Digital SMART SENCOM™ Adapter, SA11

Environmentally Friendly 

Conventional SMART sensors come with integrated electronics on top of an analog sensor. Once the sensor reaches the end of its lifetime, the still functioning electronics must also be thrown away, adding to global waste.

The SENCOM 4.0 platform consists of a reusable SMART adapter, requiring only the analog sensor to be disposed of when it reaches the end of its lifetime. With the SENCOM 4.0 platform, Yokogawa delivers reduced costs and waste while contributing to its long-term business goals of a sustainable future for all.

The reusable smart adapter, SA11, offers full measuring parameter functionality of analog sensors equipped with a Variopin connector and Yokogawa ID chip. The SA11 automatically recognizes the installed sensor and prepares the right configuration. 

Possible sensor connection to Digital SMART SENCOM Adapter



Maximize steel plant efficiency with comprehensive waste treatment solutions. From coal washer to blast furnace waste, optimize processes for quality.


Dairy wastewater is a mixture of organic compounds, suspended solids, fats, and bacteria that can produce a film or coating on equipment in the process. 

Application Note

For control of batch neutralization, a pH measurement coupled with a timer-controlled chemical feed scheme provides very satisfactory results.

This system can be adapted for either acid waste or alkaline waste neutralization.


Having too much oxygen in the process is not a problem for the biological system; however the cost for generating the oxygen is one of the largest expenses. By obtaining a good representative average of the dissolved oxygen present in the basin could save the plant large amounts of money. For this reason multiple measurements points are sometimes put into place.


Problems at the wet end of a paper machine can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper-making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role. Variations in the pH value at the headbox have a negative effect on the quality of the paper produced. Proper monitoring ensures minimizing plugging and fouling problems that occur with pH measurements in paper mills. 


Process liquid analyzers such as pH meters, conductivity meters, ORP meters, and density meters play an important role at electrolysis plants in the control of concentrations of various process solutions. This requires both precision and stability under harsh conditions that include highly corrosive substances, high temperatures, and many impurities.

Application Note

Wastes have been considered to be a serious worldwide environmental problem in recent years. Because of increasing pollution, these wastes should be treated. However, industrial wastes can contain a number of valuable organic components. Recovery of these components is important economically. Using conventional distillation techniques, the separation of acetic acid and water is both impractical and uneconomical, because it often requires large number of trays and a high reflux ratio. In practice special techniques are used depending on the concentration of acetic acid. 


Cyanide-bearing wastewater from mining and electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants is toxic and must be treated by oxidation with chlorine or chloride to bring the cyanide concentration within regulatory limits.

Industry:Electrical and Electronics


The treatment of wastewater from pulp and paper plants is a serious environmental concern. Yokogawa's submersion holder with an ultrasonic+air-jet cleaner (customized product) can reduce the manual cleaning frequency to just once every one or two months.


Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. Problems at the wet end (stock preparation) can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role.


Wastewater from electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants contains toxic forms of hexavalent chromium such as chromate and dichromate. The hexavalent chromium in this wastewater must be reduced before the water can be discharged. This requires a two-step process: hexavalent chromium (CR6) is reduced to trivalent chromium (CR3); and CR3 is precipitated as chromium hydroxide.

Industry:Electrical and Electronics


Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant.

Application Note
Application Note

To defray energy costs, many industrial plants have their own boilers to generate steam to produce a portion of their energy needs. In addition to generating power, the steam may also be used directly in plant processes or indirectly via heat exchangers or steam jacketed vessels. 


Yokogawa’s conductivity transmitters and converters possess USP functions that make this seemingly complex and troublesome requirement pain-free and automatic.


How integrating advanced pH sensors with temperature compensation, chemical resistance, and a dynamic mounting system can prevent fouling and damage.

Application Note

Fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed, grow, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce. Water quality determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.


In stable dispersion of fine particles is the pre-requisite for the selective flocculation technique involving separation of ultra-fine valuable particles from the gangue. Among mineral processing techniques selective flocculation technique is known to have outstanding potential of capturing the particles of particular mineral in slurry of mixed mineral system by selective adsorption of water soluble polymers known as flocculants.


Heat exchangers are devices that provide the flow of thermal energy between two or more fluids at different temperatures. Heat exchangers are used in a wide variety of applications. These include power production; process, chemical and food industries; electronics; environmental engineering; waste heat recovery; manufacturing industry; and air-conditioning, refrigeration, and space applications. Yokogawa offers a means to control heat exchanger leakage and prevent costly maintenance, repair and downtime with an easy-to-use, virtually maintenance-free condensate conductivity measurement method.

Only one sensor logged, the sensor which is connected will overrule the logging information stored in SA11 by ID-chip. 
Equipment grounding can be described as the connection of the earth ground to a non-current carrying conductive material. The function of the grounding is to provide a backup pathway, which is an alternative route for the current to the ground in cas...
The first generation SENCOM sensors have the digital chip and sensor fixed to each other. With SENCOM 4.0, the electronics are separated from the sensor; creating reusability of electronics and positively contributing to the sustainable of our future...
Take all sensors out and calibrate with same SA11 separate SA11 /additional SA11 Manual setting of ID-chip using HOST system Calibrate one by one Use replacement sensors (SWAP) In case of sensor to be calibrated at other place (e.g....
You need to make sure that the new sensor has an ID chip (-VS models). The sensors will have been calibrated in the factory calibration and this data is stored on the ID chip in the sensor. If this calibration is correct for your process, then you do...
Yes, in the logbook of both the SA11 and ID-chip inside sensor. Remark: when sensor is re-connected to SA11, the sensor logbook information will overwrite the logbook information inside the SA11.
2.7 to 4.5 VDC / 10 mW avg. 4.5 to 5.5 VDC / 65 mW avg. 
No, it is already plug & play by ID-chip.
Yes, only for the SA11 setup and not for the ID-chip inside sensor.
Start-up is 11 sec. After that the refresh rate of measuring values is 500ms, step response of parameters is defined in GS.
No, this is not required. There will be a notification that the sensor is lost from the SA11. The sensor is hot-swappable.
You can only connect the sensors with the Yokogawa ID chip, which for now are the Yokogawa sensors.
Yes, the device is a Class A product, and it is designed for use in the industrial environment.
Is the SA11 reusable?
Conventional SMART sensors come with integrated electronics on top of an analogue sensor. Once the sensor reaches the end of its lifetime, the still functioning electronics must also be thrown away, adding to global waste. The SENCOM 4.0 platform con...
The average lifetime of the SA11 is 10 years. One can understand that if the temperature of the process and environment are always very high this will also have a negative effect on the lifetime.
The P1 is for conventional pH with one pH glass bulb and one reference junction. P2 is for differential pH measurements with two pH glass bulbs. The pin layout on the variopin is different, therefore there are two different types of SA11.
Yes, in the sensor setup of the FieldMate you can assign a TAG to the SA11.
Yes, in combination with the IB100 box.
Optional in the modelcode is a universal mounting set (/UM). On the mounting bracket is also an extra nut to connect an extra ground when needed. ...
Please see the drawing below of the terminal arrangement of the UM33A-S. To guarantee EMC- and Common Mode noise behavior of SA11, the FG terminal (#306) must be interconnected to Power supply Earth terminal (#112) by separate wire. Use WU11-S type c...
The calibration limits are set in the SA11 and will be used during calibration and will generate an error when applicable. Limits can be set by using FieldMate or a FLXA402.
Only WU11 cable can be used.
That is the WE10 cable. Please take care to order the -V1 type for the conventional pH (-P1) and -V2 for the differential pH measurement (-P2). ...
A Dual Coax cable is necessary, that is an eight pins cable.
For the VP connector, the designation of the pins is fixed. That is why P1 for conventional pH sensors and P2 for differential pH sensors was created. It was possible to create an internal switch in the connector, but with a specification of up to 12...
The Modbus register maps should be updated. Yokogawa will make a service manual available with the new mapping. For existing installations, please contact the local Analytical or Data Aquisition Product Manager. New files will be created fo...
SA11 is not part of WEEE because part of installation, so keep the local regulations for disposal of electronic equipment.
Yes, that is possible. It is the same as the standard analogue sensors directly connected to the FLXA402. 
No, this is not possible with a HART handheld, but you can utilize the IB100 interface box with a tablet with the FieldMate software installed.
Default pre-programmed, see Appendix in Instruction Manual Configurable by expert HOST (= Yokogawa device FLXA402, Fieldmate, NOT UM33A-S)  Remark: some error configuration depends on the type of sensor that is connected. This will be autom...
You can connect the SA11 to the IB100. With the IB100 you can connect via Bluetooth to the PC or laptop.
Yes, when ordering the FLXA402 with Ethernet port it can be connected to the DCS.
The SA11 warm-up time is none. Start-up time is 11 seconds.
No, it does not have an LE. For the type of market this sensor is developed for the LE is often not used. When necessary an earth can be connected on the mounting bracket of the SA11. Number 14 of the cable can be connected as normal. Provisi...
In a moderate application at 25°C and 1 bar a normal pH sensor does not need more than once a month recalibration. This is the same for when stored on the shelf. If it is within 4 weeks of the last calibration it does not require recalibration. I...
In the model code, there is a suffix code -VS, which will include than the ID chip.
Yes it can be all used with all types of SA11 versions.
Software update to the latest FieldMate (3.04) version must be done to communicate with the SENCOM 4.0.
SA11(SENCOM 4.0) and FieldMate : WU11-M9-02-CN-S (Previous SENCOM: WU11-M9-02-CN-V and SPS24 Software)
Technically it is possible that when connecting a sensor to a powered adapter that one of the pins on the VP connector connects sooner than others. The first step is to separate the sensor and adapter and put them back together again. If that does no...
No, FieldMate and FLXA402 are the only communication devices available to work with the SENCOM 4.0.
No, there is a different Sensor Adapter for each parameter. However, when SENCOM is selected in the FLXA402, there is only ONE SENCOM module and it does not need to be changed. ...
No, since the communication platform is different, the SA11 will only work with the new (-VS) variopin sensors with Yokogawa approved ID chip.
With the SA11 a maximum of five sensors can be connected to the analyzer. To one SENCOM module a total of four SA11+ analogue sensors can be connected using the BA11 active junction box. See below the possibilities.   Slot 3 ...
SA stands for SENCOM Adapter (Model SA11); it is a product platform succeeding the first SENCOM generation of products from Yokogawa. The SENCOM Smart Adapter uses the digitalization embedded but in a detachable and reusable format. This product is p...
No, calibration can be done on the FLXA402 screen, or by bring a tablet with FieldMate into the field using the Bluetooth connectivity with FLXA402, or with Fieldmate using the BT connection with IB100.
Yes, the PR10 is designed to work with either the first generation of SENCOM sensors (FU20F or SC25F) or with the SA11 and FU20-VS sensors. ...
The SA11 has locally stored a logbook for 50 calibration data points and 50 events. So total 100 logging events. This function cannot be read by addressing the Modbus content. This function is reserved for Yokogawa expert host. This can be FLXA402/FL...
The main functions of the UM33A-S are: Displaying calculated main parameter values and WARN/ERROR statuses from SA11 Trigger calibration process of the sensor Generating mA process signal Built in power supply for the SA11 IP66/NEMA4X at the f...
The BA11 is delivered with a mounting bracket which can be attached to the back of the FLXA402. Also, pipe and wall-mounting are available. It is advised to use the 1-meter WU11 cable when mounting it on the back of the analyzer. ...
SPS24 PC software that was used with the first generation of SENCOM will not work with the SENCOM 4.0 platform and Smart SENCOM Adapter. The only software available for SENCOM 4.0 is FieldMate and the free Calibration Tool software.  The fr...
Maximum 4 sensors at a time, however, each sensor needs to be connected to an SA11 and IB100 interface box. Only one sensor can be connected at a time to SA11 and IB100. ...
Without using the BA11 active junction box the maximum distance is 100 meters. When using the BA11 it is possible to extend a further 100 meters. Making it a total of 200M. ...
The WU11 cables are used between the BA11 and the FLXA402. WE10 is used between the FU20-VS / PH21-VS and FU24-VS and the SA11. ...
The WU11 is to connect the SA11 to the FLXA402, UM33A-S, SMARTDAC+ or any other HOST system. WU11-…-V: for FU20F, FU24F, SC25F, and IB100 WU11-…-S: for SA11, BA11, IB100, and –VS sensors




SENCOM- The Next Generation in SMART Liquid Analyzers

Yokogawa’s SENCOM SMART Sensor Platform is an innovative analyzer platform that optimizes maintenance, reduces configuration time, and simplifies in-field maintenance and calibration. Yokogawa is a recognized world leader for reliable liquid analytical equipment, providing accurate and repeatable solutions for maintaining and controlling even the most demanding process applications.


This video will briefly explain what grounding is, why grounding is important and how it is properly done when using Yokogawa's SMART sensor technology.

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