Response Center Europe
Located in Amersfoort, The Netherlands, the Response Center Europe (RCE), established in 1985 as Regional Office (RO), supports Yokogawa products and systems throughout Europe.
Throughout Europe all services are provided by wholly owned subsidiaries of Yokogawa Europe B.V. supported by the Response Center Europe. All have the responsibility to manage, plan and schedule, co-ordinate, analyse and improve, execute and document all maintenance and upkeep operations in the field of instrumentation.
Wholly owned subsidiary service Centers of Yokogawa Europe are active in the following countries:
- Belgium
- Central and East Europe
- France
- Germany
- Iberia (Spain and Portugal)
- Italy
- Netherlands
- United Kingdom
Other European countries are supported from bycated representatives in the country. Please go to the European contact page to contact one of the subsidiaries in or closest to your country. For general information on Support & Services please contact us
Service Policy
Yokogawa's mission for European Customer support services is to minimise the total cost of ownership supplied by and/or under the supervision of Yokogawa. The Yokogawa Service Centers have the function and full responsibility to provide the after sales service for Yokogawa products and systems supplied to the world and to satisfy the customer by fulfilling their request.
Challenges for Customers
How can we further achieve efficient plant maintenance by realizing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to its full potential?
As companies today need to embrace multiple challenges - the increasing number of remote plants, the aging workforce, and the integration of systems - these lead to critical issues such as:
- High mean time to recovery (MTTR) especially in remote plants
- High total cost of ownership (TCO) due to reactive and plant-by-plant approached maintenance
- High operational risk due to complexity and lack of visibility of the process control domain (PCD)
While companies will benefit from the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to resolve these issues, the connected network must be fully secured to protect plant operations increasing cyber threats.

Our Solutions
Secured Remote Solution will provide secured and controlled access to critical, actionable data at anytime and from anywhere.
Emergency Recovery
Yokogawa professionals will provide immediate and accurate solutions, contributing to the minimization of mean time to recovery (MTTR).
Asset Inventory and Monitoring
Provides remote monitoring and management for preventive and predictive maintenance, improving the overall asset effectiveness throughout the plant lifecycle.
Remote Operation and Engineering
Enables remote operation and engineering by plant engineers from a remote, centralized control room, leading to efficient plant operation, ultimately saving time and cost.
Remote Security Update
Automates and standardizes the delivery and management of vendor-approved Windows operating system patches and antivirus signature updates.
Help Desk for Incident Response
The worldwide network of Yokogawa Response Center and Security Help Desk provides 24/7/365 support, contributing to the reduction of downtime.
Customer Benefits
Secured Remote Solutions improves operational resilience, while reducing risks and the total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Improves availability through significant reduction of mean time to Recovery (MTTR) achieved by emergency support from Yokogawa professionals, and constant monitoring and management of plant assets.
- Reduces operational risk by increasing visibility and situational awareness for cyber security maturity and compliance.
- Reduces total cost of ownership (TCO) by centralized management and remote monitoring, and optimization of skilled work force enabled by remote access.

Enabling Technology
Yokogawa is committed to continuous improvement - constantly innovating and staying agile by adopting state-of-the-art technology - to fend off the constant evolving of cyber security threats and ensure the safety and security of the remote connection.
Security Competence Laboratory
The Security Competence Laboratory is responsible for the verification of the latest security technology and providing best practices as the Yokogawa global security standard.
Secured Network and Security Measures
Secure connection is assured by the latest security technology such as stringent access control, secure encryption communication, safe and foolproof user authentication, and security by access monitoring.
By reducing distance and time, issues related to operation and maintenance are resolved.
Remote Maintenance Service
This service allows us to remotely connect to the customer’s system in order to gather critical trouble information and to carry out the necessary troubleshooting measures. Since it is possible to advance an investigation before the arrival of an engineer, YOKOGAWA reduces the lead time required for troubleshooting.
Recovery Support Service
By using the KVM switch*, a YOKOGAWA service personnel can help support the customer’s recovery process by sharing the same screen.
Also, YOKOGAWA can respond to trouble indicated on the screen display or with the software.
* The KVM switch allows remote sharing of Keyboard, Video and Mouse.
System Monitoring Service / Installation Environment Monitoring Service
By gathering maintenance and environmental information, YOKOGAWA can check the symptoms of any trouble factors. The gathered data is analyzed and evaluated, and is periodically submitted as a report. This report can be utilized for maintenance planning throughout the system’s lifecycle.
Remote Operation
Through the VPSRemote infrastructure, a confirmation of its operation status or engineering can be carried out from the customer HQ or mother factory. Remote operation has a direct impact such as reducing the lead time of administrative support, reduction of travel expenses to remote locations or cutting man-hour costs.
Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) convergence to deliver secured remote solutions across the manufacturing operation
- Manage with situational awareness for security maturity and compliance
- Provide simplified security management with lower complexity
- Ensure consistency across individual plants/sites

Industry Challenges
Process industries face continuous competition in enhancing productivity and efficiency, improving plant asset availability, avoiding unplanned outages, and managing plant safety. These industry users also face a wide range of operational challenges in cybersecurity as a pervasive threat to safety and availability. Most companies take a relatively simplistic plant-by-plant approach in implementing operating system security patches and anti-virus pattern file updates. As a result, security levels tend to vary at each plant.
As a leader in mission-critical plant automation systems, Yokogawa has established various Operational Technology (OT) solutions to address the variety of demands in process control operations. Industrial markets seek to further leverage these solutions with Internet-based technologies, but without the potential pitfalls. Through integration with the Industrial Internet-Of-Things (IIoT) into Yokogawa enterprise solutions, users can even further reduce critical asset downtime, improve plant productivity as well as speed of response and service.
Overview of Solution Capabilities

- Asset Inventory
Enables automated collection of asset information within the Process Control Domain - Remote Access Control
Provides secured and controlled access management to the Process Control Domain for internal and external users, including external networks - Operating System Security Patches
Enables the delivery of vendor-approved Windows operating system patches - Anti-virus Signature
Enables the delivery of vendor-approved anti-virus signature updates - Event Logs
Enables the collection of system and security event logs from Windows based assets - Global Cybersecurity Governance
Establishes and enhances organizational governance of cybersecurity through consistent application and plant compliance
OT and IT Collaboration Contributes to Industrial Needs
By collaborating with Cisco, a leading global IT network and security supplier, Yokogawa aims to provide a solid foundation for a secured and controlled platform, combining Cisco strengths in proactive system monitoring and related security services. With this platform, Yokogawa will continue delivering high value OT applications to meet industrial automation needs. These are applicable to plants of all sizes in a wide variety of industries. These collaborated solutions also offer customer a performance driven Service Level Agreement and flexible commercial consumption model to meet business needs.
Sustainability to Meet Business Needs
To ensure that delivered solutions continuously meet plant needs, a customer help desk jointly operated by Yokogawa and Cisco is available 24/7/365 to manage solution related incidents. Real-time and proactive monitoring capabilities enable the centralized management of plant security.This professional managed service is SSAE16 approved, ensuring high quality managed services provided to customers.With help desk insight and varied analysis of critical plant assets, Yokogawa and Cisco can proactively prevent unnecessary downtime.
Secured remote solutions provide a wide range of benefits across the entire manufacturing operation:
- Situational awareness of security compliance within various parts of the operation
- Simplified security management, lower complexity and consistency across sites, leading to optimized total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Enhance security and compliance on a per-site basis as well as using state-of-the-art technology through standardized interfaces and capabilities

COVID, de dalende olieprijs en de vergrijzing zorgen voor een onstabiel economisch klimaat. In deze recording bespreekt Hans Hennekam 3 klant cases om hier flexibiel op in te kunnen spelen, de uptime verhogen, kosten verlagen en de veiligheid verbeteren.
IIoT staat niet stil. Zeker niet nu COVID als een accelerator werkt. Kunt u de ontwikkelingen nog bijhouden? JOIN vertelt samen met René Hugens, Manager Industry 4.0 van OCI Nitrogen aan de hand van praktijkervaringen hoe u eindeloze mogelijkheden creëert.
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