The 2012 Users Conference program offered some truly unique opportunities to learn more about Yokogawa solutions and how they can assist you in achieving safe, reliable, profitable operations in your facility.
Yokogawa Corporation of America Completes 10th Users Group Conference and Exhibition
Yokogawa Corporation of America concluded its 2012 Users Group Conference and Exhibition October 30 - November 1 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, LA. Yokogawa hosted approximately 300 professionals in the 2½ day event who shared their experiences of utilizing Yokogawa products, platforms and solutions. The agenda included daily keynotes, Yokogawa system and product updates, user-based technical sessions including presentations and ask the expert panel sessions, and four MESA sponsored workshops on specific ISA standards. An exhibition included a complete portfolio of Yokogawa VigilantPlant Solutions and Services, Measurement and Control solutions, plus @20 complementary solution partners.
"The Conference and Exhibition is vital for Yokogawa because it provides a means to present Yokogawa's direction in industrial automation as well as gather feedback from our users for our products and services so that we can improve our ability to exceed their expectations," said Bruce Jensen, General Manager, Technical Solutions Support Center for VigilantPlant Solutions. "Our users see it as a way to learn about complementary solutions and what's new that will be coming in the near future as well as to network with each other and share common interests. They provide invaluable feedback for product enhancements that will satisfy their business needs and help in prioritizing those improvements for the U.S. market."
A reception held Monday evening welcomed the participants. Yokogawa introduced a new networking tool, Poken. Poken is a digital business card and briefcase that makes networking extremely efficient. Poken allows for the easy collection and exchange of information with a simple touch of the devices. Attendees used Poken to exchange contact details including photo and social media links, access to digital brochures and the program proceedings, and the means to store all materials and contacts online to view and download them at any time via the web or mobile device.
The conference began Tuesday with a General Session and agenda by Bruce Jensen of Yokogawa and conference chair and a Welcome by Chuck Fortner – Chairman of the Yokogawa user's group steering committee. Attendees were then presented with Yokogawa's industrial automation vision by its Director and Senior Vice President, Satoru Kurosu. Chet Mroz, Yokogawa Corporation of America President and CEO, followed with Yokogawa Corporation of America's direction in North America focusing on the upstream and downstream oil & gas industry.
Richard Sear of the marketing consulting company Frost and Sullivan provided the keynote of Global Mega Trends and their impact on innovation.
The session culminated with the presentation of Yokogawa's Technology Award, given to a person and company who provided product input in a previous user group conference that lead to a major product release. The 2012 Technology Award was presented to Denny Younie of Case M&I for driving the direction of Yokogawa's CENTUM VP for turbomachinery control achieved with the new controller as part of the CENTUM VP R5.01 release.
Following a break, the attendees heard product updates from instrumentation, advanced analytical, networking solutions including wireless, control and safety systems, and software productivity solution groups. These presentations were repeated the next day so users could attend at least 2 of the 6 sessions.
Following lunch were presentations on subjects of Historians, Virtualization, Control System Security, Safety Applications, Wireless, Human Factors, Technology upgrades and batch applications from users as well as prominent industry experts.
The users then held a
"User Only" session to discuss Yokogawa performance toward requests from previous user group meetings as well as prioritizing new items.
The evening was capped with Yokogawa's hospitality event at the House of Blues featuring live music from Walter "Wolfman" Washington.
Wednesday, October 31 featured keynotes by Peter Reynolds, ARC's Marketing Research Firm, on Process Automation System Lifecycle Management and
Ian Nimmo, User Centered Design Services, Inc, on Advances in operator performance using highly effective HMI in today's world.
Wednesday afternoon featured breakout sessions on topics of control loop performance, modular procedural automation, system lifecycle, tunable diode laser spectroscopy, alarm management, security whitelisting and standardization by users and industry experts. Following were panel sessions to question the experts on the topics of human interface, wireless technologies, cyber security, alarm management and instrumentation. After the panel sessions, the exhibition area was open to participants to meet Yokogawa experts and discuss these topics as well as other topics on Yokogawa solutions with drinks and hor d'oeuvres.
During the breaks and throughout the event, the exhibition was open to allow users an opportunity to discuss their automation situations with experts and to see the latest products from Yokogawa and their solution partners. Product kiosks featured liquid and gas analytical, flow and pressure transmitters featuring ISA100.11a wireless and 900 mHz I/O radio technologies, controllers and data acquisition, advanced analytical featuring gas chromatography and laser spectroscopy and analytical services. These demos surrounded solution kiosks that featured upstream solutions of onshore wellhead control featuring Yokogawa Well Producer based upon STARDOM and FAST/TOOLS SCADA product as well as offshore subsea integration and downstream solutions featuring CENTUM VP batch, subsystem communication with the UGS, ProSafe-RS safety systems and Exaquantum historian. Technology solutions featured virtualization, cybersecurity, asset management, alarm management, partial stroke testing, modular procedural automation, controller tuning, augmented reality, advanced process control, and operator training simulators. Separate booths for advanced services highlighted the new VPS Remote services as well a training featuring cloud-based training offerings. Yokogawa subject matter experts were readily identifiable with their bright orange shirts.
Two new Yokogawa instrumentation products were unveiled to the North American market at the event. The first was the powerful new SMARTDAC+ Series data acquisition systems featuring modular I/O and a unique multi-touch screen. The second was the RotaMASS LR that takes the title of the world's smallest dual-bent tube meter, with a pair of 0.9-mm ID vibrating tubes.
Thursday, November 1 opened with a 3rd set of keynotes featuring Nicole Durham of Penwell Publications providing attendees with an Energy Outlook for 2012 and beyond.
Jon DiPietro followed with SCADA for your career highlighting the importance of social media for an engineer's career.
The final breakout sessions included presentations on field data applications, information management, intelligent device management and fire and gas detection technology.
The conference concluded with a lunch and the awards ceremony for the best presentation of the user sessions. Wayne Hawkins of Chevron was awarded for his presentation on Modular Procedural Automation in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Operations.
An introduction of the new steering committee members for 2012-2014 included Chuck Fortner, Precision Engineering – Chairman, Tom Craig, Feedforward - Vice-Chair, Lenny Pousson, CF Industries Donaldsonville, Roy Corbett, Chevron ETC, Charlie Watson, Koch Fertilizer, and Virgil Moffit, CF Industries Woodward.
The winner of the Poken networking contest included Kevin Kelly, Solvay Chemicals - 3rd place, Darryl Delaune, CF Industries - 2nd place, and Mike Bulow, Flowserve, and winner of an iPad IV.
Session 1: Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security, ISA 99
Abstract: Industrial security is a matter of paramount national security as well as a matter of safe, reliable and uninterrupted manufacturing production. Recent very public attacks, such as Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame, have revealed that directed and undirected attacks can disrupt production, damage equipment, and cause significant real costs in operations. Industrial control system networks are being replaced with commercial-off-the-shelf Ethernet-TCP/IP technology, and as result they now have many of the same vulnerabilities that have plagued enterprise networks. The result has been a significant increase in plant disruptions and shut-downs. Directed attacks against manufacturing facilities are expected to grow in number and sophistication, so a coordinated defense in depth strategy is required to protect manufacturing assets and networks. This tutorial will cover the best practice models, methods, and organization defined in the ISA 99 / IEC 62443 standards for industrial automation and control system security.
Instructor: Graham Speake
Session 2: Automating Procedures in Continuous Process Applications using the concepts of ISA 106
Abstract: The ISA106 committee, Procedure Automation for Continuous Process Operation, is currently drafting a technical report that captures procedural automation practices in use in industry today. Following a series of technical reports the committee will produce a standard on this topic. This tutorial will present the ISA106 committee's work to date and explain how this work can be applied today to automate procedures in existing and new sites. The tutorial will address:
• Justification and objectives for procedural automation
• Equipment layout
• Procedure requirements
• Designing and implementing automated procedures
• Unusual Occurrence Handling
• Operator Interface
• Tools available to automate procedures today
Instructor: Dave Emerson & Leila Myers
Session 3: HMI Philosophy and Lifecycle management using the concepts of ISA 101.
Abstract: This session will be based on the work to date of the ISA SP101 Standard Committee, and will provide information regarding the intent, organization, concepts, and potential requirements currently being proposed under the ISA SP101 Standard for Human Machine Interfaces. Some specific concepts to be discussed include development of an HMI Philosophy, Lifecycle Management, the generation and applicability of Style Guides, and methods of training particularly for operations personnel. Select HMI examples will be presented, with the focus on how an effective Human Machine Interface can improve productivity as well as safety.
Instructor: Bridget Fitzpatrick
Session 4: - Enterprise Control System Integration - Practical Applications of ISA 95.
Abstract: This tutorial provides practical applications of the ISA 95 standard in specifying MES systems and integration of MES/MOM systems to other Level 3 and Level 4 systems. The session will cover the advantages of the ISA 95 standard, the most important models of ISA 95, and practical applicability of the ISA 95 models for end users, consultants and engineers. It will provide examples of real implementations and the value received from the implementations. The tutorial will include descriptions of typical application structures with integrated MOM, DCS, and PLC systems.
Instructor: Dennis Brandl
9:00 – 9:50 Richard Sear Frost & Sullivan Title: Global Mega Trends and Their Impact on Innovation
Description: As time frames to innovate shorten and competitive pressures increase, the winners are those that can accurately assess how certain Mega Trends will shape the nature of their business and customers . In this talk, Richard will discuss seven key trends based on Frost & Sullivan's unparalleled Mega Trend research, and highlight how they will affect our industry, careers and lifestyles in the future.
Bio: As a Corporate Vice President of Frost & Sullivan Richard Sear oversees multiple functions with a mission to drive growth for our clients. Richard's primary function is leading our Visionary Innovative Group, a team of global consultants that are focused on understanding how future transformative developments will impact the various markets we work in, tomorrow's consumers, and clients we serve. His approach is grounded in research, taking key developing indicators to more credibly assess what the future will bring us. In his role Richard has worked with some of the world's leading companies such as GE, Intel, Henkel, Agilent, Schneider, Dover, Verizon and many more.
Before taking his current role in 2009, Richard served as Vice President of Corporate & Executive Development for Frost & Sullivan. His work covered all aspects of learning and development which focused on corporate education. In this role Richard drove the alignment of strategic initiatives within our client's workforce. This led to significant experience consulting with Fortune 500 companies on successful implementations in marketing, sales, product management and research development, to name a few.
Richard's seventeen years at Frost & Sullivan has led him to work in virtually every industry, from Energy, Healthcare, to IT and Chemicals giving him a truly rounded perspective of the global business environment.
Prior to this Richard worked for PriceWaterhouseCoopers as an Associate Consultant focusing on the future of wireless technologies. Richard holds a bachelor's and master's degree from Cambridge University, England, where his main concentration was looking at the future events that would impact the growth of Southern European countries. Richard is a frequent speaker at global conferences and corporate events to drive awareness of long term strategic planning and the macro forces shaping our future.
8:30 – 9:15 Peter Reynolds ARC Advisory Group. Title: Process Automation System Lifecycle Management
Description: In today's world, "commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)," "open source" and "multi-supplier" are often-used terms to describe the decades-long move from proprietary to standards-based automation technologies. These modern control systems offer significant potential to help improve production performance; many end users have reported other factors that prevent optimization of a modern control system. These have led some companies to hold back from making investments. Key issues, such as data integration, support roles, training, and cyber security, need to be addressed adequately during and after migration. Some of the issues relate to the lack of availability of automation system components and trained staff. Owner-operators must decide how to justify and manage the risk to the manufacturing business; while suppliers must develop solutions that simplify the process, enabling owner-operators to successfully manage the lifecycle of a technology investment and ensure business continuity
Bio: Peter brings more than 20 years of professional experience in process control, advanced automation applications, information technology, enterprise and supply chain in the downstream oil refining and petroleum product marketing.
Prior to joining ARC, Peter served as the Strategic Planning Manager for Automation and IT at Irving Oil in Saint John, New Brunswick, which operates Canada's largest refinery, eight petroleum terminals, and over 800 retail locations in Canada and the US. Previous positions at Irving included leading the Irving Oil Refining Growth team to develop the process control and automation strategy for a Greenfield joint venture refinery with BP, and Saint John Refinery Automation Systems Leader.
Peter's broad range of practical experience included migration of the DCS systems at the Irving Oil Saint John Refinery and implementation of several safety systems and operational excellence initiatives. Peter was also a leader in the design and implementation of the process and automation systems design for several hydro-processing units.
As leader of IT strategic planning he led the development of the long range plans for core business and supply chain systems and IT Cloud service deliver models that supported the key refining business directives.
9:15 – 10:00am Ian Nimmo User Centered Design Services, Inc. Title : Advances in operator performance using highly effective HMI In today's world
Description: Control systems have improved plant operations, but what happens when they fail to keep the process under control? We have a backup, the control operator whose role is to manage abnormal conditions and pick up the workload.
Is the current generation of operators as capable of responding to abnormal conditions as the older ones? Operators used to be proactive, lived with few alarms and managed the process by proactively monitoring trends. The trends were organized and calibrated to provide easy pattern recognition of change and were grouped by operator tasks. Operators trained in this environment had a deeper knowledge and better mental model of the system than today's operators who run the process by alarms.
For a "Highly Effective" HMI, we expect the operator for a majority of the time monitor trends and to be proactive resolving problems during normal operations. In the event of an alarm, the HMI would provide objects or tools that will pop-off the screen to help in quick resolution of the move outside of set operating limits, minimizing the time the process spends in an abnormal condition.
Bio: Ian Nimmo is President and a founder of User Centered Design Services an ASM Consortium affiliate member and an ASM service provider. He served 10 years as a Senior Engineering Fellow and a founder and Program Director for the ASM Consortium for Honeywell Industrial Automation & Control, Phoenix, before joining Honeywell; he worked for 25 years as an electrical designer, instrument/electrical engineer, and computer applications manager for Imperial Chemical Industries in the U.K. He has specialized in computer control safety for seven years; he has extensive experience in batch control and continuous operations. He developed control hazard operability methodology (ChazOp) during his time at ICI and has written over 100 papers and contributed to several books on the subject. He studied electrical and electronic engineering at Teesside (U.K.) University. He is a member of the Institute of Engineering Technology, and a Fellow member of the ISA.
8:30 – 9:15 Nicole Durham Pennwell Publications Title: Energy Outlook 2012
Description: Current market conditions present an unusual time for energy with fascinating components. If nothing else, it gives publications a lot to write about. Over the past several months, oil markets have come to terms with the outlook for reduced global demand as oil and gas prices have consistently modified. Energy Outlook 2012 provides an overview of the current markets, influencing factors, M&A activity, available capital in this constantly evolving market environment.
Bio: Nicole Durham joined PennWell in 2005 with the intent to enrich the Oil & Gas Financial Journal's audience of visionaries. Providing a voice for the producer and independent audience, the Oil & Gas Financial Journal ensures industry experts are able to share innovative and thought leadership philosophies influencing their bottom line.
The Oil & Gas Financial Journal is supported by an aggressive online initiative, including access to global oil and gas data, deal structure, transactions, analysis, and a plethora of unconventional resources though, the Global Shale Monitor, Shale Monitor, and the Business Operations newsletters. The Oil & Gas Financial Journal, from its inception, has had one goal, to offer valuable editorial content focused on the business aspects of the oil and gas industry.
9:15 – 10:00 Jon DiPietro Domesticating IT Title: Social Media for Engineers and Scientists
Description: Social networks are both a blessing and a curse to the engineer and scientist. The blessings are apparent: the abundance of free applications and their increasing mobility and transportability. The curse is that creating interesting and compelling content on these user-driven systems is best served by right-brain skills. But most engineers and scientists are left-brain oriented, have generally shunned the right-brain skills like graphic design and creative writing as being indulgent and time wasting. In this talk Jon will discuss how Engineers and Scientists can reacquire and hone these skills and utilize social network channels to enhance their careers and job satisfaction.
Bio: Jon DiPietro is a Certified Inbound Marketing Professional and author of "Social Media for Engineers and Scientists." He is the Founder and Principal of Domesticating IT, an inbound marketing blog and consultancy and co-founder of, and educational website that teaches job seekers how to market themselves online. Jon holds leadership positions in the International Society of Automation, for which he has received multiple awards including the Emerging Leader Award. He is a frequent speaker on Internet marketing and social media topics at conferences, workshops, symposia and business networking events.
Guest Track-Day One
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 10 am - 2 pm
Embark on a historical Walking Tour of the French Quarter. The group will leave at 10 am from the hotel lobby. Several forms of transportation are available: Street carline/$1.25pp, taxi/$10-$12pp or enjoy a 12 minute walk from the hotel. During this tour, you will have the opportunity to visit Royal Street shops, Jackson Square, Café Du Monde, St. Louis Cathedral and explore the famous French Quarter.
Networking Function
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 7 pm - 10 pm
One of the valued activities at the Users Conference and Exhibition is networking whereby users can talk with other users, Yokogawa subject matter experts, related partners and suppliers within the Yokogawa community to learn what issues they deal with daily and how they address them. Facilitating this is a hospitality event hosted at the House of Blues.
Food, drink and entertainment by Walter "Wolfman" Washington, a prominent Blues/Jazz Group provide the backdrop for discussions and just plain fun!
Guest Track-Day Two
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 10 am - 1 pm
Find fun, food, & folklore of the New Orleans School of Cooking. Watch and learn how to make gumbo, jambalaya, bread budding and pralines. The demonstration will take place from 10 am - 1 pm with a group meeting to depart from the lobby. This price include the cooking demonstration, a full meal, take-away copies of the recipes, iced tea, coffee, water, lemonade, and Abita beer (a local brew).
Networking Function
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 [HALLOWEEN]
Spend Halloween evening on a Haunted City Tour of New Orleans. The tour covers several different haunting sites based on actual paranormal activity documented. Designated meeting place is in front of St. Louis Cathedral that faces Jackson Square. The tour is from 8 pm - 10 pm and groups will be leaving the lobby to walk over to the tour. This tour is recommended by The Travel Channel as "The #1 Tour In New Orleans" and has also been seen on A7E, Discovery, Fox Network, The History Channel and MTV.
Exhibition & Sponsorship
Come walk through the exhibition and learn how Yokogawa's innovations can help you achieve operational excellence. We are excited to showcase industry solutions and products from Yokogawa and our partner and solution providers.
Phoenix Contact - Booth #3
Phoenix Contact develops and manufactures products and solutions for all aspects of electrical engineering and automation. Phoenix Contact and the Yokogawa Electric Corporation started their mutual product development in 2005 with the common objective of designing specific solutions for the Yokogawa DCS and safety systems. This has led to a number of significant product developments, including a comprehensive line of system cabling solutions for CENTUM® VP, CENTUM® CS 3000 R3, STARDOMTM and ProSafe-RS. Most recently, the working relationship between Phoenix Contact and Yokogawa has spawned a new line of analog signal isolation devices that dramatically simplifies marshaling in field installations.
System Cabling Strategy Delivers Hidden Profits ![]() |
Integrated and Efficient Plug and Play ![]() |
Smart Redundancy: Auto Current Balancing Technlogy ![]() |
GOLD Sponsors
Cooper Crouse-Hinds MTL Inc. – Booth# 6
MTL Instruments, a division of Cooper Crouse-Hinds, is a world leader in the development and supply of system infrastructure products and protection equipment to the process industries. MTL has a long history of providing solutions to Yokogawa for intrinsic safety applications from the early Centum XL and ProSafe to the latest Centum VP and ProSafeRS systems. MTL's IS barrier ranges include the MTL7700 series zener barriers, MTL5500 series DIN rail isolators and the MTL4500/4600 series backplane mounted isolating barriers. In addition to the IS interfaces MTL also manufacture a range of general purpose termination boards for Centum VP and ProSafeRS.
For further information visit or contact our local sales team via e-mail: or telephone: +1 281-571-8065.
MTL Instruments Brochure ![]() |
Yokogawa Centum VP and ProSafe RS Interface Soltuions ![]() |
Control – Booth# 5
Control is the voice of the end user in process automation. The Control brand is an integrated content delivery system that serves relevant content to the global end user audience in all the ways they choose to receive it: print magazine, print supplements, website, e-zines, blogs, RSS feeds, webcasts, podcasts, and live events.
AUTOMATION.COM - Booth #7 is the leading online publisher of automation-related content, providing the most current industry news, information and resources for control and automation professionals. Attracting more than 115,000 unique visitors each month, the website organizes information into topical Automation Portals which include articles, white papers, application stories, product announcements, company news, project news, resources, training, seminars and events. In collaboration with ISA and InTech, publishes a weekly e-newsletter, Automation Weekly, and variety of automation topic-specific e-newsletters, all of which are distributed to 110,000+ automation professionals world-wide.
SILVER Sponsor
VEGA – Booth# 1
VEGA specializes in level, pressure, and density measurement instrumentation. The inventor of the modern radiation-based measurement system and the first to introduce two-wire, loop-powered radar, VEGA has a strong tradition of product development and improvement. Founded in 1950, VEGA Americas offers industry-leading technologies including through-air radar, guided wave radar, capacitance, vibrating switches, and radiation-based measurement. Every solution is evaluated to ensure that the right instrument is specified, and is backed by a Performance Guarantee. Fast delivery through the SPEED Program is followed by on-site and remote service, training, repair, and program support to ensure complete product, user, and integration support.
Phone: 800.FOR.LEVEL (800.367.5383)
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