Yokogawa’s SCADA Solution for Japan’s Largest Wind Farm

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Supporting the Future of Wind Farm Tsugaru

Wind Farm Tsugaru is owned and operated by Green Power Investment Corporation and commenced commercial operation on April 1, 2020 after two and a half years under construction. The area, being famous for apples, enjoys moderate temperatures of around 25°C in summer, and –5°C even in the depths of winter, making it a relatively comfortable part of the Northeast region.  Most of the plant is built on agricultural land in line with government environmental law. With 38 General Electric 3,200-kW turbines spread across the northern and southern blocks, its installed capacity of 121,600 kW is sufficient to power 90,000 typical households, and promotes green energy for local farming community.

Wind Farm Tsugaru

At the start of operation, it was the largest wind farm in Japan, and it is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 tons annually. All of the electricity generated is supplied to the local electric utility, Tohoku Electric Power, via a grid interconnection switchyard at least 10 km away. Yokogawa participated throughout the project as the SCADA system provider, from the beginning of construction to design, engineering, introduction, and test runs, and will support the plant’s operation over the next two decades.


Yokogawa’s SCADA Solution Drives the Renewable Industry

Yokogawa’s SCADA solution for wind farms ensures safe and secure remote operation at Wind Farm Tsugaru. It is an example of the comprehensive services offered by Yokogawa, from system proposal to design, engineering, adoption, and support for test runs.

Yokogawa’s Substation SCADA monitoring system is installed in the operator room whereby operator monitors the wind turbine operation status, power generation, substation data and alarms condition in real time. In addition to real-time monitoring, Yokogawa’s SCADA system facilitates administrative tasks such as daily and monthly reporting.

e-RT3 and FA-M3
e-RT3 and FA-M3

Remote monitoring from SCADA control room
Remote monitoring from SCADA control room

Robust and reliable Yokogawa controllers serve as RTUs and accurately collect equipment statuses, process values, and alarm statuses and interface with the SCADA system, substations, local power utility and turbine controllers in real time.

The comprehensive solution includes network and cyber security design and configuration for assured and stress-free operation, including remote environments such as at overseas offices as well as all associated engineering and on-site services. In addition, a wealth of packaged software can realize streamlined and preventive maintenance.

Several months after commencement of operation, a STARDOM controller was added to control the power output. This function determines the power output schedule in accordance with the power output commands from the local electric power company and responds to the output control in cooperation with GE’s Wind Control System. This controller is equipped with dual redundant CPUs and power supply units for high reliability.

Comprehensive Solution for Wind Farms

System overview
System overview


Helping the Wind Power Industry to Grow

Yokogawa is actively working on maximizing the use of energy from renewable sources by utilizing advanced technology, fast and accurate control design, reliable batteries etc.. Yokogawa’s solution helps streamline and optimize the operation of wind firms to increase the ROI by reducing the maintenance and equipment operating costs, extending equipment service life, predicting failures and so on.

We are co-innovating with companies in various fields and contributing to the development of renewable energy worldwide through our expertise in measurement, control, and information, to help create a sustainable society.


  • Ветроэнергетика

    В последние годы в мире построено множество ветряных электростанций с большим количеством ветряных турбин, а также растёт популярность морских ветряных электростанций. Компания Yokogawa предлагает решения, которые помогают обеспечить стабильное энергоснабжение за счёт повышения эффективности работы и возможности удалённого и централизованного контроля нескольких систем ветрогенерации.

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  • Возобновляемая энергия

    Использование возобновляемой энергии помогает в защите окружающей среды и приближает общество и промышленность к цели достижения устойчивого развития. При этом, по сравнению с традиционными источниками энергии, существуют также и определённые вызовы, которые препятствуют её быстрому распространению, такие как: более высокие производственные расходы и высокая степень нестабильности в поставках электроэнергии в сеть. Компания Yokogawa, являясь ведущей компанией в области контроля и измерения, всегда стремилась помочь своим заказчикам из различных отраслей промышленности добиться устойчивой работы и повысить производительность их предприятий. Мы предлагаем решения для применения возобновляемых источников энергии по всему миру, тем самым вносим свой вклад в достижение целей устойчивого развития.

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