Waterbronnen zijn eindig en daarom is het bijdragen aan een duurzame watercyclus een van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG's). Yokogawa levert al jaren geavanceerde digitale besturingsoplossingen voor de stabiele levering van schoon en veilig water en de behandeling van afvalwater ter bescherming van het watermilieu. Maar ook het beheren van waterverliezen en de optimalisatie van de werking van installaties ter vermindering van de CO2-uitstoot en de bedrijfskosten.
Yokogawa ondersteunt een breed scala aan waterbesturingstoepassingen in zowel in waterschappen als de industriële watermarkt. Met onze toonaangevende technologieën, betrouwbare producten, uitgebreide expertise en ervaring met diverse waterprojecten over de hele wereld, werken wij met u samen om duurzame wateroplossingen te bieden die uw bedrijf een impuls geven en waarde toevoegen gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van de installatie.
Yokogawa levert optimale oplossingen om de betrouwbare werking van waterbehandelingsinstallaties te verbeteren. Deze oplossingen omvatten geavanceerde technologieën, onovertroffen productkwaliteit, en uitgebreide applicatie kennis gedurende de gehele levenscyclus.
Bij afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallaties zijn veel apparaten betrokken, zoals motoren, pompen en ventilatoren, waardoor het belangrijk is om het elektriciteitsverbruik te verminderen en de bedrijfskosten te besparen. Yokogawa biedt optimale besturingsoplossingen met digitale technologieën om de energie-efficiëntie te verbeteren.
Industrieel Water
Industrieel water wordt gebruikt in alle industriële installaties, zoals elektriciteitscentrales, raffinaderijen en petrochemische fabrieken. Het enige controleplatform van Yokogawa regelt alle water- en afvalwatercontroleprocessen, geïntegreerd met het hoofdproces.
De vraag naar zeewaterontzilting als een stabiele waterbron is toegenomen. Yokogawa heeft een schat aan ervaring in het aansturen van verschillende typen ontziltingsinstallaties, zoals RO (Reverse Osmosis), MSF (Multi Stage Flash) en MED (Multi Effect Distillation). Ook leveren we geavanceerde oplossingen zoals operator training simulators voor een stabiele werking van de installatie.
Waterleidingen spelen een belangrijke rol bij het transport van water uit waterbronnen, met name in droge gebieden waar sprake is van snelle industrialisatie en bevolkingsgroei. Yokogawa levert oplossingen voor pijpleidingbesturing over afstanden tot 600 km.
Een kritiek punt voor een waterdistributienetwerk is waterlekkage uit de leidingen. Yokogawa levert oplossingen voor het beheersen van waterverliezen, om de verliezen in het waterdistributienetwerk te minimaliseren.
Securing the Stable and Reliable Operation in Your Entire Process
Investing in Yokogawa industrial automation is only the start of step-change improvements to your plant’s efficiency and productivity. Yokogawa’s control and instrumentation solutions are critical elements of a water plant’s operation securing the stable and reliable operation in your entire process.
Management Solution Packages
Yokogawa’s management solution packages; “Exapilot” operation efficiency improvement package, “Exaplog” event analysis package, “Exaquantum” plant information management systems, “PRM” plant resource manager, water loss management system, etc., bring you benefits for safer, more stable, optimized, and efficient plant operations in association with the water plant operations.
Full-scale Industrial Plant Control & Operation
Industrial water suppliers are nowadays expanding its control scope not only industrial water supply but also steam, electricity, wastewater treatment and recycle water in order to meet the requirements of industry utility demands.
With its state-of-the-art architecture, the highly reliable CENTUM VP is a core platform of our comprehensive DCS solutions that make it possible for monitoring and controlling the entire Industry multi-utility plant.
Wide Area SCADA/PLC Control Solutions
STARDOM and FA-M3V are open and powerful PLC/RTU systems and enable you to control a variety of water and wastewater facilities distributed over a wide area.
STARDOM and FA-M3V bring you maximum return on your facilities in high availability, large scalability and efficient production in combination with SCADA system “FAST/TOOLS “and Yokogawa's management solution packages.
Evolving Your Plant with Wireless Innovation
Yokogawa’s intelligent field devices a best-in-class and reliable digital solution meets present and future needs in the water industry by providing leading, reliable, interoperable solutions that simplify, maintain and manage the digital life cycle. The Field Digital Solutions ensure true interoperability achieving along with the
benefits of advanced diagnostics in devices such as our EJX series of pressure transmitters.
Liquid Analyzers and Recorders for Reducing Total Cost of Ownership
Yokogawa has provided a wide range of liquid analyzers and recorders with high quality, accurate and reliable products. All of these products are designed
to give you maximum accuracy, stability, safety and reliability, with the objective of reducing your total cost of ownership.
Press Release

September 18 – 20, 2018
Booth B09, White Pavilion of Expo Center Norte,
São Paulo - SP - Brazil

October 17 – 19, 2017
Le-Merdian Hotel,
Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

October 15, 2017
Al Faisaliah Ball Room,
Riyradh, Saudi Arabia

October 2 – 6, 2017
Booth J28, São Paulo Expo,
São Paulo - SP - Brazil

March 22 – 24, 2017
Booth E116, SMX Covention Center,
Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

February 15 – 16 at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

February 12 - 14, 2017
Booth E7, Al-Faisaliah Hotel ,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

November 29 - December 2, 2016
Lyon Eurexpo France,
Lyon, France

September 13-15, 2016
Booth B06, Transamerica Expo Center,
Sao Paulo, Brazil

September 5-8, 2016
Booth 11-589, Atakent Exhibition Center Pavilion11,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Smart idea's for a sustainable future
The exhibition official posted Yokogawa introduction and its commitment in their website.

August 17-18, 2016
Booth 6, Sule Shangri-La,
Yangon, Myanmar

April 26-28, 2016
VDNH Exhibition Centre,
Moscow, Russia

February 7-9, 2016
Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

February 3-5, 2016
Fontana Convention Hall, Pampanga, Philippines
November 25-27, 2015
Vietnam Exhibition Fair Center (VEFAC), Hanoi, Vietnam
November 19-20, 2015
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
March 25-27, 2015
SMX Convention Center, Pasay City, Philippines

December 2-5, 2014
Lyon Eurexpo, Lyon, France

November 12-14, 2014
Saigon Exhibition & Convention Centre ( SECC )
HCMC, Vietnam
October 26-30, 2013
Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal
IWA Specialist Conference
- Please visit our Booth at Stall-3 in Durbar Hall.
- Please attend our presentation, "Aeration management in consideration with inflow quality of Sewage reactor" at invited presentaion session on October 29.

October 12-14, 2014
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAB
January 17-19, 2014
Jnana Jyothi Auditorium
Bangalore, India

October 16-18, 2013
Saigon Exhibition & Convention Centre ( SECC )
HCMC, Vietnam

June 17-19, 2013
Bahrain International Exhibition Center (BIEC),
Kingdom of Bahrain
The Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD) needed to improve its water supply system to keep up with the growing demand.
Yokogawa installed field instruments at a total of 143 locations in MCWD’s water distribution network and a SCADA system with water leakage management software at the main office to reduce non-revenue water and improve stability of water supply.
- DDMO for the optimization of the air-blowing rate of the aeration tanks
- Interlink between DCS and DDMO to maximize the energy saving effect
RDR operates total 67km long race and supplies irrigation water to vast agricultural land in NZ's South Island.
FAST/TOOLS and STARDOM RTU were selected for management of the race and hydropower systems.
- More than 1,000 field devices designed to the PROFIBUS specifications installed in the state-of-the-art water reclamation plant.
- The high reliability and accuracy of our field devices contributes to the minimization of maintenance costs over the entire plant lifecycle.
- Innovative GEOLIDE waste water treatment complex in Marseille uses CENTUM and Exaquantum.
- The visualization of all data on items such as motor and pump operating time and chemical consumption amount allows operators to optimize key operation items.
DP Level transmitter configuration can be very time consuming. Yokogawa DPharp EJA/EJX Pressure transmitters realize reduction in man hours by smart level setup feature.
Fish perform all their bodily functions in water. Because fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed and grow, excrete wastes, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce, understanding the physical and chemical qualities of water is critical to successful aquaculture. To a great extent water determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.
Monitoring of Soundness of Power Supply Bus Bar (In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications)
Yokogawa DPharp EJA/EJX Pressure transmitters do not need frequent re-zeroing due to superior long term stability, it contributes to reduce maintenance time.
In a batch tank, analyzers such as dissolved oxygen (DO) analyzers, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) meters, and mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) analyzers are used. To reduce the maintenance frequency, measures must be taken to prevent dirt accumulation on the sensor. As the liquid level in a tank can vary greatly, great care should be taken when selecting the sensor installation position in a tank.
Japan's Potable Water Quality Standard was fully revised in 2004, increasing the number of water quality standard items for which tests are required has increased to 50. As items necessary for water quality management, the authority has specified an additional 27 complementary parameters to set the targets for water quality management.
The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.
The discharge of improperly treated industrial chemicals and fuel gas can have a major impact on the environment, posing a serious threat to public health. Concurrent with the global growth of manufacturing operations to keep pace with market trends, many countries are taking measures to deal with environmental problems.
ISA100 Wireless Temperature and Pressure Transmitters
- Gateway x1, Temperature Transmitter (YTA) x1, Pressure Transmitter (EJX) x1
High quality wireless communication confirmed
- Packet Error Rate (PER) is 0 to 2.5%/ 5 days
You can measure and monitor integral flow (total and excess flow). You can also calculate the flow integral and excess usage with computation functions, and generate reports with the Report function. With the Excel template function, you can create templates in a desired report format for creating reports automatically.
Environmental data (water quality, amount of flow) is measured on-site and monitored from an office.
The proliferation of microorganisms and the resultant formation of slime is a problem which commonly occurs in aqueous systems. Problematic slime producing microbes may include bacteria, fungi and/or algae. Slime deposits typically occur in many industrial aqueous systems including cooling water systems, pulp and paper mill systems, petroleum operations, clay and pigment slurries, recreational water systems, air washer systems, decorative fountains, food, beverage, and industrial process pasteurizers, sweetwater systems, gas scrubber systems, latex systems, industrial lubricants, cutting fluids, etc.
Industry:Refining, Food and beverage, Power, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Chemical
By understanding what causes the difficulties in pH measurements and having the proper equipment, stable and accurate pure water pH measurement can be accomplished.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation, one of the leading manufacturers of industrial recorders, put the DAQSTATION DX series stations on the market in 1999, which added information processing and transmission functions to conventional recorders.
In recent years, more field wireless devices have been used in hazardous areas. Meanwhile, in plants that are usually recognized as hazardous areas, there are numerous metallic tanks and pipes that easily shield or reflect radio waves, as discussed later, thus resulting in a poor environment for wireless communication.
For large scale geographically dispersed projects, there may be a hierarchy of individual Process Automation systems, which in turn are each responsible for a specific region, and are managed by a higher level system. Engineering of systems on this scale is a huge challenge, because each individual system has its own database and its own configuration.
As compared to Distributed Control Systems (DCS) such as CENTUM VP that monitors the operations of the overall plant, PRM is a type of Plant Asset Management (PAM) software package that primarily focuses on the maintenance of devices and instruments.
In plant sites, there are various places such as those affording an unobstructed view like tank yards, and others surrounded by metal pipes and equipment obstructing the view (hereafter referred to "pipe jungles"), often seen in oil refinery and chemical on-site plants. The frequency band of radio waves used for field wireless communication is 2.4 GHz, which has high straightness and its ability to go around things can hardly be expected.
Yokogawa has been offering the EXA200 series two- wire liquid analyzer for processes since 1990. This analyzer has been used in various fields including the quality control of raw materials in process plants in the electric power and petrochemical industries, reaction management of products, quality control in waste water facilities, and quality monitoring of river water and tap water.
In recent years, expectations for control systems using wireless communications have been increasing in the process control market. This is because these systems do not require power and communication wiring for field instruments, enabling reduced initial and maintenance costs, and easy installation.
The introduction of wireless into industrial monitoring and control not only reduces wiring and maintenance costs but also expands its applications to include those which are impossible with wired systems, such as monitoring points which have to be given up due to the difficulty of the construction, and monitoring of points on rotating or frequently moved objects.
Assets and operations will have human-like learning and adaptive capabilities, allowing responses without operator interaction to situations within a secure, bounded domain.
Process automation systems are increasingly connected to IT systems and the outside world, introducing cybersecurity concerns, which can be addressed using techniques such as software-defined networking and monitoring services.
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity FU20 2022-11-14 (170 KB)
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity DO71 2022-11-14 (150 KB)
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity PR10 2022-11-14 (140 KB)
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity DO72 2022-11-14 (150 KB)
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity SM23 2022-11-14 (121 KB)
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity SC21 2022-11-14 (146 KB)
For more details, visit "www.yokogawa.com/CL-TB/"
The Yokogawa business vision states that the company endeavors to achieve Net-zero emissions, ensure the Well-being of all, and make a transition to a Circular Economy by 2050.
YOKOGAWA will contribute to technology evolution particularly in measurement and analytical tools to help build a world where researchers will increasingly focus on insightful interpretation of data, and advancing Life Science to benefit humanity.
Smart Water Management System providing clean and safe water.
Yokogawa provides total water management system including Turbidity and Free Chlorine measurement.
For more details, visit "www.yokogawa.com/CL-TB/"
Marcel Kelder van Yokogawa bespreekt hoe Machine Learning wordt gebruikt in een brownfield omgeving voor toegang tot asset informatie ongeacht waar de informatie is opgeslagen en in welk formaat en hoe de integriteit van de assetinformatie wordt vergroot.
IIoT staat niet stil. Zeker niet nu COVID als een accelerator werkt. Kunt u de ontwikkelingen nog bijhouden? JOIN vertelt samen met René Hugens, Manager Industry 4.0 van OCI Nitrogen aan de hand van praktijkervaringen hoe u eindeloze mogelijkheden creëert.
COVID, de dalende olieprijs en de vergrijzing zorgen voor een onstabiel economisch klimaat. In deze recording bespreekt Hans Hennekam 3 klant cases om hier flexibiel op in te kunnen spelen, de uptime verhogen, kosten verlagen en de veiligheid verbeteren.
Laatste Nieuws dec 16, 2022 CDP erkent Yokogawa voor de derde keer met een prestigieuze 'A'-score voor initiatieven en transparantie rond waterzekerheid
De beoordeling weerspiegelt hoe het bedrijf leiderschap blijft tonen door middel van ambitieuze doelstellingen, actie en transparantie met betrekking tot duurzaam waterbeheer.
Persbericht mrt 18, 2022 Onderzoek met Osaka City Waterworks Bureau naar operationele ondersteuning voor waterbehandelings- en distributiefaciliteiten
Onderzoek met Osaka City Waterworks Bureau naar operationele ondersteuning voor waterbehandelings- en distributiefaciliteiten Op basis van Yokogawa’s simulatorgebaseerde training en AI-technologie
Persbericht mrt 25, 2022 Yokogawa Successfully Completes Proof of Concept for Optimization of Operations at US Wastewater Reclamation Facility Producing Potable Water
Project receives Transformational Innovation award from the WateReuse Association
Persbericht mrt 25, 2022 Succesvolle test van Yokogawa voor optimalisatie van werkzaamheden in VS afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallatie die drinkbaar water produceert
Project ontvangt transformerende innovatie prijs van de WateReuse Association
Persbericht okt 28, 2024 Yokogawa gaat sales partnership aan met Sensyn Robotics voor drone-gerelateerde diensten
Voor veilige en efficiënte inspecties van fabrieken en andere infrastructuur over de hele wereld
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