Totale integratie-oplossing
Collaborative Information Server (CI Server) past zich aan uw veranderende bedrijfsomgeving aan om nieuwe waarde te creëren
De CI Server van Yokogawa maakt onmiddellijke verbetering van de productie-efficiëntie mogelijk door middel van digitale transformatie en vermindering van operationeel onderhoud terwijl een digitaal transformatie framework wordt opgebouwd.
Latest Release Information
Yokogawa Releases Collaborative Information Server R1.02
In CI Server R1.02, Yokogawa is start providing CI Server in a platform as a service* (PaaS) format together with Yokogawa Cloud, software licenses, and maintenance. The combination of CI Server and Yokogawa Cloud ensures a high security environment, more flexibility, and enhancing collaboration capability.
*The provision of a platform consisting of hardware, an operating system, and other components that runs software applications in the cloud. A PaaS includes the installation of all the hardware resources necessary for the deployment of CI Server in the cloud.
- Lower cost project implementation and swift project launch
Running CI Server in a cloud environment enables a reduction in the number of PCs in the plants. This eliminates the need for design and configuration work necessary for hardware setup and shortens project development. - Safe and efficient operation
Running CI Server on Cloud environment would contributes in minimizing hardware maintenance and response time to changes for operating environment; such as sever capacity increase.
Verandert individuele optimalisatie in datagestuurde optimalisatie
Fabrieken zijn vaak verspreid over afgelegen basislocaties. Deze locaties kunnen meerdere fabrieken bevatten, elk met hun eigen apparatuur en apparaten, die gebruik maken van verschillende systemen voor het uitvoeren van management- en operationele taken op basis van hun specifieke functionaliteit. Elk apparaat en systeem kan op zijn beurt weer verbinding maken met een verscheidenheid aan apparaten.
De Collaborative Information Server integreert deze complexe hiërarchie om kritische procesgegevens te ontsluiten die nodig zijn voor datagedreven optimalisatie.
Digitale transformatie (DX) uitdagingen voor Industrie 4.0
Veel industrieën worden geconfronteerd met problemen zoals ingewikkelde grondstoffen, een personeelsbestand dat met pensioen gaat en een afname van geschoolde arbeidskrachten als gevolg van geglobaliseerde toeleveringsketens en de diversificatie van productbehoeften.
De eerste stap in de digitale transformatie is "digitalisering" van de fabriek. Dit vereist dat een enorme hoeveelheid gegevens op elke locatie en in elke fabriek wordt omgezet in informatie met toegevoegde waarde die kan worden gebruikt voor fabrieksactiviteiten; met andere woorden, "informatisering" van gegevens. Zonder dit mechanisme zou het uiterst ingewikkeld en moeilijk zijn om de transformatie naar algemene en datagestuurde optimalisatie te realiseren.
Problemen oplossen met Collaborative Information Server
Om deze uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden, moeten we een duidelijker inzicht krijgen in onze fabrieken door ze te digitaliseren. Dit betekent dat de enorme hoeveelheid gegevens van de verschillende locaties en fabrieken moet worden geïnformatiseerd om er waarde aan toe te voegen. Zonder dit mechanisme zou het uiterst ingewikkeld en moeilijk zijn om de transformatie naar algemene optimalisatie te verwezenlijken.
Door de verschillende gegevens en informatie van de productie en het bedrijf in de afzonderlijke fabrieken gecombineerd te beheren, kan Collaborative Information Server systeemintegratie tot stand brengen en de bewaking van het bedrijf combineren met de vele systemen (zoals DCS en apparatuurbeheersystemen) die samen de fabrieken vormen. Het resultaat is dat u systemen, apparatuur en apparaten in de verschillende fabrieken op een site kunt combineren.
Door elke site op een gecentraliseerde manier te beheren met een hiërarchische structuur die geschikt is voor elke rol, bevoegdheid en verantwoordelijkheidsgebied, kunt u geconsolideerde operaties bevorderen met een vogelperspectief van het hele bedrijf.
Collaborative Information Server-gebaseerde optimalisatie integreert uw fabrieksactiviteiten:
Integreer apparatuur, systemen en apparaten om inzicht te krijgen in het totale productiegebied
Verbeter uw activiteiten door de totale productie te optimaliseren
Gerelateerde brochure
CI Server wordt ook ingezet als platform voor Smart Manufacturing.
Voor meer informatie over de smart manufacturing oplossingen van Yokogawa en de industrieën waar smart manufacturing kan worden gerealiseerd, download u onze brochure waarin u meer leest over de uitdagingen, oplossingen en voordelen van smart manufacturing in de procesindustrie.
Remote operations deliver efficiency and productivity
To achieve both efficient operations and increased productivity throughout, collaboration between all parties is essential—namely, between on-area operators and management, specialists in each field located far from sites, and each business division.
However, such specialists cannot always be present at remote areas and sites, so a higher-level view is important to remotely operate each site and plant seamlessly.
The Collaborative Information Server facilitates the connection between geographically distributed plants and processes, and presents the operations into a central location. This provides on-site and office personnel members a clear view of all aspects of production in real time. You can increase productivity and operational stability with higher efficiency through remote operations and collaboration of connected business personnel.
Remote operation and monitoring
Client operation and monitoring screens can be browser-based (HTML5) for remote access.
The client supports PCs, tablets, and smartphones, ideal for remote operations.
For example, specialists and production managers at HQ can provide smooth, targeted support to field operators located far away. This hassle-free ability to cover the need for specialized knowledge and skill without dispatching personnel from the headquarters saves labor and increases the autonomy of your plants.
Web-based solutions come with concerns about security threats such as network-based attacks, direct attacks from terminals, and data leaks, but Yokogawa protects against these.
Enterprise engineering
Centralized Engineering is realized using web-based technology, allowing the distributed the Collaborative Information Server databases to be configured and synchronized from a central location, drastically reducing engineering time associated with managing distributed architectures.
Multi-user functionality is incorporated by design, allowing local or geographically distributed personnel to operate and engineer the system online without disturbing the operational system.
Enterprise IT/OT convergence
The Collaborative Information Server makes it possible to integrate the plant floor horizontally bringing in critical process information from industrial equipment and sensors simultaneously.
This information is seamlessly transported vertically to upper-layer systems for visualization and analytics purposes, using built in industry standard communication standards such as OPC UA, MQTT & ODBC.
The Collaborative Information Server delivers highly reliable system integrated management because in addition to incorporating the process data acquired and monitored at plants by DCS, production and geographically distributed production systems, and other integrated control systems, it can acquire data from devices and systems that manage various equipment and installations, store this huge amount of data long-term, and provide server redundancy.
It also supports the IEC 61850 communication standard, and achieves measurement field (continuous control, DCS) and electric field (sequence control, PLC) integration. Through such EI (electric-instrument) integration, both electronics and measurement can be centrally run and operated simultaneously at all manufacturing sites, which advances the integration and construction of a comprehensive system for running and operating facilities and equipment.
Supported communication standards and protocols
- IEC 60870-5
- IEC 61850
- DNP 3
- Modbus
Available communication drivers
- Yokogawa Electric Vnet/IP driver (CENTUM VP, ProSafe-RS connection)
- STARDOM FCN driver
- FA-M3 driver
- Rockwell Automation driver
- Siemens driver
- Emerson driver
- RTU protocol driver
- MELSEC driver
- Omron FINS driver etc.
Supercharge operations by optimizing overall production
It’s not just a matter of managing individual operations and manufacturing at a plant.
To increase production efficiency and implement continuous improvement company wide requires acquisition and storage of diverse operational data (OT data) including quality information related to the plant’s production.
To realize the benefits of the captured information, data informatization is required. The Collaborative Information Server fuses the operational and informational data (IT/OT convergence) and seamlessly links it to sophisticated algorithms AI that transform it into actionable feedback for production plants.
Each plant runs a variety of equipment, systems, and devices, which involves an extremely large amount of raw data that is difficult to use for increasing production efficiency and continuous improvement activities.
By mutually associating data on manufacturing, quality, equipment operating rates, and other processes, and then organizing those associations, for the first time you can see the big picture of your plants and analyze it for future improvements.
With the Collaborative Information Server, not only can you operate plants and manage production, but you can also transform the large variety of data related to those activities into a form that adds value: you can “informatize” that data.
Beyond simply acquiring and storing data, the Collaborative Information Server provides these as a data model for wider use in optimizing your overall plant production and improving operations. And when you link up integrated production control and safety systems, your data and models are always updated with information that is continuously acquired on operational changes and external phenomena. While ensuring plant operation fundamentals such as safety and stability, you can also start focusing more on operational profitability, revenues, and flexibility.
Enable AI and digital twin for convert information into executable action
The Collaborative Information Server acquires and stores process (OT) data from the manufacturing sites, and also enables you to process that “big data” into a state suitable for your purposes and applications.
By linking with AI you can derive algorithms for optimal control logic and procedures, and then use a digital twin to verify whether those algorithms function effectively. By feeding back verified algorithms to manufacturing sites through the Collaborative Information Server, the system can continuously optimize itself throughout the plant lifecycle.
Repeating this cycle improves plant operation and overall efficiency, and improves corporate profitability. It optimizes general production and achieves even better operations throughout.
For example:
- For production sites, link with quality improvement software that stabilizes and optimizes production processes and procedures.
- Use AI and machine learning to predict equipment and device failures, and for judgment support of maintenance work.
- Coordinate management targets (KPIs) across organizations for the process industry from the plant area level to the management and corporate level.
- Utilize web applications that provide market predictions, weather forecasts, or geographical data (GIS: geographical information systems)
Effective communication across organizational levels
The data and information that people need can differ depending on their roles, authority, and fields of responsibility in the company.
The Collaborative Information Server contextualizes and presents information in real time to suit the individual user profile, such as of an operator and technician.
You can ascertain the conditions at plants within each site and the data that affects those conditions in real time, and this enables flexible responsiveness and decision-making. By taking timely and targeted action in each situation, you will realize integrated operations with optimization throughout.
TSE proposed to customer a floating solar PV system that floats in water storage pond, cooling ponds, and wastewater ponds in the plant.
Yokogawa's CI Server and FA-M3 PLC contribute to the production of clean power for the plant.
Collaborative Information Server (CI Server) maakt onmiddellijke verbetering van de productie-efficiëntie mogelijk door middel van DX (digitale transformatie) en vermindering van operationeel onderhoud, terwijl een digitaal transformatie framework wordt opgebouwd.
Yokogawa virtualization system is optimized for process control to satisfy the quality and performance requirements of process control, and achieve operations similar to existing systems using physical computers.
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