Pulp and paper plants consume large volumes of water, and the treatment of wastewater from these plants is a serious environmental concern. To treat this wastewater, suspended solids (SS) are separated and precipitated in a precipitation tank using flocculation agents. During this process, the pH value needs to be maintained at the proper level, the status of which is controlled by referring to a pH analyzer. In the past, pH analyzers needed to be cleaned frequently as fibers and coating agents in the wastewater adhered to the electrodes.
We tested a submersion-type holder with an ultrasonic+airjet cleaner to determine its effectiveness in the continuous cleaning of pH analyzers. Manual maintenance of pH analyzers used to be conducted on a daily basis, but our test results have demonstrated that this submersion type holder can reduce the manual cleaning frequency to just once every one or two months.
Management and control of the precipitation tank
Expected Benefits
- Continuously and stably measures pH
- Eliminates the need for frequent manual cleaning
- Enables efficient use of flocculating agents
Process Overview
Wastewater at pulp and paper plants contains effluents from the pulping, bleaching, papermaking, and recycling processes. The treatment of this wastewater involves pH level control, solid-liquid separation, oxidization, and other processes, and depends on such factors as the levels of organic, reducible and suspended matter in the wastewater as well as its chromaticity. For example, most SS are fine substances that do not precipitate easily, so they are removed by applying flocculating agents, which produce a chemical reaction. To detect the end points of these chemical reactions and to manage and control the precipitation tank, the pH of the wastewater tank is measured.
Management and control of the precipitation of suspended solids in the tank:
Typical problems: Coating on the sensor
Remedies: Frequentsensor cleaning
Product Recommendations
Sensor Selection
Option #1:
FU20 with “/HCNF” with Cleaning reagent. Alternatively, SENCOM sensor can be used. (FU20 with "/HCNF"+SA11)
Recommended Installation – using immersion fitting
Long life saturated Ag/AgCl reference system.
PTFE reference diaphragm to prevent fouling and reduce measurement error.
Double junction combined with ion-trap to prolong the life of the reference probe even in chemically unfavorable environments.
Polymerized electrolyte to extend the sensors life time.
The /HCNF option comes with a hastelloy cleaning nozzle, Stainless steel mounting and ferrules sets and a nylon tube of 10 meters.
Option #2:
PH8EFP KCl filling type pH sensor with ultrasonic cleaning
- Submersion holder with an ultrasonic+airjet cleaner (customized product)
- PH8HS-PP-□□-T-S3-C□*A/Z (Z: option for air bubble nozzle)
- Terminal box (when needed)
- WTB10-PH3
- Ultrasonic oscillator PUS400G-NN-NN-□-E
- Effectiveness of previous cleaning methods Cleaning methods using a standard jet cleaner and a brush were tested. Fibers in the effluents that had attached to the electrode could not be removed using either of these cleaning methods. (Both types of cleaning operations also had to be suspended once a day to conduct manual cleaning of the electrode.)
- Effects of continuous cleaning using an ultrasonic+air- jet cleaner
The amount of the contaminants on the electrode decreased significantly. Manual cleaning and calibration were found to be required just once every one or two months
Testing conducted on the effects of pH analyzer cleaning only addressed effluents from the papermaking process. However, this submersion holder can also be used to keep pH analyzers clean that measure effluents from the recycling process, which has fibers, printing ink substances, and coating agents.
Tangible benefit:
Save down time in cleaning, repeated calibration, improve end product quality.
Analyzer/Transmitter Selection
Option #1:
4-wire converter
Type: 4 wire type
- Easy touchscreen operation
- Trending display up to 2 weeks
- Advanced Process Temperature Compensation
Option #2:
2-wire Analyzer
Type: 2 wire type
- Dual sensor measurement on 2-wire type analyzer
- Indication of sensor wellness
Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность
Целлюлозно-бумажная отрасль имеет высокую степень конкуренции и должна соответствовать постоянно изменяющимся требованиям рынка. Компания Yokogawa помогает создать энергоэффективные объекты, с возможностью их эксплуатации и поддержи в любой точке мира.
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pH и ОВП сенсоры
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Анализаторы pH и ОВП
pH и ОВП-анализаторы используются для непрерывного контроля качества подготовки воды, очистки сточных вод, конечного продукта, процесса нейтрализации в целлюлозно-бумажном производстве, в скрубберах, градирнях, производстве химических веществ, в установках для очистки воды и стоков, а также для многих других задач.