AR Series Surge Arresters

The high-performance AR surge arrester absorbs the potential of an inductive lightning surge caused by a lightning discharge to protect electronic instruments. The plug-in arrester consists of a separable main unit and terminal block.

  • Absorbs large surge voltages immediately.
  • Simple circuit configuration and excellent adaptability to a distributed control system.
  • Plug-in connection of the main unit with the terminal block, eliminating concerns about an open-circuit state even if the main unit is removed.
  • Support JIS
    *1: JIS C 5381-21 (category:C1,C2):
          AR-SA, AR-HA, AR-TC, AR-RT, AR-HP, AR-LP, AR-SP, 
          AR-SY, AR1-B2, AR1-D6
    *2: JIS C 5381-1(classⅡ):
          AR-PS, AR-PH, AR-PW



Model Description
AR-SA Arrester for Current Signal 
0 to 100 mA DC(12 to 30 V DC signal line)
AR-HA Arrester for Current Signal 
0 to 100 mA DC(48 to 65 V DC signal line)
AR-TC Arrester for Thermocouple (mV signal line)
AR-RT Arrester for RTD and Potentiometer
AR-LP Arrester for 2-wire Pulse Signal (50 V DC or less)
AR-HP Arrester for 2-wire Pulse Signal (90 V DC or less)
AR-SP Arrester for 3-wire Pulse Signal (50 V DC or less)
AR-PS Arrester for Power Supply (100 V AC, 2 A)
AR-PH Arrester for Power Supply (200 V AC, 2 A)
AR-PW Arrester for Power Supply (100 V AC, 20 A)
AR-SY Arrester for Selsyn (90 V AC)
AR1-B2 Arrester for Communication Line (DC to 300 kHz)
AR1-D6 Arrester for Communication Line (DC to 2 MHz)


Can I use the AR-RT for the Pt50 Ω RTD?
It uses a zinc oxide varistor.
For converters with an open detection function, during open detection the line-to-line is 40 V, therefore we recommend using the AR-HA (max. continuous line-to-line voltage of 70 V) .
Yes, the AR-LP. It has a rated (load) current of 2 A. Note that this does not support JIS.
Yes, the AR-SA.
You can use the AR-LP. Note that this is not JIS-compliant.
Yes, that is not a problem.
Yes, the AR-LP (for 2-wire pulse signals, 50 VDC or less)
Yes, you need it regardless of the presence or absence of voltage. We recommend the AR-LP.
The “AR-PS” is available. Note that this is not JIS-compliant.
The insulation resistance value at the surge arrester terminal block between the I/O terminals and ground is 100 MΩ or more/500 VDC. The withstand voltage between I/O terminals and ground is 1000 VAC/1 minute (or 1500/1 minute for the AR-PH onl...
Yes. It's the E9731TW. (Please consult with your dealer at the time of purchase.)
They are voltage limiting lightning arresters.
Yes. The adapter for mounting on a DIN rail is an option.
Can I mount on DIN rails?
A DIN rail adapter can be included with an option when purchasing the surge arrester. If you need to purchase an adapter later, select the AR8-01_DIN rail adapter. ...
There is no load current rating. With this model no load current flows because it is connected in parallel to the load.


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