Air purging is required for electrode unit and liquid pump by air pump or compressor air (industrial air). It is required to protect electrode from chlorine gasses which will affect the metal parts.
Gerelateerde producten & oplossingen
Liquid Analyzer for Turbidity and Chlorine FLXA402T
The FLXA402T is the next-generation analyzer for the Turbidity detector and Chlorine sensor. The FLXA402T can connect up to two sensors of Turbidity, Chlorine, pH, and Conductivity, with digital communications availability.
Reagent Type Residual Chlorine Sensor Unit RC800D
The RC800D is a next-generation digital Turbidity analyzer and connect to FLXA402T. The RC800D can measure free chlorine or residual chlorine (total chlorine). It is suitable for free chlorine measurement under challenging and residual chlorine measurement.
Troebelheid / chloor SMART sensor voor waterzuiveringsinstallaties
Het SENCOM 4.0 technologieplatform geeft u meer inzicht met betrouwbare metingen door digitale communicatie. Dit is uitgebreid met technologieën voor troebelheidsmeting en chorinemeting.