横河的分布式控制系统(DCS) CENTUM系列是一个独特的“成对备用”的控制器结构,由一组冗余的CPU模块组成,每个模块都配备双微处理器。如果检测到任何不匹配,这两个处理器连续比较它们的输出并启动无凸点切换。通过这种方式,CENTUM系列系统达到99.99999%(7个9)的可用性。其他横河产品,如STARDOM RTU遵循类似的设计理念,利用在PC中发现的相同的错误检查和纠正(ECC)内存,并具有正常内存容量的两倍,便于长期存储气体体积数据等现场信息。这有助于减少停车时间,提高系统可靠性,并无需前往偏远井位从而提高维护效率。
FCN-RTU具有诸如256 MHz 32位RISC处理器的特性,是经过现场验证的FCN/FCJ体系结构的进化。同时提供高性能和低功耗。该低成本模型具有四个串行I/O端口和一个以太网端口,从而满足SCADA应用的低要求。
横河无线技术花费了大量的时间和精力来增加测量点。变送器可以方便地安装在布线困难的物理位置或需要耗费成本的地方。通过无线网络连接传感器极大提高了监测效率,同时优化了功耗和通信,从而较大限度提高了测量可用性。在广域网络上集成无线测量有助于将现场信息传输到控制室。在控制室可以通过横河的FAST/TOOLS SCADA系统实现可视化管理。
在油气田作业中引入数字技术有助于优化生产,提高运行安全性和保护环境。还有一个优势是这些数字技术的部署非常便利。横河的STARDOM RTU和混合PLC可以同时控制模拟传感器和数字传感器,不再需要安装网关或使用Modbus、FOUNDATION fieldbus™、HART、DNP3或DeviceNet建立专用网络或其他类型的现场网络。因此,可以实现对数字现场网络的逐步升级。
横河提供一个集成的人机界面(HMI),实现统一监控和报警处理。这使系统更容易操作,减少了操作员的错误,提高了安全性,并节省了培训时间和费用。横河统一网关站(UGS)支持与横河智能RTU(STARDOM)和使用Modbus(TCP/RTU)、OPC、以太网/IP等技术的本地网络连接,无人和载人井口都易于集成。由于来自不同网络的图形都跟CENTUM VP具有相同的外观和感觉,操作员只需要学习如何使用CENTUM VP HMI,就可以轻松地操作整个系统及处理报警。UGS还适用于所有类型的通信,如SAMDOM、Modbus、Ethernet/IP的单冗余和双冗余通信网络。只需要简单的编程就可以构建具有额外UGS的高度可靠的系统。。
- 不同控制器之间的无缝过程操作和监测(过程数据和警报)及系统监控。
- 广泛的操作和监控范围。
- 提高工程效率。
UGS作为CENTUM VP和子系统控制器之间的网关。UGS用与CENTUM VP现场控制站相同的方式操作和监视子系统控制器。

INPEX Corporation (INPEX) is Japan's biggest oil and gas development company and is involved in all aspects of this business, from research to exploration, production, and sales. INPEX is engaged in projects all over the world, in a total of 29 countries, including Japan, where it operates a gas production plant near Oyazawa, a town in Niigata prefecture.
ADNOC Gas selected Yokogawa's Exapilot modular procedural automation for safe and efficient operation.
MPA based on the company's expertise is a step toward digitalization plant operation.
- Exapilot improves operations and reduces energy use at PTT Khanom Gas Separation Plant #4.
- This is a real solution package and a good tool for the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle to achieve operational excellence in the plant.
- Yokogawa receives award for hot cutover of BP Sharjah plant DCS.
- Yokogawa was selected by BP as main automation contractor (MAC) for a project to replace the Sharjah plant's existing legacy DCS with Yokogawa CENTUM VP.
- CACT Offshore platform reduces unplanned downtime by migrating from Legacy PLC System to reliable CENTUM CS 3000.
- It is possible for CACT engineers to modify the system configuration, download software updates, and hot-swap I/O cards while the process control system is online.
- This is the first offshore platform in Thailand that is designed to make full use of FOUNDATION fieldbus technology.
- Thanks to Yokogawa's highly reliable systems and products, a safe working environment has been achieved.
A Malaysian Gas Processing and Transmission Company a subsidiary of the national oil & gas major, plays a prominent role in the gas business value chain. The company operates as a throughput service company providing the services of processing and transmission of gas to the power generation sectors and various customers.
- World's largest control systems and PIMS for securing production over an extended period
- Fully-automated, alarm-free operation and reduced total cost of ownership
- NAM needs to remotely monitor field devices and organize their maintenance schedule.
- True value in instrument diagnostics and preventative maintenance with powerful software tools like DTM.
- Yokogawa revamp of control systems at NAM Den Helder plant ensures stable gas supply in the Netherlands.
- Site survey, creation of a function design specification (FDS) from the existing TDC system database, documentation verification.
- Nearly 1000 FOUNDATION fieldbus devices were connected to the CENTUM CS 3000.
- PRM provides a single window interface to all FOUNDATION fieldbus and HART devices and this gives maintenance personnel quick access.
- FAST/TOOLS SCADA system has helped NAM reduce its operational costs.
- By installing this onto the existing system, the ever greater data streams became easier to manage.
- Online hot cut over from the legacy Honeywell TDC3000 to the Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000.
- The work was successfully completed 48 days ahead of schedule and without disruption to operations.
Saudi Aramco's operations span the globe and the energy industry. The world leader in crude oil production, Saudi Aramco also owns and operates an extensive network of refining and distribution facilities, and is responsible for gas processing and transportation installations that fuel Saudi Arabia's industrial sector. An array of international subsidiaries and joint ventures deliver crude oil and refined products to customers worldwide.
- The plant was designed to be unmanned, except for some first-line maintenance personnel who are stationed at the plant.
- Through the use of the latest control system and FOUNDATION™ fieldbus technology supplied by Yokogawa, process control and the diagnostic monitoring of field instrumentation is done from remote locations.
- Extremely cost-effective, reliable fieldbus solution to revive control system
- Minimized total cost of ownership and maximized total value of ownership
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) is the Netherlands' largest natural gas producer. In addition to onshore fields, NAM operates manned platforms and four unmanned monotowers in 19 offshore locations. These connect to a pipeline network that comes ashore at Den Helder.
STARDOM field control node (FCN) autonomous controllers allow both Modbus master and slave functions to run simultaneously.
Operators must receive diagnostic information before a line block leads to a malfunction. Yokogawa provides predictive diagnostics based on trend analysis of the blocking factor, which improves maintenance efficiency and reduces maintenance costs.
One of the most common applications for differential pressure transmitters is flow measurement. DPharp differential pressure transmitters have some unique signal conditioning features to eliminate instability at low flow rates.
The major methods of improved oil recovery are water flooding and steam injection. "These technologies make a tremendous contribution to recovering additional oil from old wells as well as improve primary recovery of operating oil fields."
HART communication is a means of transmitting multiple signals by superimposing long-standard 4-20 mA DC analog signals on digital signals. The figure below is an example of connecting field instruments and upstream devices using HART communication compatible VJA1/H signal conditioners.
The paperless recorder DX series instruments allow you to determine temperature and humidity, and manage the results as manufacturing and quality data at a reasonable cost with a simple configuration.
Yokogawa provides controller embedded flow calculation library based on AGA (American Gas Association) reports.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.
Floating-point format calculations have enabled physical quantities (in engineering units) to be used in calculations.
- Effeciently controls the inlet valve and blow-off valve when the compressor starts and stops.
- During steady operation, controls the inlet valve so that the amount of discharged compressed air becomes constant (flow control)
- Surging: Load decreases, the amount of discharge flow and pressure drop, and a limit is exceeded, possibly destroying the compressor.
This paper introduces the ADMAG AXR 2-wire magnetic flomwmeter solution for chilled water application in air conditioning unit.
The client wanted to monitor the pressure of the gas well at offshore platform remotely to reduce maintenance cost and increase safety of maintenance personnel.
The client wanted to monitor the injection gas pressure of gas lift remotely in central control room. Antitheft measures are needed to install new equipments and cables.
ISA100 wireless temperature and pressure transmitters.
Industrial Combustion sources such as thermal cracking furnaces and, process heaters play a critical role in the process industry.
Recently, several ARC Advisory Group analysts and management team members had a chance to sit down with the new Yokogawa President and COO, Mr. Takashi Nishijima, and several other top Yokogawa executives to discuss the company's burgeoning presence in the worldwide upstream and midstream oil & gas industry.
Alarm management is not just a project that has a start and end date; it's a continuous cycle. Once the alarm system has been reviewed and improvements have been identified, we must check that controls are in place to ensure the alarm system remains functional. The key is to ensure that the system is continuously monitored and any changes are fully documented. There are seven key steps for alarm management. Rationalization is one of those critical steps.
Tuning PID controllers can seem a mystery. Parameters that provide effective control over a process one day fail to do so the next. The stability and responsiveness of a process seem to be at complete odds with each other. And controller equations include subtle differences that can baffle even the most experienced practitioners.
The worlds of process automation and production management have been converging for some time. What once used to be islands of automation and production management functionality connected through highly proprietary integration schemes that were costly to maintain have developed into integrated platforms that provide seamless data exchange between the world of automation and the plant floor, the functions of production and operations management, and integration with business level systems.
The world of process automation is governed by procedures. While we like to refer to the process industries as being largely "continuous", this could not be further from the truth. Process manufacturing is constantly in flux.
From engineering to installation, commissioning, operations, and maintenance, FOUNDATION fieldbus offer significant cost reductions of 30 percent or more versus conventional analog systems. Many of these cost reductions come from the advanced functions that fieldbus offers versus analog technology.
The automation suppliers that will be successful in the long term will be those that effectively address application or industry specific problems for end users with a value proposition that cannot be ignored. These problems exist throughout the process industries today, and they won't be solved by simply offering a product, but through a combination of hardware, software, services, application expertise, and knowledge.
In ARC's view, customers need a compelling business value proposition to justify investment in any kind of automation. Vigilance and VigilantPlant were created with this in mind. Yokogawa's vision with VigilantPlant is to create an environment where plant personnel and operators are well informed, alert, and ready to take action.
Yokogawa has come a long way in making its message clear to the world of process automation. Last year, the company embarked on a full-scale global marketing campaign to make customers aware of the company's focus on system reliability, security, dependability, and robustness. Dubbed "Vigilance", the campaign created a unified message for the company and greatly helped expand awareness of the Yokogawa brand and corporate philosophy.
Process automation end users are under more pressure than ever to do more with less. The current economic climate means that many automation capital projects are on hold. With capital budgets tighter than ever, users instead focus on operational budgets (where cost cutting is also a key concern), or on automation investments with a very rapid return on investment.
In today's dynamic industrial marketplace, the only constant is change. Raw material costs, energy costs, market demands, environmental and safety regulations, technology, and even the nature of the labor force itself are constantly changing, and not always in predictable directions.
Migration of a refinery's DCS provided an opportunity to reconfigure and consolidate the control rooms and operational management system.
July 2011
Process plants are run according to operational procedures. These procedures consist of a set of tasks that are executed in a consistent manner to achieve a specific objective, such as starting up, shutting down or transitioning a unit as part of making a product.
September 2009
Partnering with Saudi Aramco, Yokogawa is providing local project execution including testing and implementing a continuing policy of Saudisation.
August 2006
Many published papers discuss the benefits of subsea HIPPS and many studies show the potential cost-benefit analysis of this technology in deepwater applications. An internet search for subsea HIPPS is informative; however, little appears that discusses the systems already delivered and operating successfully.
Chevron turns to deeper relationships with fewer suppliers to increase project execution consistency
Using wireless for gas detection is a very flexible method, and allowed ExxonMobil to establish it as a redundant system
Trinity integrated Systems' iDefine Suite reduces errors and streamlines design of safety instrumented systems
Offshore, February 2013
Offshore and deep-water production has been a significant factor in the sustained growth of the oil and gas industries over the past decade and this trend is expected to continue beyond 2013.
Pipeline & Gas Journal, February 2014
The line of functionality between supervisory control and data acquisition and distributed control system is blurring. These two traditionally disparate technologies are now seen as competitors in similar application environments.
How much do you know about pressure transmitters? Are you accurately, quickly and reliably measuring pressure? Ultimately, the drive of any good pressure transmitter is to get an accurate, reliable pressure measurement to the data user quickly. This video gives you the answers to your basic questions about pressure and pressure transmitters.
新闻 2019年8月8日 横河电机赢得了向阿根廷国家石油公司提供1350个压力变送器的大宗订单