Single Cellome™ Unit SU10 Research Equipment Grant Program – Europe

Daten: Sep. 8 - Nov. 30, 2021
Ort: Europe

Single Cellome™ Unit SU10 Research Equipment Grant Program – Europe

SU10 Research Equipment Grant Program 

Yokogawa Life Science proudly announces the first Single Cellome™ Unit SU10 Research Equipment Grant Program. The program is exclusive to researchers located in Europe. Both academia and industry are welcome. The grant winner will receive the free use of our latest flagship, the SU10, for a period of six months. The Single Cellome™ Unit SU10  is launched this fall in Europe. This nanopipette-based tool is perfect for manipulating single cells  without damaging them. In internal experiments, it had a success rate of 95%. 

Application deadline

You can submit your application (CV and description of your research project) until November 30, 2021. 

Further details

For detailed information, please visit our dedicated SU10 Grant website . If you have further questions, please send an e-mail to



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