SynGas 2019

Dates: Mar 10 - 12, 2019
Location: The Woodlands, TX
Venue: The Woodlands Waterway Marriott & Convention Center | Booth 511

The SynGas conference brings together ammonia and methanol producers from around the globe, along with the material and service suppliers that support these industries.  This conference provides a forum for an open exchange of ideas and information to promote safety, efficiency, new technology, environmental improvements, and refined operational & maintenance techniques.

Yokogawa’s experience and capabilities in syngas automation run the full range from instruments and analytical devices, to plant controls and safety systems, to plant-wide optimization and ERP/CMMS integration.  From a strategic perspective, no other vendor brings the breadth of capabilities offered by Yokogawa’s global staff.

For this year’s conference, we’ll be emphasizing some of the more ‘hot’ automation topics in the syngas industries, including: 

  • Utilizing proven 3-tiered pipeline and tank leak detection technology, avoiding the dangers of a catastrophic leak
  • Applying tunable diode lasers measuring near real-time O2, CO, CO2, and CH4 to minimize fuel burn, maximize process throughput, and improve safety and emissions by perfecting combustion in your reformers, boilers, and nitric acid units
  • Automating reformer start-up and shutdown procedures, greatly reducing these periods of reduced production
  • Deploying operator training operators for all real-world scenarios to optimize operator performance 
  • Implementing ‘pair and spare’ quad-redundant safety instrumented systems for SIL 2 and SIL 3 applications to improve process uptime and minimize inadvertent trips
  • Clearly depicting overrides and interlocks

Please come see us at the booth 511.

Related Links:

Ammonia automation retrofit

Using TDL to lower steam methane reformer, aux boiler, and nitric acid plant NOx emissions by improving SCR operation

Using Exapilot for procedural automation to expedite ammonia plant’s steam methane reformer startups and shutdowns

Using OTS in ammonia-based fertilizer

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