Specialty & Agro Chemicals America 2017

Даты: 6 сент. - 8 сент., 2017
Местоположение: Charleston, SC
Место проведения: Belmond Charleston Place | Booth 404
Вебсайт: http://www.chemicalsamerica.com/

Yokogawa is the leading manufacturer and supplier of process control, measurement, field instrumentation, and plant information solutions for the chemical industry in North America.

Join us for an informative presentation by Yokogawa and KBC on “Energy Optimization for Operational Excellence” and learn why:


  • Energy is one of the largest controllable cost within your plants;
  • Energy saving always makes money – less risky investment than adding capacity or changing product mix;
  • Even a top performer can economically save 10-15% of energy use worth $20-30 Million per year


Presenter:            Gene Sullivan, KBC Advanced Technologies, Business Development Director,

                               IT & IIoT Services – Chemicals

Location:              Riviera Theater

Time:                     2:40 pm
