Webinar: Agile Project Execution - Evolving Automation Technology & Changing Project Execution

Dates: Sep 2, 2020
Location: WebEx Online | 12:00 PM
Website: https://yokogawa.webex.com/yokogawa/onstage/g.php?MTID=eb5bb5550c075c1e01f489c57fda1d9a3

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Process automation is undergoing major changes, driven by User’s desire for technological advances from the main automation system integrators in the industry. Representatives from different industries are driving vendors like Yokogawa to re-evaluate how large-scale automation projects are implemented.

As a result, Yokogawa have developed the “Agile Project Execution” which is a new delivery method to leverage a collection of technologies, tools and processes that allow greater execution flexibility to identify and mitigate automation project risk to avoid unnecessary changes during execution phase.

This Webinar will explain Yokogawa’s vision on Project Execution addressing the challenges for Automation projects and Introducing the necessary methodologies and the technologies combined with Project Execution processes designed to create the greatest possible value.
