The TDLS8200 Probe Type is the newest addition to Yokogawa’s Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer product lineup. It features all of the previous industry-leading features of Yokogawa’s TDLS analyzers for process efficiency and safety improvement etc., but now with the ability to measure O2, CO, and CH4 with a single device and from a single installation point.
Yokogawa’s developers talk about their thoughts on the development of the TDLS8200:
- Why did we start this project?
- What was the challenge and enjoyment on designing?
- How do we assure the safety and satisfaction of our clients?
- What unique features make it easy to install?
- What measurement value is it bringing to the industry?
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Probe type Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer TDLS8100/TDLS8200
TDLS heeft een hoge snelheid meting en reactie, bemonstering is niet nodig, de installatie hoeft slechts aan een zijde, de installatiekosten zijn met de helft verminderd en het kan gemakkelijk worden uitgewisseld met bestaande apparatuur.