In district heating/cooling and other systems*, signals from flow meters can undergo temperature compensation in a totalizer to measure usage of warm water and other quantities. Here we give an example of how to perform temperature compensation of flow using the YS1700 Single Loop Controller in place of a dedicated totalizer.
*District heating/cooling Systems:
As opposed to conventional heating/cooling systems made up of individual boilers or air-conditioners in every building, the district system provides centralized air-conditioning and warm water for multiple buildings in a particular district. By creating a heat transfer medium such as cooled water, steam, or warm water in a heating facility and connecting multiple buildings with piping, heat demand can be centralized and met with efficient air-conditioning and warm water supplies. Such systems require accurate measurement and accounting of heat usage.
District heating/cooling facility
Function Block Diagram
Using integration functions via the YS1700 Single Loop Controller's user programming offers the advantage of being able to combine integration and control functions that are carried out individually.
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Формирователи сигналов JUXTA серии M
Формирователи сигналов серии M являются устройствами вставного типа, которые способны поддерживать широкий диапазон областей применения за счет универсальных характеристик входа/выхода. Конструкция вставного типа упрощает планирование КИП, прокладку полевой проводки и техническое обслуживание. Серия M включает более 30 типов формирователей сигналов