Release of 2022 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

Tokyo, Japan - November 30, 2022

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has released the 2022 Yokogawa Sustainability Report, a document that reports to stakeholders on the progress that the Yokogawa Group has achieved toward its "Three goals" for sustainability, in accordance with the company's raison d'etre set out in the Yokogawa's Purpose statement.

Yokogawa has defined the material issues with regards to both the expansion of its contribution to society and the environment, and its growth as a company. In this year's report, we clarify how we employed a materiality analysis process to select priority issues and identify the six areas where we will contribute. Additionally, the Our Stories section introduces specific examples of the social issues that we need to address, our approach for coming up with solutions, and the value that this creates in each of these contribution areas. Further, as recommended by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, we have provided additional information on climate change risks and opportunities, and our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and become carbon neutral.

Click on the following link to download the 2022 Yokogawa Sustainability Report: 
