Water treatment is essential for society and industry, sustaining life, health, and economic activities. Effective treatment prevents diseases, conserves resources, and protects ecosystems. Industries depend on treated water for operations, reducing pollution and promoting sustainable development. Yokogawa collaborates with customers to solve challenges across their business activities, fostering innovation and productivity.
Drinking Water Treatment
The goal of drinking water treatment is to produce clean, safe, and potable water that meets regulatory standards and is suitable for drinking and other domestic uses.
Industrial Water
Industrial water is essential for production and process water, manufacturing facilities, feed water for boilers and cooling towers, food & beverage processes, and other treatment needs.
Water & Wastewater
All water, regardless of its source, has value. However, with water resources being finite, a focus on "One Water" is necessary to maximize every drop within the water system, ensuring a stable supply of clean and safe water. As we consider current and future needs, planning and implementation are critical for long-term resilience and reliability, meeting both community and ecosystem demands. Yokogawa believes water is a human right for all. Thus, contributing to a sustainable water cycle is one of our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Related Products & Solutions
All-in-One pH/ORP Sensor Series FU20 and FU24
The FU20 and FU24, all-in-one pH and ORP, sensors show how Yokogawa applies the motto "Simple is best" to sensor technology.
Liquid Analyzer for Turbidity and Chlorine FLXA402T
Eliminate multiple analyzers and provide greater flexibility
Multi Channel 4-Wire Analyzer FLXA402
Available in single or multi-sensor measurement
Pure Water (Low) Conductivity Sensors SC4A/SC42
Intended for low conductivity applications
Liquid Analyzers
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pH and ORP Sensors
Ensure fluid process operations
SENCOM™ SMART Digital Sensors
Reduce configuration time and simplify maintenance