Whenever you are installing a gas density system, it is important to match the detector (GD40) to the analyzer (GD402). This applies to completely new installations, as well as when a GD40 detector is being used with a different analyzer. To match the GD40 detector to the GD402 analyzer, you will need to enter the detector constants found on the cap of the GD40, and enter them into the GD402. Follow the steps below, or refer to the video linked under Resources to complete this process.
- Remove the cap from the top of the detector (a 3mm allen wrench is required).
- Remove front cover for GP version. For explosion proof unscrew panel access screw.
- Press * key on the analyzer, then hit "No" until you see SERV menu
- Press Yes
- Enter Code 82 and press enter.
- The password is 020
- All of the codes from the cap will need to be entered exactly as they appear on the cap. If 1 digit is off the unit will not read correctly. The cap is labeled in base 16 (hex) 8 bit numbers. The cap has the following labels for number, A, B, C, AH, BH, CH, T3, T2, T1, TM, TC, AZ, AS. The electronics requires you enter these number as 4 bit hex codes. The following is the order and instructions for entering codes using the up and right arrow key.
- For the A digit the electronics will ask for KAH and KAL. KAH is the first 4 digits of the A. KAL is the second 4 digits of A.
- Next the B digit. The electronics will ask for KBH and KBL. KBH is the first 4 digits of the B. KBL is the second 4 digits of B.
- Then the C digit. The electronics will ask for KCH and KCL. KCH is the first 4 digits of the C. KCL is the second 4 digits of C.
- Then the AH digit. The electronics will ask for KAHH and KAHL. KAHH is the first 4 digits of the AH. KAHL is the second 4 digits of AH.
- Then the BH digit. The electronics will ask for KBHH and KBHL. KBHH is the first 4 digits of the BH. KBHL is the second 4 digits of BH.
- Then the CH digit. The electronics will ask for KCHH and KCHL. KCHH is the first 4 digits of the CH. KCHL is the second 4 digits of CH.
- Next the unit will ask for the T codes (be careful, T1 is the 3rd number down on the T codes). You will use the T code numbers from bottom to top starting with all the left most numbers, then bottom to top using the right most numbers.
- For any number with 0 or blank use 0000 for each entry.
- For the T1 (left digits). The electronics will ask for T1LH and T1LL. The T1LH is the first 4 digits of T1. The T1LL is the second 4 digits of T1.
- For the T2 (left digits). The electronics will ask for T2LH and T2LL. The T2LH is the first 4 digits of T2. The T2LL is the second 4 digits of T2.
- For the T3 (left digits). The electronics will ask for T3LH and T3LL. The T3LH is the first 4 digits of T3. The T3LL is the second 4 digits of T3.
- Next we will move onto the right digits for the T Codes. Keep in mind if they are blank or 0 enter them as 0000.
- For the T1 (right digits). The electronics will ask for T1HH and T1HL. The T1HH is the first 4 digits of T1. The T1HL is the second 4 digits of T1.
- For the T2 (right digits). The electronics will ask for T2HH and T2HL. The T2HH is the first 4 digits of T2. The T2HL is the second 4 digits of T2.
- For the T3 (right digits). The electronics will ask for T3HH and T3HL. The T3HH is the first 4 digits of T3. The T3HL is the second 4 digits of T3.
- Then for code TM, the electronics will ask for MT1 and MT2. The MT1 code is the number to the left on TM. The MT2 code is the number to the right on the TM line.
- Then the TC code. The electronics will ask for CT. Enter the number on the TC line for the CT code.
- Next, the electronics will ask for the TMPZ code. This is the AZ code on the cap. Enter the code from AZ on TMPZ.
- Then the electronics will ask for the TMPS code. This is the AS code on the cap. Enter the code from AS on TMPS.
- Done!
You have now successfully paired your GD40 detector to the GD402 analyzer. For additional assistance, please contact our technical support center at or 1-800-524-7378.
List of Detector Constants:
KAH - First 4 of A on cap
KAL – Last for of A on Cap
KBH – First 4 of B on Cap
KBL – Last 4 of B on Cap
KCH – First 4 of C on Cap
KCL – Last 4 of C on Cap
KAHH – First 4 of AH on Cap
KAHL – Last 4 of AH on Cap
KBHH – First 4 of BH on Cap
KBHL – Last 4 of BH on Cap
KCHH – First 4 of CH on Cap
KCHL – Last 4 of CH oh Cap
T1LH – Left side bottom T1 code. First 4.
T1LL - Left side bottom T1 Code – Last 4
T2LH – Left side T2 Code – First 4
T2LL – Left side T2 Code – Last 4
T3LH – Left side T3 Code – First 4
T3LL – Left side T3 Code – Last 4
T1HH – Right side bottom –T1 Code – First 4
T1HL – Right side bottom – T1 Code – First 4
T2HH – Right side T2 code – First 4
T2HL – Right side T2 code – Last 4
T3HH – Right side T3 code – First 4
T3HL – Right side T3 code – last 4
MT1 – TM code, left side
MT2 – TM code, right side
CT – TC code
TMPZ – AZ code
TMPS – AS code
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