Mijnbouw en metaal

Bij mijnbouw worden waardevolle mineralen of geologische materialen uit de aarde gewonnen. Een rendabele winning vereist vaak een hoge verwerkingscapaciteit en een hoge beschikbaarheid van het proces met lage bedrijfskosten en strenge veiligheids- en milieuvoorschriften.

Nedmag Industries Mining & Manufacturing B.V., Veendam, The Netherlands

Nedmag Industries Mining & Manufacturing B.V., Veendam, Nederland
PRM, FieldMate

  • FDT-technologie geeft gebruikers gecentraliseerde toegang tot alle apparaten.
  • FDT-technologie biedt een gemeenschappelijke omgeving voor het configureren, bedienen of onderhouden van alle apparaten.



Kyushu Mitsui Aluminium uses the UPM100 Power Monitor for its overall factory operations, and the DX1000 Paperless Recorder for its high-purity aluminum refining furnaces.

  • Smooth and safe migration to CENTUM VP enhances production efficiency at major Australian gold mine.
  • The HMI stations instaled at the central control room, training system, primary crusher, workshop, and office are all connected via thesame communication bus.
  • Configuration of complicated procedures in Exapilot leads to operational excellence.
  • DENKA wanted to standardize the operation, reduce workload and prevent operator errors.
  • FDT-technologie maakt centrale toegang tot alle instrumenten mogelijk 
  • Geïntegreerde aanpak leidt tot kostenbesparingen

CENTUM VP was selected to increase production output of a gold refinery in Australia.
The unprecedented reliability and availability of CENTUM ensured zero unplanned downtime.


Maintaining the reliable performance of a furnace fan allows operators to avoid wasting large batches, which sometimes require days of heat-treat processing.


Magnetic Flowmeter dual frequency excitation provides immunity to slurry noise by good stability and accuracy, determining the maintenance timing can be recognized by monitoring of electrodes.


Data critical for quality control in aluminum casting is monitored and recorded by the DX1000/DX2000. Various kinds of data from a holding furnace are batch recorded, and data during occurrence of alarms is recorded separately.


Monitoring of Soundness of Power Supply Bus Bar (In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications)

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A belt conveyor fire detection solution employing the DTSX distributed optical fiber temperature sensor can greatly reduce crises that can threaten a company's survival.


What if you could detect signs of abnormalities in bus ducts (bus bars) quickly during maintenance and inspection work and respond to them at just the right time? Yokogawa DTSX monitoring solution constantly monitors connections that tend to deteriorate over time and contributes by pinpointing abnormality locations and reducing workload of maintenance personnel, helping to ensure stability in plant operations.


With industrial and economic development comes increasingly large and advanced power plants and factories. Nevertheless, we find many cases where the original cables, cable tunnels, and other components of the power infrastructure have languished under continuous operation.


The world of process automation is governed by procedures. While we like to refer to the process industries as being largely "continuous", this could not be further from the truth. Process manufacturing is constantly in flux.


The automation suppliers that will be successful in the long term will be those that effectively address application or industry specific problems for end users with a value proposition that cannot be ignored. These problems exist throughout the process industries today, and they won't be solved by simply offering a product, but through a combination of hardware, software, services, application expertise, and knowledge.


Discovering your Baseline with OT Security Risk Assessment


Cryogenic treatment requires the same types of temperature control as higher range processes, but the methods are different

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Assets and operations will have human-like learning and adaptive capabilities, allowing responses without operator interaction to situations within a secure, bounded domain.


Process automation systems are increasingly connected to IT systems and the outside world, introducing cybersecurity concerns, which can be addressed using techniques such as software-defined networking and monitoring services.




Als je kijkt naar bijvoorbeeld lekdetectie van leidingen, brandbeveiliging in tunnels en het monitoren van hotspots in reactorvaten is meten met glasvezel ideaal. Ontdek in deze Yokogawa productvideo van Berend Heeres en Jorrit Walgien waarom en wat de zeven voordelen zijn van meten met glasvezel.


As a gateway to further expand Yokogawa's messaging as a One-stop Solution Business, Yokogawa has partnered up with INCIT, to introduce the S.I.R.I. framework. 


Marcel Kelder van Yokogawa bespreekt hoe Machine Learning wordt gebruikt in een brownfield omgeving voor toegang tot asset informatie ongeacht waar de informatie is opgeslagen en in welk formaat en hoe de integriteit van de assetinformatie wordt vergroot.


IIoT staat niet stil. Zeker niet nu COVID als een accelerator werkt. Kunt u de ontwikkelingen nog bijhouden? JOIN vertelt samen met René Hugens, Manager Industry 4.0 van OCI Nitrogen aan de hand van praktijkervaringen hoe u eindeloze mogelijkheden creëert.


COVID, de dalende olieprijs en de vergrijzing zorgen voor een onstabiel economisch klimaat. In deze recording bespreekt Hans Hennekam 3 klant cases om hier flexibiel op in te kunnen spelen, de uptime verhogen, kosten verlagen en de veiligheid verbeteren.

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