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Some specifications of this product was discontinued.
The AXF magnetic flow meter is a sophisticated product with outstanding reliability and ease of operation, developed on the basis of decades of field experience. Based on FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus specifications, AXF Fieldbus Magnetic Flow meter models offer more flexible instrumentation.
AXFA11 Magnetic Flow Converter
The AXFA11 magnetic converter has been developed based on Yokogawa's decades long experience in magnetic flowmeters. The AXFA11 continues the tradition of high quality and reliability that has become synonymous with the Yokogawa name and in addition features an even higher level of performance and increased functionality.
Some specifications of this product was discontinued.
The AXFA14 magnetic flow meter remote converter is a sophisticated product with outstanding reliability and ease of operation, developed on the basis of decades of field proven experience.
OpreX-Средства КИПиА
Группа устройств, которые измеряют давление, скорость потока, температуру и уровень — наиболее важные показатели в работе технологической установки. Высокопроизводительные датчики на основе запатентованной современной технологии разработаны для обеспечения высокой надежности, стабильных и высокоточных измерений при любых обстоятельствах.