Temperature and Pressure Compensation for Ideal Gas

Floating-point format calculations have enabled physical quantities (in engineering units) to be used in calculations.

  • When using calculation modules in the earlier YS Series:
    Scaling needs to be performed by the user to normalize physical quantities into the standard internal data form (0 to 100%) so that those quantities can be processed.
  • When using a temperature and pressure compensation module in a YS1700:
    • Thanks to floating-point format calculations, no scaling is needed.
    • Online monitor enables the interim calculation results between calculation modules to be checked.

Note: Online monitor can only be used for user programs coded in function block programming, and thus cannot be used for those coded in text programming.

Calculations in YS1700

  1. Assign scaling of temperature and pressure input values.
  2. Configure a calculation block for temperature and pressure compensation of flow rates of ideal gas.
  3. Assign BSC to perform a PID calculation.

Calculations in YS1700


  • Offshore (FPSO FLNG & FSRU)

    Offshore exploration and production requires maximum uptime under harsh conditions. Manned and unmanned facilities need reliable integrated control and safety systems (ICSS) with advanced remote monitoring capabilities. Yokogawa has state-of-the-art technology and extensive experience in executing offshore projects of all sizes and automation levels of complexity.

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  • Oil & Gas

    Yokogawa has a wealth of experience in every part of the oil and gas business, from offshore and onshore facilities to pipelines, terminals, and deepwater operations. We provide solutions that enhance safety, ensure accurate and reliable operation, and increase plant efficiency.

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  • Pipeline

    The right pipeline control and instrumentation can make a huge difference in terms of performance and profitability. Yokogawa has dedicated technology that can optimize the performance of all elements of a pipeline solution, including compressors, pumps, valves, and intermediate storage and distribution facilities.

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  • Power

    In the mid 1970s, Yokogawa entered the power business with the release of the EBS Electric Control System. Since then, Yokogawa has steadfastly continued with the development of our technologies and capabilities for providing the best services and solutions to our customers worldwide.

    Yokogawa has operated the global power solutions network to play a more active role in the dynamic global power market. This has allowed closer teamwork within Yokogawa, bringing together our global resources and industry know-how. Yokogawa's power industry experts work together to bring each customer the solution that best suits their sophisticated requirements.

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  • Thermal

    Thermal power using coal, oil or gas as fuel accounts for the majority of electric generation throughout the world.

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  • Upstream

    The upstream industry includes offshore and onshore activities including wellhead automation, fractionation, completion, and separation to recover and prepare underground or underwater crude oil and natural gas.

    As petroleum is brought to the surface, it must be separated prior to transport. Primary and secondary separation stages commonly distribute gas flow, water flow, and oil flow in three phase separation. Gas movement requires pipeline and can include a fractionation process in the upstream stage prior to movement. Liquids can be placed into a tanks or pipelines and sent for processing, requiring accurate level measurements.

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