Asset Health Insights:A Unified Solution to Asset Performance Management for Transforming Operations

Asset Health Insights is a cloud-based asset monitoring service that collects, refines, and aggregates Operational Technology (OT) data from distributed assets. The service connects any asset with sensors from anywhere helping organizations manage large, asset-intensive operations to increase efficiency and reduce downtime.

Gerelateerde producten & oplossingen

  • OpreX Asset Health Insights

    Uniforme cloudgebaseerde assetmanagement- en monitoringservice om ongeplande downtime te elimineren en de operationele efficiëntie te verhogen.

  • Asset Performance Management

    Met APM creëren we een omgeving die dwarsdoorsnede-analyses van de proces- en assetdata mogelijk maakt. De professionele consultants van Yokogawa en KBC geven passende suggesties voor verbetering vanuit zowel zakelijk- als productieperspectief.

  • Yokogawa Cloud

    Yokogawa Cloud is a industrial transformation and IoT platform to accelerate the development and deployment of industrial cloud applications. Yokogawa engineers platform applications and solutions on behalf of customers. It supports the ingestion, processing, and curation of data from various sources, provides industry-specific algorithms and models and integrates across applications to support insightful decision-making and higher levels of automation.

