
Our story

Yokogawa has established the “Three goals” in achieving a sustainable society by the year 2050, together with a transformation of our own business and practices. With an interim milestone of 2030, we have set six areas of contribution, balancing our social and environmental contributions against the need to enhance our corporate value, including ambitious targets for each. Using the strengths cultivated during our long history and a commitment to improvement and self-transformation, Yokogawa is accelerating our contributions in six areas to address social issues.


Sustainability at Yokogawa

As the awareness of crisis regarding social and environmental issues increases, the roles and responsibilities of companies increase. In keeping with the belief that Yokogawa’s raison d'etre is to present solutions that solve environmental and social issues, we have formulated Yokogawa's Purpose, a statement that reads, "Utilizing our ability to measure and connect, we fulfill our responsibilities for the future of our planet." The management will have a strong belief, show leadership and promote sustainability management.

Sustainability Report

Yokogawa's sustainability activities are reported annually.

Yokogawa Sustainability Report

The Yokogawa Sustainability Report discloses the annual results of major social and environmental activities, as well as introducing our efforts and progress toward achieving the Three goals.

2021 Yokogawa Sustainability Report - Click here to download 

2021 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

Yokogawa Report (Integrated report)

The Yokogawa Report discloses information on our initiatives to achieve sustainable growth and enhance mid- to long-term corporate value.
2021 Yokogawa Report - Click here to download 

Sustainability Information

We provide information such as comparison tables with various standards, product life cycle assessment results, and social contribution activities.

Promotion Structure and Governance

We have set up a dedicated department to supervise sustainability promotion activities of the group and incorporate sustainability perspective into our long-term business framework, mid-term business plan and risk management. We have set and perform a management cycle centered on activities that aim to increase value based on sustainability indicators and activities that reinforce the management based on ESG evaluation results.

The Board of Directors regularly discusses the status of sustainability activities and monitors and supervises them with an independent perspective from outside the company.

Latest update date: August 17th, 2022
