Exceptionally reliable control technology that responds quickly to changes in management and operations and establishes the foundation needed for high efficiency, high quality, safety, and stability in plant operations
With our proven control technology, we offer a range of automation, efficient control strategies, innovative architectures, and other solutions. This enables a rapid response to dramatic changes in the demands of the marketplace, and allows operations that lead the global competition.
Control and Safety System
Control and safety instrumented systems that support high efficiency, high quality, and safe plant operations. We provide solutions that support long-term stable production and enable a flexible and prompt response to changes in the business environment.
Control Improvement Software
A group of software packages that provide a more precise understanding of the state of processes and facilities and ensure an appropriate response to state changes. These solutions provide support for the continuous improvement of production operations.
Control Devices
Robust and user-friendly controllers for a wide range of control applications that ensure the highly reliable operation of production equipment and help to improve product quality and productivity.
Quality Control System
Solutions for the online measurement of the thickness, weight, and color of paper, film, and battery electrode sheets. In addition to improving quality, these solutions enhance productivity by improving yield and energy efficiency.
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