Running Program Patterns Using Ladder Functions


The UTAdvanced ladder function can be used to run programs. You can also incorporate the "guarantee soak" that is required for quenching and other processes on metal parts.

Quenching Curve for Metal Parts

Ladder Usage Points

  • You can use the parameters available on UTAdvanced (SP value and ramp rate of change) to build program patterns.
  • You can create patterns by setting the SP number with the SP number switching function.
  • For the ramp portions of a pattern, you can use the ramp rate parameter.
  • Before switching the SP number, you can set an arbitrary ramp by changing the ramp rate parameter.
  • You can achieve the soak portion with the specified SP value and a timer, and maintain the guarantee soak while checking the deviation value.

Ladder Program Examples

Ladder Program Examples


Ladder Program Examples2


Ladder Program Examples3

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