The ML2 RS232C/RS485 Converter is plug-in type, RS232C/RS485 dual directional converter. It has two ports of RS232C and RS485, and perform isolation of communication signal, level conversion and active control of driver. ML2 is mainly applicable to connect the equipment with RS485 I/F to RS232C I/F of Personal Computer.
- Built-in 220 ohm terminating resister for RS485 line, and selectable resister with/without by DIP switch.
- Changeover of communication speed by 8 steps, 300 bps to 38,400 bps through rotary switch.
- 3-types of power supply: A 24 V (±10%) DC model, 85 to 132 V AC/85 to 150 V DC model, and 170 to 264 V AC model are available.
Instruction Manuels
- Model ML2 RS232C/RS485 Converter (205 KB)
Général Spécifications
- Model ML2 RS232C/RS485 Converter (136 KB)
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