Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 22 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Acquires Distributor in Turkey as Major Step Forward in Emerging Markets
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 17 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Order to Supply Control System for U.S. Ethylene Plant to Be Built by Toyo Engineering Corporation for Shintech, a Subsidiary of Shin-Etsu Chemical
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 9 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Delivers Control System for Europe's First Hybrid-flywheel Energy Storage Plant
Пресс-релиз | Исследования и разработка 3 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Receives SICE Awards (2015)
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 1 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Releases CENTUM VP R6.02 Integrated Production Control System
- Enhanced operation and monitoring functions for greater efficiency and safety -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 30 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Receives ISAE3402/SSAE16 Internal Controls Report (Type 1)
- For the reliable provision of cyber-security management services -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 13 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control Systems Order for One of the World's Largest Methanol Plants
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 11 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Enhanced STARDOM Network-based Control System through Development of New CPU Module for FCN Autonomous Controller
- Faster, Stronger, Smarter -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 9 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Introduces Release 3 of the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP Series Paperless Recorders and GM Series Data Acquisition System
- Helping companies obtain Nadcap certification and prepare for Industry 4.0 -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 4 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases Single Function Calibrator CA300 Series
- Achieves the highest accuracy in the class of single function type calibrators -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 4 нояб., 2015 Establishment of Yokogawa Corporate Governance Guidelines
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 29 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Opens a Sales and After-sales Service Office in Turkmenistan
- Expanding the control business in Central Asia -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 23 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases 2560A Precision DC Calibrator
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 14 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments to Release Three New Modules for DL850E/DL850EV ScopeCorders
- Including the industry's first SENT-compliant module -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 13 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Solution Service and Cisco Collaborate on Solution for Oil Refineries
- New, integrated solution utilizing industry-leading security, high-quality network equipment and information system services -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 9 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Terminal Automation Systems Order from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 1 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Releases Exaquantum R3.01
- Improved data acquisition capabilities for a more detailed view of plant operations -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 30 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Releases CellActivision Software for Analysis of Images of Label-free Live Cells
- For the observation of live cells in the preclinical and clinical stages of regenerative medicine and iPS cell-related research -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 28 сент., 2015 Yokogawa to Provide Network Healthiness Check Service to Asahi Kasei Chemicals' Mizushima Works
- For enhanced plant cyber security -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 25 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 24 сент., 2015 Yokogawa and BP Renew Global Agreement for Supply of Main Automation Contractor Services
Пресс-релиз | Исследования и разработка 16 сент., 2015 Technology for Visualizing and Analyzing Control System Traffic to Verify its Integrity
- Quick detection of security incidents that threaten critically important infrastructure -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 8 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control System Order for Brazil's Largest Biomass Power Plant
- Contributing to the stable supply of electric power -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 1 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Issues 2015 Yokogawa Report
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 28 авг., 2015 Yokogawa Establishes Corporate Brand Slogan to Encourage Creation of Value and Pursuit of Growth with Customers
- Co-innovating tomorrow -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 24 авг., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Announces WT300E Compact Power Meter
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 23 июля, 2015 Yokogawa and GasSecure Provide SIL2-certified Wireless Gas Detection System for LNG Facility
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 13 июля, 2015 Yokogawa Delivers Community Energy Management System to F-Grid Ohira, Miyagi LLP
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 1 июля, 2015 Yokogawa Releases Plant Resource Manager (PRM) R3.20
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 30 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Acquires Label-free Image Analysis Technology from Finnish Company
- For the observation of live cells in the preclinical and clinical stages of regenerative medicine and iPS cell research -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 29 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases WT3000E Precision Power Analyzer
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 29 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Releases Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 4 июня, 2015 Yokogawa and Shell Jointly Develop Next-generation Platform for Advanced Control and Estimation
- Improved design, deployment, and maintenance of advanced process control applications -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 2 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Releases Enhanced Version of STARDOM Network-based Control System
- Reducing communication costs for upstream oil & gas applications while ensuring highly reliable monitoring and control -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 29 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Releases SensTation pH/ORP Measurement Solution
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 28 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Releases FAST/TOOLS R10.02 Web-based Enterprise Automation Solution
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 14 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Releases the WEBFREX NV Online Thickness Gauge
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 12 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Draws Up Transformation 2017, a New Mid-term Business Plan
- Three reforms for growth -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 24 апр., 2015 Yokogawa Releases TDLS8000 Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer
- Improved reliability and operability for reduced OPEX and enhanced plant safety -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 23 апр., 2015 Yokogawa Releases New UTAdvanced Series DIN Rail Mounting Type and 1/8 DIN Panel Type Controllers
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 9 апр., 2015 Yokogawa Solution Service and Tokyo Electron to Jointly Develop Quality Management System for Stem Cell Production
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 31 мар., 2015 Yokogawa Transfers Ome Factory to OKI
- Improving operational efficiency by consigning the manufacturing and assembly of printed circuit boards -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 25 мар., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control System Order for PETRONAS's Second Floating LNG Facility
- A boost to the company's marine control business -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 24 мар., 2015 Director Candidates (PDF: 67KB/2P)
Пресс-релиз 24 мар., 2015 Change of Representative Directors Effective April 1 (PDF: 13KB/1P)
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 2 мар., 2015 Yokogawa Wins DCS Orders for Two Large Combined Cycle Power Plants in Saudi Arabia
- Momentum builds for Yokogawa's power plant control business in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern Markets -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 10 февр., 2015 Yokogawa and Cisco Deliver Cybersecurity Solutions for Shell
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 29 янв., 2015 Bashneft and Yokogawa sign partnership agreement
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 19 янв., 2015 Yokogawa Introduces Release 2 of SMARTDAC+ GA10 Data-logging Software
- Adds real-time calculation and report output functions for improved work efficiency -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 7 янв., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control Systems Order for Thai Binh Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant in Vietnam
- Expanding the control business for the growing power industry in Southeast Asia -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 22 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Acquires Distributor in Turkey as Major Step Forward in Emerging Markets
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 30 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Receives ISAE3402/SSAE16 Internal Controls Report (Type 1)
- For the reliable provision of cyber-security management services -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 4 нояб., 2015 Establishment of Yokogawa Corporate Governance Guidelines
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 29 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Opens a Sales and After-sales Service Office in Turkmenistan
- Expanding the control business in Central Asia -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 13 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Solution Service and Cisco Collaborate on Solution for Oil Refineries
- New, integrated solution utilizing industry-leading security, high-quality network equipment and information system services -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 24 сент., 2015 Yokogawa and BP Renew Global Agreement for Supply of Main Automation Contractor Services
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 1 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Issues 2015 Yokogawa Report
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 28 авг., 2015 Yokogawa Establishes Corporate Brand Slogan to Encourage Creation of Value and Pursuit of Growth with Customers
- Co-innovating tomorrow -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 30 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Acquires Label-free Image Analysis Technology from Finnish Company
- For the observation of live cells in the preclinical and clinical stages of regenerative medicine and iPS cell research -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 12 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Draws Up Transformation 2017, a New Mid-term Business Plan
- Three reforms for growth -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 9 апр., 2015 Yokogawa Solution Service and Tokyo Electron to Jointly Develop Quality Management System for Stem Cell Production
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 31 мар., 2015 Yokogawa Transfers Ome Factory to OKI
- Improving operational efficiency by consigning the manufacturing and assembly of printed circuit boards -
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 24 мар., 2015 Director Candidates (PDF: 67KB/2P)
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 10 февр., 2015 Yokogawa and Cisco Deliver Cybersecurity Solutions for Shell
Пресс-релиз | Корпоративный 29 янв., 2015 Bashneft and Yokogawa sign partnership agreement
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 1 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Releases CENTUM VP R6.02 Integrated Production Control System
- Enhanced operation and monitoring functions for greater efficiency and safety -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 11 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Enhanced STARDOM Network-based Control System through Development of New CPU Module for FCN Autonomous Controller
- Faster, Stronger, Smarter -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 9 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Introduces Release 3 of the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP Series Paperless Recorders and GM Series Data Acquisition System
- Helping companies obtain Nadcap certification and prepare for Industry 4.0 -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 4 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases Single Function Calibrator CA300 Series
- Achieves the highest accuracy in the class of single function type calibrators -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 23 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases 2560A Precision DC Calibrator
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 14 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments to Release Three New Modules for DL850E/DL850EV ScopeCorders
- Including the industry's first SENT-compliant module -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 1 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Releases Exaquantum R3.01
- Improved data acquisition capabilities for a more detailed view of plant operations -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 30 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Releases CellActivision Software for Analysis of Images of Label-free Live Cells
- For the observation of live cells in the preclinical and clinical stages of regenerative medicine and iPS cell-related research -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 25 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 24 авг., 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Announces WT300E Compact Power Meter
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 23 июля, 2015 Yokogawa and GasSecure Provide SIL2-certified Wireless Gas Detection System for LNG Facility
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 1 июля, 2015 Yokogawa Releases Plant Resource Manager (PRM) R3.20
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 29 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Releases WT3000E Precision Power Analyzer
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 29 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Releases Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 4 июня, 2015 Yokogawa and Shell Jointly Develop Next-generation Platform for Advanced Control and Estimation
- Improved design, deployment, and maintenance of advanced process control applications -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 2 июня, 2015 Yokogawa Releases Enhanced Version of STARDOM Network-based Control System
- Reducing communication costs for upstream oil & gas applications while ensuring highly reliable monitoring and control -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 29 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Releases SensTation pH/ORP Measurement Solution
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 28 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Releases FAST/TOOLS R10.02 Web-based Enterprise Automation Solution
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 14 мая, 2015 Yokogawa Releases the WEBFREX NV Online Thickness Gauge
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 24 апр., 2015 Yokogawa Releases TDLS8000 Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer
- Improved reliability and operability for reduced OPEX and enhanced plant safety -
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 23 апр., 2015 Yokogawa Releases New UTAdvanced Series DIN Rail Mounting Type and 1/8 DIN Panel Type Controllers
Пресс-релиз | Решения и продукция 19 янв., 2015 Yokogawa Introduces Release 2 of SMARTDAC+ GA10 Data-logging Software
- Adds real-time calculation and report output functions for improved work efficiency -
Пресс-релиз | Исследования и разработка 3 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Receives SICE Awards (2015)
Пресс-релиз | Исследования и разработка 16 сент., 2015 Technology for Visualizing and Analyzing Control System Traffic to Verify its Integrity
- Quick detection of security incidents that threaten critically important infrastructure -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 17 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Order to Supply Control System for U.S. Ethylene Plant to Be Built by Toyo Engineering Corporation for Shintech, a Subsidiary of Shin-Etsu Chemical
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 9 дек., 2015 Yokogawa Delivers Control System for Europe's First Hybrid-flywheel Energy Storage Plant
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 13 нояб., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control Systems Order for One of the World's Largest Methanol Plants
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 9 окт., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Terminal Automation Systems Order from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 28 сент., 2015 Yokogawa to Provide Network Healthiness Check Service to Asahi Kasei Chemicals' Mizushima Works
- For enhanced plant cyber security -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 8 сент., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control System Order for Brazil's Largest Biomass Power Plant
- Contributing to the stable supply of electric power -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 13 июля, 2015 Yokogawa Delivers Community Energy Management System to F-Grid Ohira, Miyagi LLP
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 25 мар., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control System Order for PETRONAS's Second Floating LNG Facility
- A boost to the company's marine control business -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 2 мар., 2015 Yokogawa Wins DCS Orders for Two Large Combined Cycle Power Plants in Saudi Arabia
- Momentum builds for Yokogawa's power plant control business in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern Markets -
Пресс-релиз | Проекты 7 янв., 2015 Yokogawa Wins Control Systems Order for Thai Binh Coal-fired Thermal Power Plant in Vietnam
- Expanding the control business for the growing power industry in Southeast Asia -
Архив пресс-релизов
Information such as product prices, product specifications, details of services, inquiry information, and URLs contained in news releases is current as of the date of the release but is subject to change without notice.