Emerald seals European DCS migration project with framework agreement Yokogawa
Recently, Yokogawa was awarded a significant DCS and safety migration project order by Emerald Kalama Chemical B.V. in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. As well as being awarded this project, a European framework agreement has also been signed between Yokogawa and Emerald Kalama Chemical B.V.
Headquartered in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Emerald Performance Materials LLC, produces and markets technologically advanced specialty chemicals broad range of food and industrial applications worldwide. Their, which include a variety of food and industrial applications are used to manufacture products of daily consumption and enables them to last longer and perform better.
The “Great Migration Project” of Emerald Kalama Chemical B.V. covers the replacement of an obsolete non-Yokogawa Distributed Control System (DCS) to a Yokogawa Centum VP DCS. Yokogawa’s Centum VP will operate in the Phenol and Shaping factories and the ProSafe-RS, a Safety Integrity System (SIS) will replace the old system in the MP3 Batch plant. on the Phenol and the Shaping factories, and the replacement of the DCS and Safety Integrity System (SIS) at the MP3 Batch plant by Yokogawa’s Centum VP DCS and ProSafe-RS system.
Frank Knobbe, Account Manager - Yokogawa
Many customers facing a migration project initially start with the idea to move on with a “like for like” approach. However, there is a clear tendency in today’s market to focus more on increasing productivity, operational efficiency, human reliability, safety as well as reduction of emissions and energy consumption. A migration project offers the unique momentum to reconsider the migration strategy related to these topics. It will also aid in implementing opportunities that offers immediate benefits and contributes to profitability and sustainability.
Yokogawa’s answer to real time market challenges and needs is called “value-added migration”. Lead by Yokogawa’s VigilantPlant Solutions consultants, these opportunities are identified early on in the specification phase of the project; bridging the gap between the operational and business divisions within a production facility. Yokogawa’s approach caught the attention from Emerald and in close cooperation, the most critical opportunities were listed and included in the base bid.
Besides the DCS and Safety scope of supply, the final project comprised of the following:
- A state-of-the-art Asset Management solution to ensure maximum Asset Utilization.
Advanced Decision Support (ADS),composed of Alarm Management and Advanced Operator Graphics was made available to assist operators in improving human reliability, and making the right decisions in times of increased stress.. These instances may occur during the initial stages of operation or during abnormal conditions, which will be able to ensure safe and efficient plant controls
- Loop tuning solution for stable plant operation and throughput maximization.
Furthermore, Emerald awarded Yokogawa as Project Management Consultant; an opportunity to manage the E&I contractor, Stork. With this “one-stop shop” approach, Emerald’s resources will be relieved from copious amounts of additional work and enable them to focus on a safe production.
Oscar Schoordijk – Buyer & Contract Manager – Emerald:
Besides the award of the project, Emerald and Yokogawa signed a frame agreement containing far-reaching arrangements and commitments between both parties. Such an agreement offers many advantages and transparency related to pricing, discounts, delivery conditions and payment terms.
The frame agreement is applicable to Emerald European facilities with an option for global utilization; a concept Yokogawa has implemented in the past with other customers.
Will de Groot, Vice President Sales & Marketing - Yokogawa:
“We are happy to have been selected by Emerald for this frame agreement. We are also excited about executing Emerald’s production facilities in Rotterdam. Our company recently opened an office in Rotterdam; therefore we can support Emerald with our services from just around the corner.
Also, there are some great similarities between Emerald and Yokogawa: both companies are operating globally and both are market leaders with a drive for innovation and growth. The signing of this frame agreement signals our long-term commitment towards each other.
The vision of Yokogawa’s plant automation service to Emerald is based on simplification, standardization and optimization, with the goal of doing it smart and effective. “
Bill Castleberry - Global Sourcing Director – Emerald:
“I have been in business over 44 years and I’ve dealt with multiple DCS vendors before, but I have never seen one going through the processes so quickly and at the same time having a mutual understanding between the engineering firm and other involved parties. The collaboration has worked out very well so far. Everything has been running smoothly and we are excited to be working together in the future. We’re definitely impressed by Yokogawa.”
Chemische fabrieken zijn afhankelijk van continu- en batch-productieprocessen die elk verschillende eisen stellen aan een besturingssysteem. Een continu proces vereist een robuust en stabiel besturingssysteem dat niet faalt en de productielijn doet stilvallen. Bij een batchproces ligt de nadruk ligt op een besturingssysteem dat een grote flexibiliteit biedt bij het aanpassen van o.a. formules en procedures. Beide soorten systemen moeten worden beheerd naar aanleiding van de productiegeschiedenis rond de kwaliteit van het product, en in staat zijn om niet-routinematige werkzaamheden uit te voeren. Met een uitgebreide productportfolio, ervaren systeemingenieurs en wereldwijde verkoop- en servicenetwerk heeft Yokogawa een oplossing voor elk fabrieksproces.