage, and industrial process pasteurizers, sweetwater systems, gas scrubber systems, latex systems, industrial lubricants, cutting fluids, etc.
Industry:Refining, Food and beverage, Power, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Chemical
By understanding what causes the difficulties in pH measurements and having the proper equipment, stable and accurate pure water pH measurement can be accomplished.
- 横河电机水行业成功案例 (12.7 MB)
- Differential Pressure Level Solutions (8.0 MB)