Benchtop CQ1 Confocal System

CellVoyager CQ1 enables 3D imaging and quantification of live cell clusters, such as spheroids within a 3D culture vessel, as they are, keeping the cells intact. CellVoyager CQ1 exports feature data in general formats which are readable by various third-party software for advanced data analysis. It is possible to construct a fully customized CellVoyager CQ1-based system by integrating with external systems*1, via robot for culture dish handling.

CellVoyager CQ1 System Highlights

Excitation laser wavelength 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm
Illumination source Laser
Objective lens 2x to 60x
(Dry, Phase contrast, Long working distance)
Camera High-sensitivity sCMOS camera
Autofocus Laser autofocus, Software autofocus
Software CellPathfinder

Enables measurement of spheroids, colonies, and tissue sections

  • No need to remove cells from the culture dish, in contrast to traditional flow cytometry
  • Nipkow spinning disk confocal technology allows high-speed yet gentle 3D image acquisition
  • Rich feature extraction to facilitate sophisticated cellular image analysis
  • Wide field of view and tiling capability enables easy imaging of large specimen

Enables analysis of time-lapse and live-cell

  • High precision stage incubator and low phototoxicity of our confocal makes the analysis of time-lapse and live-cell are possible   
  • Max.20fps option for fast time lapse*1

High-quality image and similar operability to a traditional flow cytometer

  • Feature data and statistical graphs displayed in real-time with image acquisition
  • Usable high-quality image as confocal microscope image.
  • Easy to trace back to the original image from a graph spot, and make repetitive measurements

Open platform

  • Connectable with external systems via handling robot*2
  • Expandable to the integrated system as image acquisition and quantification instrument
  • FCS/CSV/ICE data format readable by third-party data analysis software
  • A variety of cell culture and sample dishes are applicable

Compact footprint, lightweight bench-top device; no need for a darkroom

  CQ1 General fluorescent imaging Flow cytometry
Cell removal/suspension treatment Not necessary Not necessary Necessary
Cell image confirmation Possible Possible Not possible
Display feature data and graphs in real-time with imaging Possible Depends on devices Possible
3D data measurement Possible Not possible Not possible
Time lapse Possible Not possible Not possible

*1 Option
*2 Contact to CQ1 partner for more information


Multiple functions fully integrated in a compact box

Compact design contains fully integrated multiple functions to offer easy-to-handle confocal imaging system, without a need for complicated system integration. You only need to set a sample and run the software. User-friendly interface and versatile functions support your measurement and analysis.


Principles of the Microlens-enhanced Nipkow Disk Scanning Technology

A Nipkow spinning disk containing about 20,000 pinholes and a subsidiary spinning disk containing the same number of microlenses to focus excitation laser light into each corresponding pinhole are mechanically fixed on a motor, and very rapidly rotated. As a result, a high-speed raster scan of the excitation lights on the specimen can be achieved. The pinhole and microlenses are arranged on each disk in our proprietary design to optimize the raster scan. Multi-beam scanning not only increases scanning speed but also results in significantly lower photobleaching and phototoxicity because multi-beam excitation needs only a low level of laser power on the specimen to fully excite fluorescence.


System integration with CellVoyager CQ1

System integration with CQ1

Measurement Procedure


Stage Incubator

The stage heater controls the temperature, humidity, and CO₂ / O₂ concentration of the sample environment to maintain the incubation environment and enable time-lapse imaging.Using 3D time-lapse imaging, detailed reactions of intracellular organelles and dynamic movements such as cell migration can be captured and analyzed without missing a beat.Combined with a special gas mixer, time-lapse imaging is possible for up to 72 hours.

Controllable temperature range Room temperature +5 – +17 ℃, Max. 40 ℃
Settable temperature resolution 0.1℃
Temperature stability < ±1 ℃
(Setting: 37 ℃, room temperature: 23 ℃ ± 2 ℃, measured point: center and 4 corners of 96 wells microplate)
Time to stabilize temperature 1 hour
Humidit Humidifier with a water bath unit Manual water supply (No automatic water supply)

The gas mixer for CellVoyager

 The gas mixer for CellVoyagerTM CQ1

Analysis software (Option)

High content analysis system CellPathfinder*1        Click Here For More Info!

  • Preset analysis menus for a variety of applications
  • Flexible graph functions to display analysis results
  • Direct link between chart and object imageMachine learning


Machine learning

Software learns the features of the sampleobjects collected by users.

3D analysis


Label-free analysis
DPC*2 function is a powerful tool to analyze unstained bright field samples.


*1 Optional software
*2 Digital phase contrast

Example of setup

Example of setup


Item Specifications
Optics Microlens enhanced dual wide Nipkow disk confocal,
Phase contrast (Optional add-on)
Laser/Filter Laser : Choose 2-4 lasers from 405/488/561/640nm,
10-position Filter wheel (built-in)
Camera sCMOS 2000×2000pixel, 13.0×13.0mm
Objective lens Max.6 lenses
(Dry: 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x Long working distance: 20x, 40x
Phase contrast: 10x, 20x )
Sample vessel Microplate (6, 24, 96, 384 well), Slide glass,
Cover glass chamber, Dish (35, 60mm)
XY stage High-precision XY stage, designated resolution 0.1µm
Z focus Electric Z motor, designated resolution 0.1µm
Autofocus Laser autofocus, Software autofocus
Feature data Number of cells/cellular granules, Intensity, Volume, Surface area, Area, Perimeter, Diameter, Sphericity, Circularity, etc
Data format Measurement data format: Original format (CQ1 format, CV8000 format), captured image format (16bit TIFF - OME-TIFF format)
Output image format: TIFF (16bit, 8bit), PNG, JPEG
Output video format: WMV, MP4
Output numerical format: FCS, CSV, ICE
Fast time-lapse (Option) Selectable from Max.100fps or Max.20fps
Workstation Measurement and analysis workstation
Gas Mixer (Option) Long-time model : CO2 concentration  5 - 18 %
Hypoxia model : CO2 concentration  5 - 20 %, O2 concentration  0.1 - 18 %
Size/weight Main unit : 600×400×437mm 44kg
Utility box : 275×432×298mm 18kg
Gas Mixer (Option) Long-time model : 275 x 432 x 298mm, 9.3kg
Gas Mixer (Option) Hypoxia model : 160 x 260 x 187mm, 5.2kg
Environment Main unit and Utility box : 15 - 35℃, 20 - 70 % RH No condensation
Gas Mixer (Option) Long-time model : 15 - 30℃, 20 - 70%RH No condensation
Gas Mixer (Option) Hypoxia model : 20 - 30℃, 10 - 85%RH No condensation
Power consumption Main unit and Utility box : 100-240VAC 800VAmax, Workstation : 100-240VAC 950VAmax
Gas Mixer (Option) Long-time model : 100 - 240 VAC, 60 VAmax
Gas Mixer (Option) Hypoxia model : 100 - 240 VAC, 50 VAmax

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Cenibra GmbH
Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Netherlands

Image Solutions, Ltd.

Image Solutions(UK), Ltd. 
UK and Ireland



Accela s.r.o.,

Accela s.r.o.,,
Czech, Slovak, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria

Kem-En-Tec Nordic A/S

Kem-En-Tec Nordic A/S,
Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway


North America




Republic of Korea (South Korea)

CHAYON Laboratories

CHAYON Laboratories
Republic of Korea (South Korea)



De Novo Software

De Novo Software
(product name: FCS Express Image Cytometry)


FCS Express Image Cytometry

De Novo Software has been developing flow cytometer data analysis solutions since 1998. Our flagship product, FCS Express™, is world-renowned as a robust, and easy to use flow and image cytometry data analysis application. De Novo Software offers a dedicated image analysis and reporting package for Image Cytometry to improve your workflow and results while giving you access to single cell results evening with high content screening data. FCS Express Image cytometry is directly compatible with the Yokogawa CQ1 quantitative image cytometer through the .ICE file format which enables quick import, analysis, and reporting of your results in FCS Express.


Application Note
Application Note

Cell clusters are directly measured with high-throughput 3D imaging Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer

Application Note
Application Note

The CQ1 confocal image acquisition mechanism with the distinctive CSU® unit has a function to sequentially acquire fine cell images along the Z-axis and capture information from the entire thickness of
cells which include heterogenic populations of various cell cycle stages. In addition, saved digital images can be useful for precise observation and analysis of spatial distribution of intracellular molecules.
The CQ1 capability to seamlessly analyze images and obtain data for things such as cell population statistics to individual cell morphology will provide benefits for both basic research and drug discovery
targetingM-cell cycle phase.

Application Note

Cell stage categorized using FucciTime lapse imaging of Fucci-added Hela cells was conducted over 48 hrs at 1 hr intervals. Gating was performed based on the mean intensities of 488 nm and 561 nm for each cell. They were categorized into four stages, and the cell count for each was calculated.

Application Note
Yokogawa Technical Report
1.0 MB

List of Selected Publications : CQ1



YOKOGAWA will contribute to technology evolution particularly in measurement and analytical tools to help build a world where researchers will increasingly focus on insightful interpretation of data, and advancing Life Science to benefit humanity.


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